My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 379: Kneel, Kneel Before My Gun!

Chapter 379: Kneel, Kneel Before My Gun!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Big Brother, must we leave? Maybe we could drag it out here in the Deep Sea World. If the seven days of disaster pa.s.s by, we’ll be safe when we return!”

In the Deep Sea World.

Day sixty-five, nine-thirty in the morning.

After having their last “sumptuous” meal, Su Chan watched Su Mo stand up. She contemplated but could not hold back the words that were stuck in her throat.

Yesterday, having watched Su Mo continuously issue out almost hundreds of commands, Su Chan could guess Su Mo’s intentions with her bright mind.

Su Mo wanted to return to the wasteland where the disaster was ravaging.

Even Su Chan knew that this was all for…herself!

Compared to the terrifying wasteland, the Deep Sea World was no ordeal; Rather, it was a haven to relax and indulge in.

Here, the mansion offered a spa for people to bathe and loosen up.

Here, hundreds of loyal shrimp soldiers and crab guardians ensured that their everyday needs were met.

Here, they were in abundance of delicious food, and they could eat to their hearts’ content.

Here, Su Mo was King of the Deep Sea World. At his single command, billions of sea creatures would bow down and obey him.

If they returned to the wasteland, Su Mo would still be regarded by all as the Almighty Su, but Su Chan knew that it would still be different from being in the Deep Sea World.

The wasteland did not have…

Room for errors!

One mistake meant death. Not overcoming the tsunami would mean an eternal slumber in the depths of the sea.

Yesterday, the siblings slept in the same room.

From the moment they descended onto the wastelands; their first bucket of gold from the chameleon; the time when they activated Magoo’s shelter mistakenly until the beginning of their love-hate relations.h.i.+p with the kobold and the lion people—

From killing a person for the first time to slaying G.o.ds; from sowing for the first time to a bountiful harvest—

Other than accrediting the a.s.sistance brought by the system to the nature of the game and his luck, Su Mo did not leave out any little details as he continued to retell the stories.

Su Mo said plenty—sometimes he resembled an old nagging mother; other times, he was like a child eager for his family’s praise. He spoke until the faint night broke into the first light of dawn.

However, the tales of the Almighty Su stopped at the part where the villagers of Hope Village moved to Iron Rock Mountain.

Su Chan listened the entire night as Su Mo told the stories of his life.

When the stories reached the part full of perilous dangers, she would exclaim worriedly and shudder into her blankets.

When the stories were about yields and rewards, she would be like a joyous bee, seemingly buzzing in approval.

After listening to these tales from day to night, Su Chan had but confirmed one matter in her mind…

The pressure her big brother shouldered was enormous.

“Hahaha, stop dreaming. Seven days elsewhere is close to a thousand years in the Deep Sea World. This fabricated world can never withstand such a prolonged simulation.

“Also, stop overthinking. I’m not returning soon. I’ll only leave after I clear up every single enemy here in the Deep Sea World.

“In the meantime, you can just stay here. Stay until you can’t stay anymore. Perhaps when you leave the Deep Sea World, my boat will be there waiting to fetch you!”

He lovingly stroked Su Chan’s head. Su Mo’s words were spoken with unwavering confidence.

These were not words Su Mo told to comfort himself either.

Before receiving the formidable data, the tsunami was never Hope One’s rival, but rather an existence that would give Hope One a helping hand.

After calculating that it would take another four to five days before reaching Tundra One, Su Mo was adamant about returning.

Before that, Su Mo intended to rid this realm of all the remaining sc.u.m and retrieve the ultimate prize in the Deep Sea World. This would be the last flutter, in this realm, of the b.u.t.terfly named Su Mo.

Su Mo comforted and coaxed Su Chan for a while. After making a few promises, Su Mo turned and left.

Familial love was such a peculiar thing.

The absence of it would become a driving force that propelled and emboldened you throughout your journey.

Yet, the presence of it ignited a different power—one that could infuse you with vigor and energy.

There was a catch, however—you must not drown in it first.

Su Mo had broken free of this because he knew that their meetups would simply be a mirage. It was as fleeting as the reflection of the moon in the water.

The wasteland was the real home ground!

In the following days, Su Mo entered a state of busyness.

People were allowed to bring in items to the wasteland. Similarly, after inquiring about the commander’s decree in this world, Su Mo obtained permission to bring and store items in his storage s.p.a.ce, and eventually, retrieve them in the end.

Naturally, the items that he wanted to bring out could not be above the grade of being rare.

Su Chan, however, had never intended to bring along these items that the commander’s decree had deemed important in the first place.

Marching down the mountains, Su Mo headed toward his first stop—an agricultural science academy that lay in the shadow of a towering structure on White Sand Island.

This academy gathered more than sixty percent of all agricultural masters in the entirety of the Deep Sea World. Their mission was simple—gather and cultivate various seeds of exceptional qualities.

Su Mo deliberately selected and carried seeds of modified wheat, rice potato, pumpkin, cabbage, water cabbage, carrot, cotton, peanut… and hundreds of other plants.

Next, Su Mo visited the side building and took away some seeds of watermelon, muskmelon, peach, mango, grapes, apples…and scores of other fruits.

As to the crops that could only yield in specific environments, Su Mo did not give up on these but took a few along with him.

The total of these seeds would only consume no more than a third of his storage s.p.a.ce that he emptied.

After pocketing the seeds, Su Mo picked up his pace. Soon, he arrived in front of a cl.u.s.ter of buildings that spanned considerably across the area.

This place was the key to Su Mo’s plan to expedite the onset of the industrial revolution. It was also the only place in the entire Deep Sea World that he deemed important.

Looking at the names of three Academies of Science that he wrote himself, Su Mo perked up his chest and walked in.

Su Mo lingered for a while. The remainder of his storage s.p.a.ce was starting to be filled with doc.u.ments of all sorts as well as the development and maintenance manual. Satisfied with his haul, he decided to end his trip there.

These doc.u.ments recorded the complete ways to activate approximately seven percent of the basic technology tree—

Do not belittle this seven percent!

It should be taken into consideration that this was equivalent to the hundreds of years of advancement in Science on Earth.

Even though these technologies were already developed on Earth, this knowledge was high in demand in the underdeveloped wasteland.

With this information, there should be no difficulty in constructing Hope Village Version 2.0 in the New World.

When the time came, every villager could afford to use electricity, drink mineral water, and live in a clean village. They would enjoy a life filled with the convenience of a modern town.

The weapon chain of the technology tree that they were lacking could finally be compensated for. Research could be made to push for the swift advancement of the weaponry technology tree.

This was all part of Su Mo’s true master plan that he had conceived in the past sixty days.

Even though he had not been able to find out who or what was the true opponent of this world war, he was satisfied after he organized all the items in the inventory.

Day sixty-six.

Amidst all expectations from the billions of ocean life within the Deep Sea World, the unrivaled king of the Deep Sea World, Amba.s.sador of the G.o.d of the Ocean, Ironblood Commander declared his war plan.

The war maniac exclaimed his desire to vanquish all his enemies within 20 days. His listeners did not dare to suggest otherwise nor question him.

Even his enemies, the Church who controlled the Deep Sea World for eons, were hastily making immediate war preparations.

In the absence of the G.o.d of the Ocean, the Church’s high priests could only mobilize their small permission from the G.o.d of the Ocean once a week, and obtain a medium permission once a month.

Once every year, they could use a big permission that had unlimited power.

Now, they had no permissions left, but Su Mo still had four medium and two small ones stored within his inventory!

Day sixty-seven.

The fleet belonging to Su Mo departed from White Sand Island, bringing along all the weapons of war. They left the place that was fated to be written in history books as the place where it all originated.

Day seventy-one.

Su Mo did not hold back and used a small permission to speed up his naval fleet. The twenty top-tier naval s.h.i.+ps carrying a hundred thousand troops all arrived at the frontline of the battlefield.

Day seventy-four.

Another small and medium permission was used. The might of all Su Mo’s naval fleet had arrived in position.

In total, he had 1.6 million soldiers. The might of his s.h.i.+ps was numbered as such: 105 top tier s.h.i.+ps, 220 medium tier s.h.i.+ps, and nearly thousands of basic s.h.i.+ps with various utilities.

The number of army forces and s.h.i.+ps gathered was staggering. Had this been in the Middle Ages on Earth, the preparations alone would have been numbered in years.

Using the permissions was even better than using cheats. With the power of the permissions, even fighting the high priests of the Church was feasible.

Day seventy-seven.

Ten days had pa.s.sed since Su Mo declared his war intent, which was to defeat the rebel army in twenty days. The first battle of the war finally began.

However, the first battle was not an upfront a.s.sault from Su Mo’s forces, but rather an ambush from the Church of The G.o.d of Ocean.

On the vast sea, the Church of the G.o.d of the Ocean mobilized eighty thousand men and thirty s.h.i.+ps that stealthily made their way through the waters.

In the middle of the night, the two forces clashed as the sound of war rumbled on. They fought for nearly ten hours before a conclusive victory was finally achieved.

The entirety of the ambush squad had been obliterated. Su Mo, on the other hand, suffered great losses too.

Nevertheless, it was not a great deal. Su Mo used two more medium permissions to revive ninety-five percent of his fallen expeditionary army. All his s.h.i.+ps were also instantaneously restored to their original state.

The sight of this miraculous action was accompanied by the roaring cheers from millions of soldiers from his expeditionary army.

The enemy was completely devastated.

They knew that if they died, they would stay dead.

The enemy, however, could revive themselves. How were they supposed to contest with that?

Day seventy-nine.

After a day of repairs, the battle resumed.

This time, the expeditionary army launched their attacks first under Su Mo’s command.

n.o.body could have foreseen the mighty Guardians of the G.o.d of the Ocean, who oppressed the Deep Sea World for thousands of years, would be the ones who slew countless vicious rebels.

Under the expeditionary army’s fully-automated firepower, they managed to conquer the natural moat of Zhadu Strait within half a day.

Zyfigas Fis.h.i.+ng Port that was used to gather goods could not escape the fury of the war either.

The explosions and sparks of the war could be seen hundreds of miles away. The logistics team of the Church of the G.o.d of the Ocean had concurred with their defeat.

This battle had only lasted for three days but Su Mo could already smell victory in the air.

Day eighty.

Zhadu Strait had been completely captured. All the Guardians of the G.o.d of the Ocean and the members of the church had retreated to the Daya Archipelagos for their final stand.

Yet, it never crossed their mind that several members of the church had been planted with seeds of rebellion and stirred an uprising. This was all nonetheless orchestrated by Su Mo.

Day eighty-two.

Fifteen days had pa.s.sed since the first war cry. All the Guardians of the G.o.d of the Ocean had been wiped out. The dead perished quickly and simply.

Their comrades poisoned their dinner and sent them on an easy death.

Day eighty-four.

The expeditionary army had surrounded the Daya Archipelago. What was left of the Church of the G.o.d of the Ocean was now trapped like a bear in a well.

Every detail of the battle was broadcasted through the magical Transmission Conch—a magical creature that allowed all ocean life to follow and observe the battle. They would realize that the end was near despite the battle having only ensued for seventeen days.

The expeditionary army had only suffered a loss of no more than a hundred thousand soldiers before successfully unifying the entire Deep Sea World.

Now, everyone started sharing the news with everyone else while countless rejoiced amidst tears of joy.

Their minds were finally liberated from the shackles of the G.o.d of the Ocean. The days of exorbitant taxes from the church were now gone and never to return.

Under the helm of this new commander, they would embark on a new era!

Day eighty-seven.

It was the last day of the twenty days that the war expert promised to defeat all his enemies. In all major cities within the Deep Sea World, a formless curtain of light shone through brilliantly.

This ethereal scene was the aftereffects of Su Mo’s final use of a medium permission of the G.o.d of the Ocean.

The purpose of the light was simply to broadcast images.

When the images in the light became clear, every creature in the Deep Sea World was shocked!

In the images appeared, there was the person that would only show his face once a year—the man who would perform G.o.dly miracles—the high priest, Aaron.

Currently, the high priest resembled that of a dying dog. He was firmly apprehended by four inhumanly strong murlocs.

In the far corner of the images, waves were beating onto the sh.o.r.e. Behind laid the great plains that spread out into the horizon.

This was the dry land where the Deep Sea World met with the terrestrial world.

The high priest tried to escape. Unfortunately…

He was captured!

“Commander, Commander. You can take everything I have. Just spare me and you can have it all!”

Aaron, the high priest, was clad in a luxurious golden robe. On his head, he wore a golden crown embedded with precious stones and gems of the sea. He was trembling as he begged and cried for mercy.

Noticing Su Mo’s ignorance, Aaron beckoned the murlocs to release him. He took two steps forward, took off his crown, took off his golden robe, and laid everything down.

From his embrace, he even took out the scepter that symbolized the rituals of the G.o.d of the Ocean. Then, he placed it next to his crown with a pious composure tinged with fear.

The person who possessed the G.o.d of the Ocean’s Scepter would be able to obtain the permissions that were granted on time.

If he was willing to surrender his scepter, that could only mean that he had submitted his soul and body in utter defeat.

With a lowered head, the high priest began ransacking his mind for any sort of leverage that could save him. He would take out anything that would persuade this legendary Ironblood Commander to spare him. However, these words sounded into his ear before he could think of any, “Kneel before my gun!”


“Kneel before my gun!”


Like a crack of thunder, the gunfire boomed against his ear. The G.o.d of the Ocean’s Scepter was split into two by the gunfire and lost its G.o.dly radiance.

High Priest Aaron raised his head in disbelief.

His eyes met the gaze of the ruthless and bloodthirsty warrior through the solid black armor. His knees trembled and he collapsed in spite of himself onto his weakened knees.

Day eighty-nine.

News of High Priest Aaron’s death spread throughout the entire Deep Sea World.

Interestingly enough, he did not perish at the hands of the commander that was now king of the Deep Sea World. Instead, he met his end at the hands of a land farmer.

After Su Mo released him, Aaron fled for his life for two whole days and was hungry.

With an ashen face, he stumbled upon a farmer’s house and decided to steal some food from the farmer. Coincidentally, the farmer returned and caught him red-handed. The farmer thought he was some sort of a badger who was here to steal his crops and stabbed Aaron to death.

Day ninety.

A simple ascension ceremony was held on the s.h.i.+p.

Using the Transmission Conch, 248 basic laws and 108 production reward mechanisms were announced throughout the entire Deep Sea World.

The introduction of these laws and mechanisms saw people experiencing science for the first time. They witnessed the power of modern machinery and finally had a vision of their future lives.

It was on this day too, that the era of G.o.ds marked its end.

Now, the industrial revolution had begun!