My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 679: Descend, Descend, Descend! Part 2

Chapter 679: Descend, Descend, Descend! Part 2

Li Hu and the others frowned and did not do much to silence them as if they had grown used to their reaction.

“They’ve been locked up for a whole day and still refuse to speak?”

Li Hu approached the guard on the left side of the cage and inquired without beating around the bush.

Chen Kai, the head guard shook his head and answered, “No, they’ve not only refused to tell us the purpose they came to our village but were also unwilling to say which direction or territory they came from.

“It’s also unlikely that they’re a new group of people that transmigrated from Earth because they had no idea what Earth was when I asked them about it.”

Chen Kai was obviously disappointed with the results of interrogating the prisoners.

Three days ago, with the end of the disaster, some birds and beasts that were not from around the area suddenly appeared in the territory.

Strange things kept happening and never stopped.

Initially, the villagers celebrated the appearance of new life and the improving quality of their living environment.

Su Chan led the people to gather most animals that could be farmed and gave these newly emerged lives a home in the basin.

However, the good times did not last long.

Everything changed with the arrival of the first unfamiliar “human” in their territory.

On the first day, four people descended.

The next day, eight people descended!

On the third day, up to sixteen people descended!

The twenty-eight people showed up as if they had fallen from the sky.

They suddenly appeared in the territory one night and were discovered by the villagers that headed out for work the next day.

Chen Shen, the village chief, initially thought that these people were newly arrived humans from earth and kindly brought everyone back into the village.

He even arranged meals and accommodation for them to win over their hearts. The purpose was to get them to join and enhance the village’s strength.

However, they not only appreciated it but sneakily snooped around the village to inspect the place.

Ultimately, they were caught by Li Hu on patrol at night. Three of them even dared to enter the Armed Forces department to search for guns and weapons for “self-defense.”

Their “act” was finally exposed, and the villagers immediately took action the whole night to arrest all of them at once.

They were immediately treated as spies.

All of the people that mysteriously appeared were immediately captured and locked up, including the 16 people that showed up and did not even have a chance to enter the village.

These people they had detained were evidently human beings of the exact origin as humans from Earth according to their appearance and behavior.

They had equally weak bodies and showed similar levels of intelligence. Moreover, the living habits they possessed were also the same.

However, it was hard to conclude that they were humans of Earth.

After a rigorous interrogation, even Chen Kai was confused and had no idea how to report the results.

“Have they not recalled where they came from?”

“No, they answered, not knowing Earth and did not seem to know Huaxia either when I asked.

“I even tried to name other countries on earth, but they didn’t seem to know any of them.

“There wasn’t much I could get out of them. They couldn’t even remember where they came from!”

The most frustrating thing during interrogation was not being a stubborn captive.

There had been many terrifying punishments recorded in Huaxia’s history. However, it was not necessary to use them all as any one of these punishments could make a man of steel surrender almost instantly.

However, when the subject of question was clueless, a terrifying punishment would only make them more fearful.

It would be impossible to achieve the desired results and obtain the necessary information from them.

“Strange. This is really strange!”

Li Hu, Chen Shen, and Su Deben took turns flipping through the recorded interrogation questions and answers. The three of them showed undisguised confusion.

From personal experience, the answers obtained from interrogating the prisoners seemed to be perfectly normal.

They were able to answer that they were students who went to school or employees that worked at a company, and even the homeless had a place where they would go to rest.

However, the bizarre thing was that they could only provide the answer with the word “school” and were not able to recall the name of the school.

The companies they worked for were only a concept—they knew where they worked but could not recall the exact location or company name.

Some claimed to have been in an internet cafe for a few months but could only vaguely remember the internal structure of the place and could not remember the address or the name.

In terms of individual skills, there was a man among them that claimed to be a carpenter with 10 years of experience. He could easily make various wood carvings when they gave him a piece of wood and a carving knife, and it was evident that he was a master craftsman.

There was also a student who claimed to be a high-achieving physics student. He could perfectly answer the questions thrown at him by Lu Kuan, and his ident.i.ty did not seem to be a temporary disguise.

Additionally, another person claimed to be a so-called chief executive in a thousand-person company. He kept his calm and did not show any signs of anger or arrogance when they tried to shake him up during the interrogation.

“They probably wanted to grab weapons for self-defense because they think we’re bad people, and this is our base for human trafficking or a gathering place for terrorists.”