My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 572: Power On! The Completed Monument of “Oreo”!

Chapter 572: Power On! The Completed Monument of “Oreo”!

“The energy extraction device is ready, triple pressure resistance test has been completed, automatic energy-saving chip verification completed, waiting for program loading and debugging in progress…

“The current transmission system is 3,500 meters, rectification test pa.s.sed successfully, and the 100-meter interception is in place for verification…

“Voltage regulator has been switched on and operating on full power. No problems have been identified yet. Waiting to proceed with further testing.

“The primary energy meter has been connected to the energy circuit, waiting to proceed with further testing…


The environment was very plain, but the tests were carried out without a hitch.

Su Mo stood at the shelter’s entrance and looked at the ten or so people who were busy inside as well as the various data that were well-organized.

Suddenly, a peculiar feeling surged through his heart.

He recalled the last time he had seen such a scene.

It was on television.

At that time, a planet was about to hit the Earth, and the leaders.h.i.+p around the globe gathered together to announce the human resistance plan.

The room was the size of the first floor of the underground shelter.

On the small screen, the 300-year-long plan in which humanity as a collective listed the worst possible outcome.

Who would have thought?

In the end, by chance, they came to this unfamiliar wasteland.

This place forced them to live a completely different life.


‘Maybe this is the meaning of life.

‘Every moment, we are faced with countless challenges, but we keep moving forward!’

Su Mo climbed up the high slope behind the shelter.

The two tons of energy stones that had been charged were temporarily placed here, arranged into a huge diamond shape, and covered with a waterproof cover.

Although the sky had not turned completely bright, the area was clearly visible with a faint light radiating from the energy transmission plate below the energy stones.

The energy extraction device that was researched together by everyone was placed in front of the energy stones.

The entire device occupied a large area of four meters in length, three meters in width, and three meters in height.

It had a rectangular shape.

Upon closer inspection, small holes could be seen all over it for heat dissipation, with white steam constantly coming out from the holes.

‘True craftsmans.h.i.+p is effortless for those who are skilled.

‘This is such a big guy. It would take me forever to build this myself!’

The more he touched it, the more joy overflowed in his heart.

Suddenly, Lu Kuan’s excited shout, “It’s a success!” came from inside the shelter.

Su Mo’s smile remained undiminished as he returned to the shelter.

The screen in the center showed four fundamental data that had been verified, namely frequency, ma.s.s-energy, waveform, and electrical load.

The graph curve outlined by the four data was like calm water, not showing any signs of fluctuation, which meant that the energy transmitted by the energy stone was gentle and could be used.

On the other screen, three other familiar data were recorded: current, voltage, and resistance.

Although no devices were connected, the energy extraction device came back with very detailed data.

All seven data had green check marks after them, which showed that the most difficult first stage of the test had finally pa.s.sed successfully.

“This was not easy!”

The data did not reflect the difficulty of the tests.

However, when Su Mo glanced around those who were present, he saw everyone’s exhausted faces and nodded with a soft sigh.

Although the current energy extraction device was built on the foundation of their predecessors’ experience, they were able to use it as a basis and expand it further. It included everyone’s sweat and blood.

They were indispensable!

“Hahaha! It isn’t easy but compared to our previous research projects, this is so much easier!”

“Su Mo, should we begin the testing now?”

Su Mo had seen the strange planet above the Nine Heavens, explored the blood soil which could control the nuclear fusion, and accessed the authority with mysterious magical powers.

His cognitive ceiling and resilience had been raised tremendously.

He noticed the hopeful expressions of those present, strode up to the platform, and nodded lightly.

“Since the data is stable, let’s begin the tests!”


“Order received!”

“I’ll go outside to prepare the wiring!”

“I’ll switch on the converter device!”


Inside the shelter, there were not only a group of resurrected research scholars but also the six direct disciples that Ai Jianfeng trained.

After receiving their respective tasks, everyone scattered like an explosion and quickly proceeded to their designated posts.

They were able to use radio communication to share information.

Soon, the first person signaled that he was stationed in his post, and the others followed after signaling they were ready.

“The first test, energy output stability!”

Ji Yang wore a divine expression as he read aloud the test instruction sheet in his hand.

Meanwhile, Ai Jianfeng raised his hand and pushed the first lever on his left without any hesitation.

There was a slighting humming that sounded.

The energy that was invisible to the naked eye began to be extracted from the energy stone by the device.

Instead of rotating the energy inside the device, this time, it was conducted through a specially made wire and traveled along the pre-planned path to the first position in the shelter, an ordinary light bulb with 80 watts.

It only took a few seconds after the lever was pushed for the light bulb to light up like a soldier performing a given order instantly.

Soft white light seeped out from the inside. Although it could not illuminate every corner of the shelter’s first floor, when it shone on the faces of everyone present, it was like a gust of spring breeze which warmed their hearts.

“Energy output is very stable. The waves are almost negligible!”

“The frequency doesn’t show any drastic changes either…”

“Great, begin the anti-interference tests. We will start by adjusting the interference frequency to 25%!”

After the command was transmitted over the radio, the people outside began to increase the interference frequency.

Still, the bulb’s light and the data on the screen did not show any significant changes.

The tests continued to an interference frequency of 100%, and the output remained stable. The first energy stability test pa.s.sed successfully.

“Begin the second test, power limit!”

Ji Yang read out loud, and Ai Jianfeng operated following the command.

The first lever was pulled down, and the second lever was pushed up.

The machine being tested was a generator with automatic idle control.

Thie maximum power of the device was significantly constrained because of overly crowded wire lines.

It was necessary to consider the safety issues and the problem of damages due to material overheating by the excessive current during the energy transmission process.

Therefore, as soon as the tests began, the power and current were adjusted to the highest value to carry out a load test.

The test only lasted for a short 15 minutes.

When the green check mark appeared, everyone exchanged glances, all with a sigh of relief.

The two most difficult ones had pa.s.sed successfully, and the rest of the tests were smaller tests that were of minor concern.

Even if they were to fail the tests, there are plenty of ways to repair them in the future.

The results were not much different than what everyone had imagined.

When the bell rang at eight at night…

All the tests had successfully pa.s.sed.

The results were the best they could get!

“Fantastic! Let’s set up the wiring and make sure we get power running throughout the village by this afternoon!”

After working hard the whole night, getting such results made everyone, including Su Mo.

However, since there were only two days before the heavy snowfall disaster came, no one dared to mention having a celebration.

Su Mo stretched his body. He finally sat down comfortably as he watched Lu Kuan pick up tons of tools and hurried out with two of Ai Jianfeng’s disciples.

Unlike a cyborg body capable of fighting for a long time, a human body with higher physical strength was a bigger burden.

The higher the unit muscle density, the faster the cellular metabolism rate, which meant higher energy demand, and a surge in demand for neuron control.

The body’s energy could be supplemented by psychic energy water to meet demand.

However, neural fatigue could only be recovered by a lot of rest.

‘I need to come up with a plan soon.

‘Otherwise, I’ll have to do something like Lu Kuan and the others. I’d transfer my consciousness in the brain and then come out through a mark!’

The drowsiness overcame him.

Su Mo stopped fighting against it.

He headed to the canteen to have a meal and then returned to the shelter’s third floor in a drowsy state, falling asleep almost immediately.

Time seemed non-existent in the dark atmosphere of the shelter.

Su Mo slept until three in the afternoon before getting up in a daze.

He habitually took out a bottle of psychic energy water that was placed beside his bed and gulped it down.

He drank every bit of the psychic energy water, then suddenly shook his head and arms.

“Huh? What’s happening?”

“Why does it feel a little different from normal sleep?”

Those with nervous fatigue found that waking up was much more painful than falling asleep.

On a usual day, the stinging pain secreted by cell proliferation during sleep would quickly spread throughout the body to the head as soon as the person woke up.

Just like a drunk person who just woke up and felt uncomfortable as if the whole world was hanging upside down.

However, for some unknown reason, Su Mo woke up with a sense of comfort that he had not felt in a long time.

It was like he took a hot bath and all the pores over his body were refreshed by the cold air.

He thought about it and came to a possible conclusion.

Su Mo was overjoyed and quickly put on his shoes, rus.h.i.+ng to the first floor.

It was the same as when he returned. There was no one in the shelter and only the dim lights flickered on the first floor.

Su Mo turned the winch and raised the shelter’s main door.

He let out a strange shout as the wonderful sight outside unfolded before him.

“D*mn! Is this the power of the monument?”

His field of vision was filled with the sight of a thick cloud that was about five to six acres large gathered above the statue of Oreo.

It was different from the usual rain clouds. The sunlight was not blocked by them but instead pa.s.sed right through them.

A stunning rainbow bridge was formed and spanned from the left to right side of the basin, with the statue of Oreo at the center.

The water vapor was drawn from the clouds and naturally sprinkled throughout the entire area that they covered, instantly soaking into the land, plants, buildings, and people.

In the distance, the vapor turned into substantial crystals and scattered on the ground.

‘Is this artificial rain?’

Su Mo reached out and caught a piece of small crystal that had condensed into a flake.

He took a close look at it.

The shape was not unfamiliar to him. It was the small snowflake symbol that appeared on Oreo’s head when he transformed.

Before Su Mo could continue to observe it, the snowflake had already melted.

It became water vapor that melted into his skin in just a few seconds.

‘Woah, this feels good!”

The skin where the crystal melted felt like it was stung by a wasp and stung slightly.

Upon closer inspection, there was visible redness on the skin, similar to an inflammatory reaction.

However, after a few seconds, the stinging pain disappeared and an unprecedented sense of relief surged rapidly, causing a repeated dopamine secretion.

‘This is…cell regeneration?’

Su Mo glanced at the reddened area of his skin and was surprised to see that it was much more delicate than the other areas.


It was one of the biggest problems encountered in the long lifespan of human beings.

Often, before the end of life, a person’s joint and body parts would have reached their limits and could not support the body to its former strength anymore.

An average human would be struck with this feeling between the ages of 60 to 65.

However, some athletes who overspent their bodies and overtrained when they were young would be extremely aware of the rapid decline of their bodies as early as in their 40s and 50s.

For countless years, many biologists who specialized in this field of study, instead of researching how to fight against the upper limit of life, studied how to regenerate cells.

‘I’ve only breathed some air within the effect range and I can already feel my cell activity improving so much.

‘It’s no wonder foreign races don’t bother studying technology to become stronger but instead pursue the mysterious power.’

For most of the general public that had their worldview and values formed while growing up, feeling such power would not cause much change in their mentality nor would it shatter any of their beliefs.

However, to staunch atheists who believed in the power of science, every time such wonders happened, it challenged their ideologies from every possible direction.

An unwavering mind would be unconvinced by external things and would use it as a driving force to keep oneself moving forward.

A wavering mind would turn to pursue this mysterious power like a madman overnight or chase after a wrong path, becoming a slave to desire.

Su Mo slowly walked down the path to the village.

Thoughts flowed through his mind.

The construction of the monument was a requirement by the system for civilization advancement.

According to the requirements, even if it was constructed, the system should be one that issued the reward.

However, right now, this miraculous sight was obviously brought on by the statue of Oreo…

‘Does it mean that the game obscured something?

‘Could humans also obtain similar powers like the blessings of the foreign races through other methods?’

Without sufficient evidence, it was useless to continue to let his imagination run wild.

Su Mo stopped after coming to this conclusion and remembered the possibility in his heart.

He immediately changed his train of thoughts and put an end to his speculation before they went any further.

The next moment, he saw villagers running around the village and the leaders.h.i.+p rubbing their hands together as they waited at the village entrance.

Su Mo adjusted his heart and approached them with a meaningful smile.

‘What happened? It seems I missed a lot of things when I was asleep!”

He sounded as if he was complaining but he actually wanted to compliment everyone’s hard work.

Shen Ke, who was in charge of the entire construction process from beginning to end, stepped forward proudly.

“Shelter leader! It’s not too late! We have more surprises that will continue for the entire day!”


Seeing that Shen Ke had the intention to lead the way, Su Mo suppressed his curiosity and followed the group to the glamourous monument of Oreo.

Su Mo saw Lu Kuan and the others standing under the monument, busily studying it curiously from afar.

Seeing him approach, everyone put down their work and eagerly greeted him.

“Shelter leader! What caused this? We’ve studied it and the construction materials are very ordinary!”

“Yeah, I don’t understand it at all but I’m extremely shocked!”

“Such an ordinary statue is capable of stirring the magnetic field. I don’t want to exaggerate but if this thing was on Earth, I could definitely win three Golden Hammer Awards (the highest award in architecture).”

“I have a feeling these ordinary soil and stones have a strange activity happening.”

“Should we take it apart and study what’s inside? We could…”

“Shut up, Lu Kuan!”

“Wow, Zhuo Junfan! You’re rebelling as soon as you resurrected, aren’t you! How about we have a one-on-one?!”


Everyone scrambled to share their different opinions, fearing that they lost their moment in the limelight.

Sandwiched in the crowd, Su Mo was like a mascot that listened but remained silent except for nodding and smiling from time to time.

Unlike the leaders.h.i.+p that was slightly befuddled, the research scholars were very wise with their words.

Although they avoided directly saying what was strange about the 20-meter-high sculpture to avoid the game’s censors.h.i.+p, Su Mo was able to catch the intention behind their words.

The monument had changed!

Unexpected changes had taken place from the moment it was built.

It was currently in the same shape as when everyone had constructed it, however, the inside of it had started to change, gradually evolving to another supernatural level that human beings had never come in contact with before.

Those closer to the truth would be the first to discover it.

It was dangerous but a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!