My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 430: Swept Through the Night, Violent Harvest!

Chapter 430: Swept Through the Night, Violent Harvest!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the long history of the wasteland, where there had been hundreds of generations and tens of thousands of years of struggle, the foreign races thought that they had figured out the path of humankind.

According to how things would normally play out, even if their own clan was not the final winner, they had never allowed humans to succeed.

‘They were confident that humans were like gra.s.shoppers, which would usually die out in autumn after expending all their energy and lifespan.

However this time, their faulty beliefs caused them to suffer immensely.

Although it would not harm their actual foundations in the home worlds, to a certain extent, it was equivalent to receiving a few tight slaps on their faces.

Therefore, after the pseudo-G.o.d incarnations of the Five Royal Clans were destroyed, the clans and G.o.ds behind countless foreign races did not choose to stop.

Instead, they were conspiring and discussing how to regain their strength and how to take advantage of this great change to become the new Royal Clan.

‘They were waiting for an opportunity that would allow them to risk it all!

However, it was an obvious fact that these remaining foreign races on the wasteland could not afford to wait!

To be clear, from a macro perspective on the wasteland, they had become


It was three forty in the afternoon.

Tundra One, which had been stationed here for two days, finally packed everything up in a hurry, and raised their sails once again.

Everyone was in their positions, raising the anchors, collecting supplies, and so on.

Scouts, s.h.i.+p repair personnel, combat personnel, logisticians and commanders all took their respective positions.

Since they had not concealed the purpose of this operation, everyone was burning with excitement and, as Hope One took up the vanguard position, the entire fleet finally came back to life again!

“Alter the course to North 29. The sails are up, so pay attention and maintain a safe distance from the raft fleet behind us. Avoid any possible collisions.”

“all raft ferry operators, please stay alert at all times for any instructions from the main fleet and respond accordingly. Please reply when you see this announcement…”


Sitting in the refurbished command room of Tundra One, Lu Yongyi took command of the s.h.i.+ps below.

As the s.h.i.+ps were deployed in such a simple manner, he was able to easily give out commands without the a.s.sistance of the captains of the large s.h.i.+ps.

After four o’clock, when the fleet was finally in formation, under the command of Su Mo, the entire fleet sailed forth like an arrow across the ocean again!



The sound of the wind howling like thunder echoed all around!

A s.h.i.+p’s movement would be rather silent under normal circ.u.mstances but, with dozens of s.h.i.+ps and a huge fleet of rafts, the aura they exuded was a little terrifying.

Normally, these s.h.i.+ps would only be able to sail at speeds between three to four knots but, with the 60% attribute bonus from Hope One, even the rafts managed to sail at a speed of… 27 knots!

‘What in the world?!

It was insane. Even the wars.h.i.+ps that were still in service on Earth, including aircraft carriers, had speeds that were roughly within this range.

It was difficult for speedboats in tourist attractions to achieve this terrifying speed.

In addition, this increased speed did not require fuel consumption!

It was like a bug. The people on the raft were gently rowing, but the raft ferry was somehow racing forward as if there was no friction or resistance.

As for the s.h.i.+ps with sails, they were even more awesome.

‘They did not even need to row the boat. All they had to do was control the s.h.i.+p’s sails, and they would be able to easily control their speed and direction. It was as if they had gained a.s.sistance from the G.o.ds!

Of course, after the live broadcast stream was disconnected, across the vast wasteland ocean, it was only the Tundra fleet who could maintain such a connection with Hope One and enjoy this terrifying attribute bonus.

{Captain Su Mo, the radar has detected signs of foreign race activity toward North 33. The distance to the target location is 199 kilometers.]

[According to the intensity of the activity detected, the number of foreign races in this area is between 1.36W-1.69W.]

[The current s.h.i.+p speed is 30 knots. The estimated time of arrival at the target destination is… 8.14 in the evening.]

As they traveled at terrifying speed, seeing how the OS had already discovered traces of foreign race activity within half an hour, Su Mo could not help but display a smile.

If the tsunami disaster had still been active, 200 kilometers was a distance that could be covered in just over an hour by Hope One thanks to its Sea Breaker special ability.

Currently, although it took four hours, they would still obtain a bountiful harvest in return!

After a long and dull period of sailing, after observing things for a while and making sure that there were no problems, Su Mo took some time to rest in the captain’s quarters and take a leisurely nap.

With the aid of the psychic energy water, coupled with the excitement of potentially getting a complete flying carpet, Su Mo slept extremely well this time.

He only woke up at seven o’clock, when the OS issued a reminder.

Outside, the sun had set.

The sky was round and, the farther you went into the deep sea, the sooner the night would come.

‘When he got up and looked through the porthole, he could see that the rafts outside had some lights as they sailed through the night.

As they sailed at high speeds, like Hope One, these vessels were also granted an invisible protective film to protect the people within from being affected by the turbulent wind and waves.

“Okay, everyone can rest for half an hour to start cooking. We’ll set off after our meal!”

Through the headset, as the leader of the fleet, Su Mo gave an order.

After his instructions were sent to Zhang Long, Hope One slowed down, and the s.h.i.+ps in the fleet behind also came to a halt slowly.

‘The half-day they had spent sailing had brought endless excitement to the survivors!

Ordinary survivors, who had never ‘flown’ across the sea like this, had seen magical things beyond the boundaries of human cognition this afternoon.

Although most of them did not feel hungry due to the excitement of the future ‘harvest’, when they thought of the possible battle that might break out later that night, they still lit up the stoves to prepare their meals.

Food was always the priority before a battle began.

‘With the convenience of the storage s.p.a.ce, the troublesome issue of food storage was not a big problem for the time being.

As the steamed pancakes were put into the pot and fried in oil, the white porridge cooked by the fire next to it was boiling. In addition to this, they added some pickled vegetables made from marine plants.

All the survivors were very satisfied with the food!

On Hope One, thanks to the addition of a new chef, Su Mo officially rid himself of the responsibility of cooking personally, and once again reverted to the pampered lifestyle he had back in Hope Village previously.

“Brother, maybe you should just let Moore fire the main naval gun later. It’s dark outside and we might have a lot of casualties if the fleet fights under these circ.u.mstances later.”

Sitting at the dinner table, eating chili fried pork buns, Su Chan chewed and mouthed those words vaguely.

‘There were quite a few people in this small room, over a dozen captains, plus Shen Ke, Moore and so on.

However, only Su Chan could say such words

Only she had this right!

“Don’t think much about it. Brother never planned to let them go up to fight. At most, they’ll be in charge of cleaning up the battlefield!”

“Besides, human life is definitely more precious than ammunition, I don’t want to turn a simple pursuit into a messy skirmis.h.!.+”

Su Mo grinned. Although he was staring at the fragrant white porridge in front of him, his eyes glanced at the faces of the people next to him.

Obviously, after he uttered those words, everyone, including Shen Ke, breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Very good. These are indeed decent people!”

After making this conclusion, the smile on Su Mo’s face became a little brighter, and the food on his lips seemed to taste even better.

He did not want his subordinates to become executioners who only sought profit and lacked empathy.

Humans needed to have conscience and a bottom line to maintain their original selves as they persevered on the wasteland.

Without these, they would easily lose themselves and be destroyed!

At 8.39 pm, the Tundra fleet officially arrived within range of the foreign races.

Thanks to the six cannon of Hope One falling from the sky, from a range of 20 kilometers, the two-kilometer radius of the targeted blast zone had completely turned into h.e.l.l on earth.

Even if they were far away, all the survivors could think of when they saw the flames erupt on the horizon was the misery of the foreign races.

Facing the supreme weapon of human beings, they were really too weak, so weak that they did not even see what weapon or person had claimed their lives and sent their souls back to their clans.

A small boat carrying about 200 people was sent out to clean up the battlefield alongside a raft ferry carrying about 2,000 people.

The rest of the fleet went straight to another designated location where the foreign races had gathered 60 kilometers away.

At 9.17 pm, with just two cannon, 3300 foreign races were all destroyed in an instant without even putting up a fight.

Similar to before, some people were a.s.signed to clean up the battlefield.

The fleet rushed to the next battlefield once again!

At 11.01 pm, ten cannon destroyed another 32,000 foreign races.

At 1.09 am, four cannon were fired, and another 8,000 foreign races died on the spot.

3.15 am, 6000.

4.20 am, 7500.

6.30 am, 14,000.

Like a wicked playboy, Hope One never stayed at a single battlefield for even one extra second.

As soon as the main naval gun was fired, and after the OS determined that there were no survivors, the fleet would move forward again.

The fleet that had more than 100,000 people gradually shrunk to 80,000, 50,000, and then 30,000 after a night of fruitful hunting.

At this moment, there were 15,000 people left!

After a night of ‘running around busily’, no one in the fleet complained of being tired.

Of course, they had been sitting on the boat and resting, simply watching the harvest announcements pop up on the Regional Channel. They were already so happy that they were going crazy.

‘They were waiting in antic.i.p.ation, wondering if they would be the next team instructed to collect the spoils of war, but also wanting to follow Hope One to the next location for another round of ruthless slaughter!

“Shelter Leader Lu, can the people below still continue on?”

“I caught a big fish. If they can’t, let’s take a break and go over there later. They won’t be able to escape anyway!”

“How big is it!”

“Around 70,000.”


‘As one of the culprits behind this ‘disaster’, after hearing this number, Lu Yongyi gasped and made a decision on the spot to help the remaining survivors decide their ‘future’!

At 8.19 am, without any suspense, the familiar-looking twenty-nine cannon fell from the sky.

This grand attack officially declared the successful completion of this hunting operation!

From four o’clock in the afternoon to eight in the morning, sixteen hours of high-intensity sailing and mindless slaughter had basically squeezed dry the ‘potential harvest’ of the nearby waters.

‘The remaining foreign races, even if there were any, only gathered in groups of a few hundred. Su Mo was too lazy to waste ammunition on these mosquitoes.

In one night, they had killed a record number of 160,000 foreign races, a figure so astronomical that all survivors in the wasteland would feel dizzy from simply hearing it.

Plus, if one considered the fact that the humans had zero casualties in this battle, one would already know what kind of terrifying role technological weapons had played in this battle!

With the remaining survivors, Hope One took the lead and sailed toward the ‘sea of fire’.

As they approached the center of the battlefield, the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke weighed heavy in the air.

At the same time, the scene of black, gray and b.l.o.o.d.y water in the area gave people gooseb.u.mps just like how a horror movie would.

In spite of the nauseating sights and smells around them, after letting all the fleet members get used to it for a few minutes, Hope One sailed headfirst into the battlefield and carved out a ‘b.l.o.o.d.y path’!

As they sailed through, the fleet members who were still on the raft ferries, and large and small s.h.i.+ps, rushed down without any flinching, despite their feelings of disgust, and began to gather the spoils of war.

In addition to treasure chests, the bodies of some foreign races were also good materials. Not only could they be used to craft tools and weapons, but they could also be stored and tumed into fertilizer for farming.

In addition to this, they could also be sold back to the game for points, which could be said to serve multiple purposes!

“Brother, I’m going down to join the clean-up operation too. Picking up treasure chests is my favorite thing to do!”

Seeing Su Chan riding on Moore’s back, the person and the bear greeted him before rus.h.i.+ng off the s.h.i.+p excitedly.

Su Mo opened his mouth to respond to them, but in the end shook his head and laughed dumbly.

Perhaps this experience was nothing new to Su Mo but, to the survivors, it was like arriving at heaven’s gate.

‘Without being instructed, the occupants of Hope One, from the captains down to the crew members, rushed down the pa.s.sage together, swimming in the ocean to collect the spoils of war.

Every time they picked up a treasure chest, they shouted in excitement.

Every time they found the corpse of a powerful foreign race member, they beat their chests again and again, seemingly venting their endless grievances.

Through the display screen onboard Hope One, Su Mo observed the actions of these people clearly with fascination.

It was not until Oreo obediently walked in slowly, and laid quietly at his feet, that he reacted.


“Don’t worry, I’m not addicted to slaughter. These foreign races are just stepping stones on my journey!”

Acknowledging the worries in Oreo’s heart, Su Mo seemed to be speaking to Oreo but, in fact, his eyes also darted toward the skies above.

For the game, what it wanted was balance, and Hope One’s ability to destroy that balance was not something it would easily tolerate.

Su Mo had a hunch that if he continued slaughtering all the foreign races for another one or two rounds, the game would definitely interfere!

At that time, the ‘honeymoon relations.h.i.+p’ that the two had just developed would break down directly!

Although Su Mo was not afraid of this happening, he did not intend to let it happen either.

The game might not know this, but he knew in his heart that the best thing to do now was to take a step back and leave a way out for the other party..