My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 477 An Overall Plan, Humankind’s First “All Rounded Talent”

Chapter 477 An Overall Plan, Humankind’s First “All Rounded Talent”

Su Mo ended his conversation with the game. He had nickeled and dimed a few advantages from the game, but he chose to not to be greedy for more. With a grin, he closed the game panel.

“Even if I continue to demand for more, based on the compensation given, the game would at most offer an upgrade to my first gift from the Thousand Realms Traveler ability.”

“However, this would result in my relations.h.i.+p with the game becoming even more tense and strained.”

“However, if I choose to accept it, the game might think I suffered a loss. For this particular reason, the game might even go easy on me during crucial moments!” “Trading this for a favor…is worth it!”

The authority was a tremendous help, and provided its owner with the power of heaven and earth on the wasteland.

Before the destruction of the wasteland, any G.o.d that possessed a fraction of a single percent of authority would possess nearly unrivaled physical attributes. Currently, Su Mo possessed more than five percent of said authority. He needed to conceal this and not display it openly.

However, over the past few days, he had been gradually strengthened by it. His mind was now sharper and brighter than before.

There was a substantial difference in the way he approached his problems as well.

He shook his head and shoved the problem regarding Hope One’s fate to the back of his mind.

He gazed at the azure blue ocean outside. For a brief moment, Su Mo immersed himself in his surroundings.

The boundless skies were high enough for the birds to fly. The endless ocean was wide enough for the fish to swim! “Now, given the remaining time on hand, the only thing left to do is vote for the disaster, dismantle and study the matter conversion engine, and…reach the New World!” He summarized the remaining tasks to be completed.

On second thought, Su Mo went down to the second floor of the lower deck. There, he entered the work compartment and found Lu Kuan, who was carrying out his research mission.

Among all the talents, Lu Kuan, who made the breakthrough discovery of controlled nuclear fusion, saw his status rapidly rise. Most of the time, control of the robot alternated between Lu Kuan and Su Deben.

They were limited in terms of their productivity by the medium of operation.

Su Mo had intended to create more robot bodies to allow the others to freely partic.i.p.ate in the territory’s development.

However, before they rooted themselves in their new territory, this intention would remain but a dream.

“Eh, Su Mo, why have you come? I heard that the disaster voting will happen soon in the afternoon. It’s the first time too!” “Nevertheless, these votes are extremely beneficial to humankind. The foreign races have no choice but to pa.s.sively accept our choice!”

While speaking, Lu Kuan did not raise his head in Su Mo’s direction, but instead kept his focus on controlling the equipment to catalyze a reaction.

However, the tone of his voice hinted at his unsuppressed joy. It was evident that things had gone well over the past few days.

“Bring the rest into the meeting room. I have a new research mission for you all to tackle. Once this is successful, our headache regarding our rapid energy source can be relieved!”

Based on the characteristics of the Old Era Technology, a few days ago, a top-level seminar was held. At the seminar, the group of people had quickly categorized energy sources into two categories, rapid and slow.

Of the two, the slow energy source powered the Old Era technology.

Slow energy source referred to forms of energy that were manifested, stored, and converted through a specific process.

It was a cornerstone technology for a territory and also a guarantee for its future development.

On the other hand, rapid energy source referred to forms of energy that provided weapons, vehicles, armors…and other similar items with an instantaneous burst of energy.

It was similar to the energy that gave certain weapons a burst of speed; the nitrogen that accelerated their vehicles; and the energy that charged their armor.

This same energy powered the special ability of the dwarven dagger. As for the meeting room that Su Mo had mentioned, he meant the room simulated using virtual reality technology. Using this technology, they could a.s.semble the others who were stuck in the gla.s.s box. Everyone could gather in the same s.p.a.ce and partic.i.p.ate in the discussion.

Without any further hesitation, Lu Kuan hastily finished the tasks on hand as he nodded in response to Su Mo’s request.

The next second, his mechanical arm pressed onto the dashboard as he verified his ident.i.ty.

Immediately, the virtual reality technology equipment in the research room activated!

The virtual reality equipment here was wireless; there was no need for Su Mo to be connected with wires.

Su Mo’s head turned upside down. When his sight refocused, the tiny research room had disappeared. Replacing it was a meeting room that emanated warm lighting.

From the corner of the meeting room, a faint smell of jasmine permeated the room, soothing the hearts of any that breathed it in.

“Wait for a while. Xiao Ji and Lao Bai are still sleeping. Let me use bio-electricity to shock them. Hehe!”

“There’s no hurry. Take your time. Don’t frighten them!”

After entering virtual reality, Lu Kuan no longer took the form of a robot. Rather, he was a suave middle-aged gentleman wearing round frame

There were a few wrinkles on his face.

However, this peculiarly did not make him look old. On the contrary, the wrinkles made him look somewhat like an English gentleman.

As he waved his hand, the air in the meeting began to pulsate with movement. One by one, silhouettes began to materialize in the chairs. From the back to the front, the chairs were respectively occupied by: Lu Kuan’s student-a.s.sistant, Ji Yang, whose areas of expertise were astronautics, mathematics, and high-energy physics.

Biologist, Zhuo Junfan, whose areas of expertise were microbiology, virology, and human biology.

Medical expert, Yan Xiaqing, whose areas of expertise were general surgery and combat first-aid.

The expert in physics and communication, Bai Yiqi, whose areas of expertise were quantum physics, particle physics, nuclear physics, and high-speed communication. Chemist, Ou Yangguo, whose areas of expertise were polymer chemistry and a.n.a.lytical chemistry. The construction expert, Ai Jianqiang, whose areas of expertise were high-rise building construction, complex structure construction, and battlefield building construction.

Computer specialist, Su Wei. Machinery specialist, Ai Jianfeng.

Among them, Ai Jianqiang and Ai Jianfeng were brothers. One was an expert in construction, the other was an expert in machinery. When they combined their strengths, they were ridiculously powerful.

Yan Xiaqing, Bai Yiqi, and Ou Yangguo were cousins that somehow inherited similar levels of high intelligence.

Zhuo Junfan and Lu Kuan were legends in the school they attended together. Lu Yang was their junior and, in a sense, their apprentice.

The prodigies that were gathered here were all geniuses of one sort or another, and seem to somehow be related to each other.

Su Wei was not an exception either. Su Mo could not swallow his surprise once he found out Su Wei was Su Deben’s daughter.

Once the eight silhouettes finally took form, chatter filled the meeting room.

Zhuo Junfan: I say, old boy Lu, you’re not being kind to us at all. You’ve occupied the body for yourself for so long that we haven’t had the chance to even take a walk outside. We just fell asleep and now you’ve shocked us awake. You’re not human at all!

Bai Yiqi: He’s right, he’s right! In my dreams, I almost created a lightsaber using particle physics before you shocked me awake. No can do, you need to give me my lightsaber.

Ou Yangguo: Lu Kuan, how is your a.n.a.lysis proceeding on the composition of the blood soil? It would be better if you let me do it. Your chemistry level is merely on par with a Ph.D. advisor. Don’t try to show off, we don’t have much of the material left. Ai Jianfeng: Ah, Shelter Leader, why are you here?

The nine scholars all had differing personalities.

However, the Ai brothers were truly bootlicking lapdogs. Immediately after they saw Su Mo standing at the side, they excitedly began to fawn on him. “Ha ha, everyone please sit down. My purpose of gathering everyone here today is to formulate a three-day plan.”

He pulled a chair over and beckoned the rest to take their seats.

Su Mo continued, “From tomorrow onward, we will enter the New World. Hope One will have to stay on the ocean. It is at risk of being destroyed and others might try to capture and conquer it.”

“Therefore, I have employed a few methods that allowed Hope One to obtain a few special abilities. In a nutsh.e.l.l, these abilities…”

He kept his explanation short and sweet. Su Mo did not detail his little tussle with the game, but briefly explained the characteristics of the Thousand Realm Traveler ability.

“Shelter leader, are you thinking of…?”

The research scholars that sat here were all intellectuals with an IQ of more than 150.

Immediately after Su Mo finished his sentence, Bai Yiqi popped his question, intending to probe Su Mo’s true motive.

Su Mo slowly nodded his head. “Yes. After Hope One anchors at sh.o.r.e, I hope that we can dismantle the matter conversion engine as quickly as possible, and completely duplicate its inner components. It doesn’t matter if we damage the engine in the process. Our goal is to be able to duplicate all of the components of the engine.”

“After that, we can reverse engineer the matter conversion engine’s working principles, which will be our number one priority in order to avoid our situation in the New World falling into a pa.s.sive state.”

Su Mo gently tapped the table.

A projection of the matter conversion engine that was installed in the lower levels of Hope One slowly formed and floated in midair.

At Su Mo’s behest, the engine began to be disa.s.sembled from the center and was neatly sorted into five modules.

“The first component is the input module. I’ll handle this myself.”

“The second component is the output module. Jianfeng, Jianqiang, and Xiaqing. You three will handle this component.”

“The third component is the conversion module. I’ll hand this part over to Lu Kuan, Bai Yiqi, and Ji Yang.”

“The fourth component is the control module. This is a small component and involves a lot of fine details. Su Wei, you will handle this component.”

“The fifth component is the coordination module. Zhuo Junfan, Ou Yangguo, you two are responsible for this.”

“Are there any questions?”

Lu Kuan raised his hand. “Shelter Leader. I have no problem with you a.s.signing the most important module, the conversion module, to the three of us. However, the input module, which is the second-most important module, requires coordination of the interface, subdivision and exclusion of materials, and the a.n.a.lysis of energy components. It’s a rather complex task. Will you be able to handle it alone?”

“Why don’t you let Zhuo a.s.sist you. On our side, Ou Yangguo can work a little more. We can share your workload.”

Zhuo Junfan too raised his hand. “That’s right, Shelter Leader. Let me help you. Even though this component doesn’t involve any specialized knowledge, it is still rather complex. Perhaps, it is too much for you alone…”

The rest followed suit with Lu Kuan and Zhuo Junfan leading the “vanguard”.

They too chimed in with their opinions.

They were well acquainted with Su Mo and they were not afraid that their candor would bruise Su Mo’s pride. For they believed that Su Mo was on the same level as them…


“Ha ha ha, really Lu Kuan? You don’t even believe in me.”

Lu Kuan immediately waved his hands. “Ah? Shelter Leader, I just wanted to…” Su Mo shook his head. “That’s enough. How about this? I’ll give you all a chance to test my standards. In the next ten minutes, brainstorm and throw any questions at me. There are no limits as to which specific field of science the questions can be. Just choose questions from your area of expertise.”


Upon hearing Su Mo’s “arrogant” statement, the rest of them s.h.i.+fted their gaze. Eventually, their gazes converged onto Lu Kuan’s figure.

Twenty days ago, when they first met Su Mo, they had a precise understanding of Su Mo’s depth of knowledge.

Back then, even though Su Mo did not seem to be unintelligent, it was evident that his depth of knowledge was shallow. His level of knowledge could barely even meet the threshold of a postgraduate student.

After twenty days, although Su Mo was remarkably gifted at absorbing knowledge, it was still unlikely that…

“Shelter Leader, then I won’t go easy on you. Here’s my first question!”

All eyes were on Lu Kuan as they silently gestured for him to take the lead. Noticing this, he boldly threw out his question.

“This is a question regarding the aerodynamic design layout of hypersonic aircraft in the airs.p.a.ce and aeros.p.a.ce navigation domain. The details of the question are…”

His lengthy question contained two hundred words. Upon finis.h.i.+ng, Lu Kuan waved his hand and, in midair, his problem statement materialized.

His question was derived from the field of aviation. Without an impeccable grasp of astronautics, it was impossible for anyone to answer the question.

Of course, Lu Kuan had good intentions in immediately starting out with such a difficult question.

He wanted to quickly burst Su Mo’s bubble of pride.

This prideful phase was common for any genius; Lu Kuan had experienced it before, and so had his mentor.

It was like a tradition inherited from one generation to another. Now, in this situation, Lu Kuan chose to be the elder that led the way. He was well aware of Su Mo’s talents. Hence, he decided to start the session with such a question.

“We have not found a precise solution for this problem. There have not been sufficient practical studies and experiments on this subject but, in simulations, we can make such modifications to further justify the aerodynamic layout. The details of the modifications are…”

Lu Kuan’s question had barely finished but, unexpectedly, Su Mo immediately followed his question with an answer.

Seamlessly, Su Mo’s every word materialized in midair, right below Lu Kuan’s problem statement.

Su Mo’s answer was textbook-grade. In front of everyone, Lu Kuan’s expression s.h.i.+fted, his throat moved, but eventually he…

Nodded his head!


Su Mo’s answer stunned the other nine.

They understood the difficulty of Lu Kuan’s question. However, Lu Kuan had acknowledged Su Mo’s answer and agreed that there were no issues with it. That meant…

“Shelter Leader, I have a question that involves microbiology. It’s rather complicated so please listen carefully. We are…”

“Since the differentiation and proliferation of cells in living beings is controlled by the signaling pathways and their combinations, when the signals are transmitted…”

“Shelter Leader, let me. My question is regarding the field of physics…”

“The structure of the reaction both have similar properties…”

“Shelter Leader, I…”

It was like a farmer’s market. The questions were thrown about w.i.l.l.y nilly. However, all the questions were immediately answered by Su Mo.

However, unlike a farmer’s market, every time Su Mo answered a question, the atmosphere in the meeting room seemed to grow heavier. When Su Mo finished answering the last question by Su Wei, the atmosphere had almost reached the point of becoming tangible; a formless pressure hung in the meeting room.

At that moment, no one spoke.

Everyone was frowning as they stared at each other.

From their eyes, they could see that those seated opposite them were equally stunned.

Twenty days ago, Su Mo had been similar to a common university student, obtuse and ignorant.

However, Su Mo’s proficient level of knowledge in all subjects now rivaled that of… a perfect paragon!

At this rate, given a few more months, Su Mo could perhaps become the first in human history… The first to excel in all subjects… An all-rounded academician!

“Is he even human?”

Lu Kuan’s whisper could be heard. Albeit weak, it was clearly heard in the quiet meeting room. Surprisingly, the rest just dumbfoundedly nodded along as they agreed with him.

The next second, they realized that the sentence had an underlying derogatory nuance. Quickly, they turned to Su Mo only to find him with a faint smile on his face.

“That’s okay. Don’t treat me like a normal person. My learning talents are beyond your comprehension!”

“That settles it. We will go with the earlier a.s.signments. The meeting is adjourned!”

No one knew that, at this very moment, on Su Mo’s attributes panel, the nine fundamental subjects had progressed into the Information Age-level.

Also, no one knew that the three subjects that he first studied had gradually reached 40%!

His mastery of the subjects complemented one another. Although Su Mo’s depth of knowledge was not bewildering, the system’s evaluation indicated that he had exceeded all the humans from his Earth!

There was no other like him.

Su Mo now was the strongest all-rounded talent in all of Earth’s history.