My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 565: Four Factories, Great Modern Production Ideas!

Chapter 565: Four Factories, Great Modern Production Ideas!

“Thanks to the contributions of our ent allies, we were able to effortless obtain coal easily today and survive through this winter.

“This is a personal gift for Elder Zhu Ling, please do help me pa.s.s it to him!”

Su Mo took out the ten “heavenly fruits” that had been prepared in advance and handed them over with an overjoyed expression.

30 minutes ago, the Level 4 ent captain came to the basin’s border and was surprised by the coal that was piled up on a small hill.

Until now, he was not able to figure out what means the basin used to accomplish such great achievements.

The ents were very simple, and if they could not figure it out, they would just forget about it. If they could not get through a corner, then they would just give up and leave it to their ent lord to figure it out!

They happily accepted the fruit from Su Mo’s hand. The lead ent thanked him repeatedly and did not stay any longer.

He hurriedly instructed the remaining ents and quickly rushed into the distance.

It only took a moment for all the ents’ figures to slowly disappear into the shroud of darkness.

Su Mo turned around and could not suppress his joy after they left.

It was eight fifty at night, and the temperature on the plains had dropped to about -5 degrees as the cold wind blew.

However, looking around, the thousands of villagers who were resting near the coal pile did not seem to be affected by it. They were a little happy and expressed their excitement to the people next to them!

This was the first time that they were able to come in contact with a foreign race as a territory.

It was also the first official foreign war.

Everyone not only fought a victorious battle but also fought a perfect battle!

“Shelter leader, we’ve counted the coal, and there is a total of 104 tons.

“We completely emptied the Black Stone base camp this time!”

After completing their task of weighing the coals, Su Yuan and Shen Ke approached together and reported their newly obtained data.

There was an extra four tons than the amount predicted.

It was evident that all the remaining coal mined today at Black Stone Base Camp was completely cleaned out by them during the last hostage trade.

“That’s not everything!

“We wouldn’t be able to extract that much coal if we mined them ourselves. I don’t think we would even reach one-tenth of this amount if we mined for days!”

Chen Shen also hurriedly rushed over from another direction with joy.

“Shelter leader, everything is under control on Li Hu’s side. The carts and lizards have already been returned to the dwarves’ base camp!”


Su Mo sighed, knowing the plan ended so perfectly, and clasped his hands together and complimented them.

During the last hostage trade, they returned the lizards and carts to the dwarves not because they wanted to be on good terms with them in the future, but it was because these things would become a burden in the basin.

The lizards had great transportation capacity and extraordinary endurance, but their daily food intake was a huge amount that would cause them a lot of problems.

The 30 lizards in the basin could eat up to 300 ordinary villagers’ amount of food in one day and would not hold back at all.

They were also not really picky eaters and could digest almost anything they ate.

200 to nearly 300 more of these lizards would require an unimaginable amount of food.

It was not impossible for them to be brought back and raised as livestock.

However, they would have to be able to endure the stench from the meat and its muddy taste.

The basin had not reached such low levels to the point where they had no other options, so they did not have to resort to eating this unpleasant meat.

Su Mo gave the plan a thought from beginning to end and decided to return the things to Balck Stone Base Camp for sustainable development in the future.

“Good job!

“It’s getting late, let’s quickly take out the pots and get some food ready so that everyone can warm their tummies before returning!

“There’s no rush to transport the coal. It’ll be fine as long as it’s done by dawn, so go ahead and use King Kong to make a few more trips.”

100 tons of coal sounded like a lot but with their modern transportation means, it was not a big issue.

From the basin’s border to the village was about 100 kilometers away, and using King Kong to carry 20 tons each trip would only take five trips.

Compared to this, the thousands of people who would have to walk for 4 to 5 hours to reach the village were a ha.s.sle.

“Okay, the logistics team brought some semi-processed food when they came.

“I’ll go and make the arrangements.”

The three nodded after receiving the order from Su Mo, left at the same time and started to command the troops.

After a while, the first pot was set up.

They had an abundance of coal, so it only took a while to start a fire, and the fragrance of food started to spread through the air.

Su Mo stood together with the crowd and was not in a rush to return to the village. He stuffed himself with three bowls of rice before satisfyingly hopping into Earth Tiger.

“Have the telegrams been sent back?”

Li Hu got in the car and closed the door. “Yes, I’ve sent it back. Everything should be fine!”

“Good! Very good!”

Su Mo replied with two “goods” in one breath.

He let out a deep sigh and leaned back, finally relieved, knowing that there would be no more problems during the winter.

He was always tense and fought on the front line every day ever since they moved to the New World.

This lord position that he had was not as carefree and happy as he was when he was alone.

“Shelter leader, it’s about time that you feel tired.

“You need to rest, or else we won’t be able to survive without you!”

Su Mo’s expression was filled with sentiment and fatigue as he glanced at his reflection in the right rear-view mirror.

Chen Shen’s hand gripped the steering wheel and turned it to the side, skilfully leaving the crowd behind and heading straight to the village.

“Haha! Chen Shen, when did you start saying such cringy things?”

The words came out.

He turned around and saw the leaders.h.i.+p who were still working sitting in the car, and was stunned.

Su Mo burst out laughing.

Chen Shen’s joke was, in some sense, true.

Earth Tiger had a steering wheel and an accelerator of a battle car.

Su Mo stepped all the way down on the accelerator and felt an indescribable pressure pressing against him, making it difficult to breathe.

The rest in the battle car were also overwhelmed by the pressure.

When rus.h.i.+ng forward, the ordinary villagers who represented the parts of the car were able to withstand the pressure and move forward bravely.

The leaders.h.i.+p, who were the main bodies of the car, had to bear the increasing pressure day by day.

The people in the car, Su Yuan and Shen Ke did not stop their current tasks and were still calculating the material expenditure and consumption while holding up lights in the back seat even on the way home.

The battle today seemed like nothing and as if they had not contributed much to it.

However, behind the scenes, the supplies carried by the logistics team, the items consumed in setting up the communication lines, the consumption of the villagers along the way, as well as how to return the harvest to the warehouse, making a budget for the coal expenditure, etc., required them to work even during their spare time!

They knew that they had to bear these “sufferings” behind closed doors so that every war the basin fought in could be won successfully without any problems.

Li Hu and Pei Shao who both partic.i.p.ated in the battle and needed high concentration throughout the entire plan were not idle in the car either.

They looked through a long list and were strategizing how to build their next teams according to the villagers’ performance today.

They filtered those who should be promoted and those who should be demoted.

The two carefully a.n.a.lyzed and compared each fighter’s performance, gave corresponding ratings and comments in order to make sure that they did not miss any talent, and gave those who bled for the basin their rightful rewards.

This piece would be reviewed again by Chen Shen and then reported to Su Mo for his signature and approval before being implemented.

Meanwhile, Qi Qin and Wu Feiguang, who were in charge of intelligence, were even busier!

What they acquired from the dwarven camp was not only coal but tons of valuable information.

For example, each dwarf’s true combat strength, weaknesses in battle, usual preferences, and status in the clan.

They even acquired insight into the dwarves’ social order, thinking, behavior, habits, and other information.

This information had to be compiled by these two into a book and distributed to the militiamen.

With this complete information, they would be able to ensure that they would not be unprepared and lose their best opportunities when the next fight happens.

‘Let me see.

‘Chen Shen is probably the most relaxed in this car!’

Su Mo snickered as he glanced at Chen Shen, who was “concentrating” on driving the vehicle.

He smiled and turned to the scenery that rapidly pa.s.sed by him through the window.

The success of this plan meant that not only could they have sufficient time to develop during the winter, but he could also put the survival points and territory points to good use during this period.

‘I currently have 27,000 survival points…

‘Today’s 1,000 people war and 100 tons of coal should earn me at least another 3,000 points and bring the total to 30,000…

‘The alchemy furnace must be upgraded, and the rest…

‘If the power installation can’t be completed, I’ll throw in all the points into it. We have to have several production facilities built during the winter no matter what…”

‘If they succeed in the power installation, then we will use everything to cultivate the plants brought back from the ents’ territory to ensure that the basin can accommodate more people!’

Su Mo did a little calculation in his head and quickly settled on how to use the survival points.

They did not have any complete trade routes and tradeable objects.

With the production output of the villagers in the basin and the materials they had acc.u.mulated, they could not purchase anything apart from exchanging rights and interests with the various departments of the village.

The pressure of the economy would be put on mainly on the shelter, which would not be a good thing.

Especially, considering that there would be more people and more pressure in the future, Su Mo wanted to make these changes as soon as possible to deal with the potentially severe situation in the future.

There was no rush for these changes to take place, and he planned for them to be implemented by the end of the winter.

The first few modern production facilities…

He intended these first four to satisfy the necessities of food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

Therefore, these four production facilities would be a food factory, a clothing factory, a construction factory, and a vehicle factory.

The food factory would not be producing refined food materials like normal food factories.

Instead, it would involve the whole process from the source, to cultivation, harvesting, processing, and eventually the final product.

Excluding the supplies stored in the village warehouse, if the things such as rice leaves. flavor spores, chrysanthereal gra.s.s, and other plants brought back from the ents’ territory were divided into separate departments to be cultivated, the person-in-charge would have nothing to do during the waiting time, and the reward or value of the item was unpredictable.

In the long run, it would be a waste of energy for the person in charge and would allow them to cultivate lazy habits.

People working in the factories would have to cultivate these plants first, then harvest them, and process them into a finished product according to human habits.

This kind of workflow would be easier to manage and more convenient. It would create an accurate evaluation of each person’s contribution.

‘It’d be a waste to directly use a large number of modern equipment in the process. Not only will it waste the basin’s scientific research power, but we’ll also lose progress.

‘I’ll let them familiarize themselves with this entire production line first, and when they’ve mastered it, they will put forward their own production needs.”

‘When the time comes, only will I issue the scientific research order to research and build on-demand!’

What equipment and facilities were needed for a food production factory?

Su Mo thought about it and realized he was also unsure of the process and things needed.

However, it did not stay on his mind too long after he concluded the relations.h.i.+p between supply and demand.

Clothing factory.

As the name suggested, it had to be able to manufacture all kinds of clothing.

The current situation in the basin was that most people’s clothing were clothes they brought over during the transmigration. They did not have a change of clothes.

As a result, the villagers had to wear damp clothes the next day if the clothes they washed the day before had not dried properly, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Su Mo did not have high expectations. He did not care about the shape or design, as long as it could be worn and serve its basic purpose.

Clothes to keep warm in the winter, and to keep cool in the summer.

Expedition clothing could provide practical functions, and combat clothing could protect main body parts.

As long as they met these requirements, it was considered an excellent clothing factory.

In the future, after satisfying domestic demands, the clothing factories could slowly be restructured into high-tech factories such as weapons factories, armor factories, and so on.

‘The raw materials for clothes are not complicated. Among the seeds brought back from the Deep Sea World before, there are plants of the flax family. With only a little cultivation, you can obtain large pieces of high-quality raw materials and make them into linen.

‘What’s more, I still have the perfect material, the big peak flower, and with this, we can also manufacture cotton cloth. By then, everyone will be able to put on a new quilt and sleep on new bedsheets!’

From ancient times to the present, the craftsmans.h.i.+p of cotton and linen had a long history, and it was not difficult to copy this existing knowledge.

While thinking about it, Su Mo even thought of the equipment required for the production process, as well as the final sewing machine and other equipment needed for the finis.h.i.+ng process.

The clothing factory would be the easiest to build among the four major factories.

Su Mo’s ambitions started to manifest as he thought about the last two factories.

A construction factory was not a construction site in the conventional sense, a construction team, nor a place specialized in the production of building materials.

It would be responsible for site selection, giving design blueprints, obtaining raw materials, secondary processing into construction materials, and construction until final completion.

The responsibilities of the construction factory were also very extensive, and it was necessary to start to slowly plan the basin’s development to develop into a city.

The ancient cities of the foreign races were too difficult to develop, and Su Mo did not like the idea.

A modern flat city would be too scattered and hard to defend.

The construction factory’s responsibility would be to find an optimal solution, integrate the strengths of several different plans as much as possible, and build a human city suitable for “living” in the doomsday wasteland!

‘”I have talent. Ai Jianqiang is a professional architect. As long as he gets a mark and is resurrected, he could easily solve the construction problems of the basin.

‘Raw materials, sand, and earth are inexhaustible in the New World. There is absolutely no shortage of them.

‘Equipment and things used in construction are all about the person using it. It will not be difficult to manufacture and can meet the need quickly.

As the most important part of the infrastructure…

In this regard, Su Mo already had a plan and was not worried about it.

The last factory, on the other hand, was something that he was a bit helpless about.

Transportation factory.

A seemingly useless, but urgent need.

The endurance of the ancestors, before the development of a suitable vehicle, that they could travel 800 miles a day could become a myth and left their legacy in history.

However, ordinary civil airliners could also reach a terrifying cruising speed of 900 kilometers per hour in modern times.

That was ten times and even a hundred folds in difference.

Under their current circ.u.mstances, if they do not quickly develop transportation means, it would be impossible to gather more people and explore more unknown areas.

At the same time, without the protection of heavy vehicles, once faced with other foreign races, the weak human body was at a big disadvantage!

‘With the current situation, even if I knew there was a human gathering place that was thousands of miles away…

‘I wouldn’t have the means to bring them across the mountains and back to the basin

‘However, if I had tanks, busses, off-road vehicles, and other vehicles to escort them, then transporting thousands of people would be nothing.

‘Once we produce enough combat vehicles, even a terrifying torrent of steel can’t stop me!’

Su Mo rubbed his fingers against the slightly blurred winds.h.i.+eld of Earth Tiger, and his eyes were filled with determination as the thoughts flashed through his mind.

Industry, science, and technology were the main forces that constructed a powerful country.

The recovery of modern production factories was the most important part of whether they could take this step to establish a human kingdom and a super fortress capable of withstanding any natural disaster in the wasteland!

This was a thought that Su Mo would never imagine when he had just transmigrated and had nothing on him.

However, right now…

He had a large territory and abundant resources, dozens of scientific research scholars as well as thousands of talents that had various modern age expertises and professions.

On top of that, he would have thousands of survivors possibly joining the basin.

He had infinite ways to realize this dream right now!