My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 267: The Fifth Technology, Synthesis!

Chapter 267: The Fifth Technology, Synthesis!

When he had a.n.a.lyzed the workbench, furnace, or even the thermal weapon laser manufacturing machine, all products of the mysterious modular technology, the system had not provided an option to upgrade them from a technological standpoint.

However, when it came to the s.h.i.+pyard, as if hearing Su Mo’s desire, after two ordinary upgrade options were provided, the system displayed a third upgrade option thoughtfully.

[Miniature Modular s.h.i.+pyard (Rare)]

[Description: The foundation of the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p industry and pioneer of modular technology, it manufactured its first series of s.h.i.+ps for Operation s.h.i.+ning Sword.]

[First upgrade option: Aeros.p.a.ce s.h.i.+pyard: Replaces all the missing modules. Strengthens the level of the modular technology’s artificial intelligence. Slightly decreases energy consumption when manufacturing s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps. Slightly increases the level and attributes of the finished product. This upgrade comes with a random set of s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p production blueprints. Survival points required (137500)]

[Second upgrade option: Ocean s.h.i.+pyard: Restructures the miniature s.h.i.+pyard and transforms it into an exclusive modular ocean s.h.i.+pyard. Forfeits the s.h.i.+pyard’s production and access to the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p technology chain. When manufacturing s.h.i.+ps, there is a certain probability of the s.h.i.+p obtaining additional attributes. Enables the function of importing s.h.i.+p blueprint designs, which can be manufactured with the aid of the s.h.i.+pyard’s auxiliary support system. Substantially enhances manufacturing efficiency and accuracy. Survival points required (12800)]

[Third upgrade option: Synthesis ??? s.h.i.+pyard: Comprehensively upgrades the s.h.i.+pyard. Unlocks a new technology chain beyond the current modular technology—synthesis technology. Once the object for synthesis has been specified, the user only needs to input the required energy for the s.h.i.+pyard for production. Production time increases depending on the complexity of the object and the quality of the materials used. As long as sufficient energy is provided, any object may be synthesized over time. Survival points required (35506580), psychic energy crystal (500), complete modular technology chain (1), ?? crystal (50), synthesis core (1)]

[Comment: Theoretically, imagination is the only factor that constrains the development of human technology. Ideas that seem far-fetched to you could possibly have been achieved somewhere else!]

“Synthesis technology?”

“Is synthesis technology actually the fifth technology chain after modular technology?”

“Doesn’t this mean that the game is a product of synthesis technology as well?”

Su Mo looked at the few lines of texts displayed by the system, quickly absorbing the information on it like a dry sponge that had been placed in a bucket of water.

The third upgrade option was more like a sneak peek provided by the system into the benefits that could possibly await him in the future.

“In fantasy novels, things can be created with just a wave of the hand, while in science fiction novels, it seems that energy can replace matter.”

“The third technology chain for humans was 3D printing, and the fourth one was modular technology. It seems that the fifth one, synthesis technology, is even more fantastical.”

“However, modular and synthesis technology are miles apart. What could have possibly taken place to advance technology to such an extent?”

As he obtained more information, Su Mo seemed to be able to draw similarities between this and the mystical and magical miracles that were often depicted in Huaxian mythology.

It was exactly as per the system’s comment, in the general view in modern science, there were only two things that constrained humanity’s development of technology…

Lifespan and…


Watt saw a boiling kettle, and invented the steam engine.

Archimedes discovered the physical law of buoyancy while having a bath.

Newton discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell on his head.

Edward Jenner realized that milkmaids would not catch smallpox, and invented the smallpox vaccine.

Even though Su Mo could not see what had transpired in between the two technological eras, he could make some vague a.s.sumptions based on the system’s description…

During the era of modular technology, there had to be one, or a group of people, whose boundless imagination proposed such a crazy hypothesis.

Which they somehow eventually managed to achieve!

“Could it be that this game panel was created by these people by utilizing synthesis technology?”

As the thought emerged, there was one possibility that appeared in Su Mo’s mind that could not be shaken off—rearing poisonous parasites!

From the perspective of the host, one did not actually want all of the poisonous parasites to die.

On the contrary, he needed all the poisonous parasites to kill each other, and the last surviving one would naturally be the strongest.

“For the people who created this game panel, it’s evident that their ideal final outcome would be to have nurtured the strongest survivor in this wasteland world.”

“It wasn’t hard to figure this part out based on the constant disasters and the design of the game rules that pit each race against each other. However, the problem lies with what comes after.”

“What’s the significance in all of this? Is there a purpose?”

“What role does the system play? In this war of poisonous parasites, the system is obviously at a higher level than the host!”

Su Mo looked at the control panel, and then at the scaffolding. His mind was filled with various thoughts.

There was no need to talk about the power of synthesis technology. If it could transform energy into matter, there was no need to ever worry about food and supplies in the future as long as there was sufficient energy.

This was also the last frontier of energy development, where energy was all one really needed to possess everything.

However, the power of the system was clearly not just limited to this. Based on the description, it seemed that technology that surpa.s.sed synthesis technology could be invented by the system if he just provided it with enough survival points.

“I’ll have to figure out the purpose behind this war or poisonous parasites, otherwise, I’ll end up always being at the mercy of the game.”

“During the ocean disaster this time, after picking up sis, I’m going to test the game’s limits.”

Su Mo did not choose to record this down in the diary, as it would expose his thoughts. He preferred to keep it in his mind, and not fantasize about it.

As for the three types of upgrade options that the system provided, there was no need to think too much about it.

WIth just a thought, 12800 survival points were deducted, and the second upgrade option was selected; the other two upgrade options began to fade away slowly.

Although the first upgrade option with the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p blueprint was tempting to Su Mo, it required too many survival points, which meant that he could not upgrade it within such a short span of time.

Of course, there was no need to hurry. Now that he had the s.h.i.+pyard prototype, he only needed to collect all the materials once again after moving to the new continent, and construct a new s.h.i.+pyard there for the Aeros.p.a.ce s.h.i.+pyard upgrade.

Right now, it was better for him to build a proper level three destroyer; that was the top priority.

After spending the survival points, a blurry green light spread out, as if sensing the presence of outsiders. This time, the upgrade process was a very gentle one.

Under the sunlight at four o’clock in the afternoon, the green light was like a visitor from outer s.p.a.ce, gently attaching itself to every piece of scaffolding and the control panel like a dream.

After five minutes, as the green light vibrated, the control panel that was previously simple began to transform slightly; the colors on it changed drastically.

The grey and black rust faded away, replaced by a silver-grey color that exuded a high-tech feel, complete with three matching connecting screens; it was a sight to behold.

The manually-controlled mechanical lever had transformed into something that resembled a glove.

As for the scaffolding, there seemed to be tiny tentacles growing on them, which were to ensure that the system could control every part of the structure in a timely and efficient manner.

The transformation process was a slow one, but Su Mo was not anxious. Halfway through, he even went to Hope VIllage to inspect their progress, and brought back his dinner in pa.s.sing.

Now that Hope VIllage had been officially established under a complete system of governance, the villagers had high levels of enthusiasm.

Furthermore, with the a.s.sistance of various equipment and tools, along the way up the mountain pathway, a few small platforms had been cleared out.

A few of these small platforms were covered with a thin layer of soil, and were planted with garlic, chilli, and other such vegetables that did not require much nutrients to grow.

Some of the platforms were made into a distillation area in preparation to obtain distilled freshwater during the upcoming ocean disaster.

As for the high ground where everyone would be staying at, there had not been much progress. They were still waiting for the consigned architecture drawing plans to be delivered.

“When the drawing plans arrive, let me take a look at them. You can continue construction work after I make sure that there are no problems with them.”

Su Mo called for Chen Shen and, after giving him a few instructions, he looked at the flouris.h.i.+ng Hope Village and nodded his head in satisfaction. He dawdled on the way down the mountain as he traveled back to the Underground Shelter.

The advantages of clearing out all the enemies in his surroundings back then were clearly shown now.

These twenty days before the ocean disaster arrived, and before heading to the new continent, were precious and peaceful for Hope Village and the Underground Shelter to farm and develop.

They only needed to develop properly within these twenty days to avoid being left in quandary when the time came to head to the new continent.

On the other side, the s.h.i.+pyard’s gradual transformation process, which had gone on for about one and half hours, was finally coming to an end.

There was a layer of sky blue protective lacquer that covered the scaffolding, as the blurry green mist spread itself out.

When it had first been constructed, it looked like an off-brand s.h.i.+pyard due to the incomplete modules installed. After the transformation, it began to exude a futuristic aura.

“Tsk, tsk, the protective lacquer doesn’t smell. It dries fast, and is waterproof. If I can get my hands on this formula in the future, it would make a great coating for the Underground Shelter!”

Su Mo touched the painted structure as he took a step into the “shabby” control room, and was surprised by what he saw.

The previous control room had an open-air design that provided no sense of security.

After the transformation, large gla.s.s panels covered the four walls of the room, which provided him a complete view of the s.h.i.+pyard through the gla.s.s.

Moreover, the thoughtful system even attached a 60-inch LCD screen that was attached from the top right corner of the room.

As Su Mo fired up the power supply, an overview image appeared on the LCD screen immediately.

The corresponding camera was attached to the highest part of the scaffolding, facing downward.

Via the overview image, which covered the entire s.h.i.+pyard, Su Mo could fully observe the construction progress within the s.h.i.+pyard, and could also see some of the steel plates that he had partially a.s.sembled earlier.

The image was not fixed and could be manually adjusted in terms of zoom and camera angle in order to observe specific details.

As for the previously unresponsive main system, it currently displayed the blueprint of a seafaring s.h.i.+p that was available to be imported for production.

Su Mo tried to tap on the screen and, after importing the blueprint, an interface that detailed the new manufacturing method appeared on the screen.

“It’s a new sea s.h.i.+p with a total of six modules. Three manufacturing options are provided.”

“First option, leaving the entire construction process to the s.h.i.+pyard. Consumes the most energy and computing power. Based on its level of efficiency, at least fifteen days are required to complete the hull, and twenty-two days to manufacture and install the parts. It’s too slow and, most importantly, no special attributes can be obtained when using the s.h.i.+pyard construction process.”

“Second option, manual construction, utilizing only the s.h.i.+pyard’s mechanical tools and equipment. The s.h.i.+pyard now has more functions and facilities after being upgraded, which makes it easier than before. Still, it will consume a lot of time and effort and, given my lack of skill and expertise, although this option has the highest probability of obtaining special attributes, when all things are considered, it’s not cost effective.”

“In that case, that leaves me with the third option of human-machine collaboration!”

While modular technology was powerful and advanced, it still required human input and operation to achieve the best results. It was unknown whether this was an intentional design by the inventor of this technology or if it just happened to turn out this way.

WIth the human-machine collaboration, Su Mo would need to manually perform the cutting and welding operations, while the s.h.i.+pyard’s system would handle the finer details regarding parts and installation.

Not only would this increase the project’s efficiency significantly, it would also increase the probability of obtaining special attributes.

After Su Mo finished his dinner, his energy had recovered to its peak state. He then activated the Mind Ring and focused his efforts, speeding up production efficiency substantially.

He had to rush to complete this before nine o’clock at night. After much effort, the 200 pieces of steel plates he produced on the first day were finally in place according to the s.h.i.+p’s blueprint design.

Even if this only comprised one twenty-fifth of the eighty-meter long s.h.i.+p, it was a shocking enough sight to behold.

After Su Mo exhausted all his energy, he was unable to exert himself further to inspect the s.h.i.+p’s structure.

After he locked the door of the s.h.i.+pyard, and told Chen Shen some important matters, he went back to the shelter. Su Mo laid down on the bed and immediately fell asleep.

However, despite the fact that Su Mo had instructed everyone not to look for him unless it was something important, it was destined that he would be unable to rest well that night.

Four o’clock at night, the game panel’s notification prompt rang rapidly and, after Su Mo opened the game panel, a message from Zhong QIngshu popped out.

“The ruins near the Underground Shelter are about to appear!”