My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 570: Batch Transformation, Turning Waste into Treasure!

Chapter 570: Batch Transformation, Turning Waste into Treasure!

“Hey, why is this interface so similar to the previous creation function, lucky draw chance?”

After a burst of light flashed across the panel, the interface derived from the new upgrade method appeared.

Su Mo felt a familiarity at first glance.

The thing in the middle of the panel was an image of a land flower seed still placed on a white cloth with a dense pattern.

After the light flashed across the entire page, the patterns on the land flower seed began to flicker, giving it a mythical vibe.

The right side of the interface represented the plant link’s unique transformation attribute.

Su Mo used his mind to gently tap on the three small white dots that suddenly lit up on the seed, then a stream of information was transmitted.

Su Mo received the complete information as he sat in the chair.

A look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

‘So…that’s how it works!’

For the special transformation of seeds, the system did not use a mysterious explanation but the simplest and most intuitive scientific explanation.

The current land flower seeds had a total of 1,400 genes inside them.

The plant link had made three gene point mutations, resulting in the special ability of the land flower to link to other plants randomly to increase fertility.

‘The more changes are made to the gene points, the more unique its special abilities will be.

‘At the same time, the higher the degree of modification of gene points, the higher the degree of ability.’

Su Mo pondered on the descriptions of the upgrade methods and clicked on the example.


This time, the descriptions given by the system were much more straightforward.

The randomized attributes would still maintain the same three gene points, but the degree of transformation would be doubled.

Then, the plant link’s ability would evolve to allow manual selection of linking plants.

On top of that, if you doubled the effect…

That meant two plant links that could be manually linked to selected plants.

When these three gene points were all transformed, then the plant link would be linked with all the plants in the area affected by the land flower and improve the fertility by 200% on top of its basic fertility boost!

‘Currently, only one plant can be linked and the fertility will increase by 15%, but if I transform it to the extreme, it can be increased by 200% for all surrounding plants.

‘That is a very huge difference.’

After reading the description provided by the system, he finally had a thorough understanding of the seed transformation attributes.

However, there was no point in all talk and no action.

After seeing that there was a random chance displayed below, Su Mo clicked on it without hesitation and started the first random attribute chance.


As soon as he clicked on it, the seed in the center of the panel began to tremble.

First, the three light spots that previously represented plant link flew out from the seed and burst in the air, turning into little bits of shattered light.

Then, the 1,400 gene points inside the seed popped out of thin air and began to appear slowly.

‘In such a small seed lies such a wonderful and magnificent scene like a star chart. It’s amazing!”

The evolution began.

The land flower’s gene point jumped out of the panel and began to jump around continuously on the first floor of the underground shelter.

Looking up, countless gray light spots flashed that only Su Mo could see.

“I don’t know how many gene points can be lighted up by randomized attributes for the first time!”

Looking at the system panel, a ray of starlight shot out at the system panel, directly hitting the land flower gene star chart.

Su Mo’s eyes were full of antic.i.p.ation, suppressing his excitement as he glanced at the seed.

The first was the number of genes lit up.

It was the first randomization, so Su Mo did not have high hopes about the number of lights that could be lit up or what powerful attributes could be randomly generated.

Su Mo was unsure whether it was because of his character points or if the land flower’s level was too low and too easy to transform.

At the first moment when the starry chart was. .h.i.t, the dense stars lit up.

At first glance, there were more than 300 genes lit up!

Moreover, the speed that they were lighting up did not slow down because of the large number in the beginning but gradually increased. instead

In the end, the numbers broke through 1000.

It reached as high as 1100!

‘D*mn! Did I activate 80% on my first try?

‘These one hundred points were worth it!

He was prepared for the worst but got a nearly perfect result.

Su Mo was even more curious and could not help tapping on the system panel again, casting the remaining star power into the star chart.



The dark gray star streak was like flowing water, constantly brus.h.i.+ng against the many genetic points that had been lit up.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise like a thunderstorm.

Luckily this movement happened in a dimension that only Su Mo could see. Otherwise, even from ten miles or even a hundred miles away, people would feel the trembles and make it difficult to stand firmly.

‘It’s over!’

Seeing that the last trace of star power disappeared from the panel, the gene star chart in the sky gradually stabilized and returned to the panel.

Su Mo felt a burst of joy in his heart, and he hurriedly glanced toward the new attributes.

[Reverse Growth – Land Flower (Rare+)]

[Description: A seed that contains magical energy. After sowing it, you can harvest a magical plant with the ability to change the fertility of the land]

[Special transformation: Reverse growth (After the land flower is planted, it will directly reach the mature form and begin to increase the fertility of the land, but due to the reverse growth attributes, the strength and lifespan of the land flower will begin to decrease rapidly and it will return to its seed form in 6 months.)]

[Evaluation: You didn’t see that coming, right? I’m going back to the soil!]


Su Mo was able to understand the new transformation attributes the first time but he rubbed his eyes again in disbelief.

He confirmed it once again/ His mind exploded and started to buzz.

‘No way?

‘How am I suddenly so lucky now?!”

If the expectations for the land flower transformation could be divided into grades, then the reverse growth transformation obtained was undoubtedly the highest level among them!

It could be planted now and grow rapidly like the storage flower. Then, its attributes would immediately take effect, improving soil fertility.

Even if the ability caused it to degrade over time because of the reverse growth, it would not matter.

Six months later, when the land flower became a seed, it could be dug out and replanted again. You could grow a mature land flower again!

‘I’m not going to continue gambling! The one hundred points are already totally worth it!’

Su Mo thought about the benefits of the reverse growth attribute and closed the transformation panel of the seed without hesitation.

This was the optimal solution for their current situation.

Instead of wasting survival points to gamble on better attributes, it would be better to gamble on the other two land flower seeds.

Su Mo cautiously put the precious seed that had been transformed aside.

He searched through the pouch and picked out the remaining two seeds with tweezers.

Using the system, the two seeds’ attributes were instantly a.n.a.lyzed and popped up on the panel.

Among them, one was exactly the same as the previous seed, and the transformation category was a plant link.

The other transformation category had two gene point mutations that were vigorous growth, which could speed up the growth rate of land flowers by 3%. It was definitely better than nothing.

‘I wonder how the ents distinguish and grade the transformation potential of these seeds.

‘They definitely picked up some useless ones for me!’

Su Mo complained but his hands continued moving.

The panel flashed once again, and the second seed transformation upgrade began to proceed quickly.

It was still the same 1,400 gene points.

This time, the number of lights lit up was not as good as before, only 900 light spots emitted a misty black light.

The color depth of the black light however was one shade darker than the previous seed that had 1100 lights lit up.

When the transformation was over, the new panel flashed and revealed the new attributes.

[Clone – Land Flower (Rare+)]

[Description: A seed that contains magical energy. After sowing it, you can harvest a magical plant with the ability to change the fertility of the land.]

[Special transformation: Cloning (After the land flower grows into its mature form, according to the nutrients absorbed during the growth period, it will have a cloning ability, and the probability of the person who planted the seed will get 2 (minimum) to 99 (maximum) mature plants).]

[Evaluation: There can be more me if there are enough nutrients!]

‘This clone attribute is not bad!

‘It would be great to get 99 mature land flowers if there was a way to stimulate it to a mature state and provide it with maximum nutrients!’


The principle was not difficult to understand.

It was basically providing an abundance of nutrients to the land flower, allowing it to grow multiple branches, which could be cut off and transplanted to other places.

The abundance of nutrients absorbed in the early stages when it was part of the main body would allow it to mature quickly and its effects to take place.

It was a pity that it took four years to grow the land flower, and Su Mo did not have the time to wait.

He decided to put it aside for the time being and see if there were any other transformation attributes in the future that could make up for this shortcoming.

Su Mo picked up the third seed and spent another 100 points.

This time, the lights that lit up on the star chart were even less. Only about 600 glowed with light.

However, similar to the previous seed, the light was much darker than the first one. It was evident that there was a much more powerful change.

[Golden Stone – Land Flower (Rare+)]

[Description: A seed that contains magical energy. After sowing it, you can harvest a magical plant that can change the purity of ores.]

[Special transformation: Golden stone (The special transformation allowed the land flowers to produce unexpected changes. The land flower no longer has the ability to provide fertility bonuses for the land, but after planting it in ore veins, it can continuously improve the purity of the ore vein by 10% (minimum) to 50% (maximum) after reaching maturity.)]

[Evaluation: Yum, yum! The taste of ore is incredible!]

‘It no longer improves the fertility of the land and instead improves the purity of ores!’

Su Mo was taken aback after reading the complete description, and then he clicked on the save transformation while still in surprise.

1,400 gene points.

That did not mean there would only be 1,400 transformation possibilities.

It was likely that with different depths of each light spot, there would be 10,000, 100,000, or even more transformation categories!

Su Mo was very satisfied that he had only spent 300 points to get these 3 transformation categories.

He was able to overcome the four-year growth period of the land flowers but the value of this third attribute of golden stone was much higher than the first two seeds!

‘It wouldn’t take long for our energy stones to have stronger energy absorption and stable transmission speed if I planted this in the energy stone mine!’

‘D*mn, this is so cool!’

Su Mo waved his fists in excitement and then closed the panel without hesitation.

It would not be a problem if the land flowered needed four years to grow in the current situation because inside the seed pouch, there was another plant that could make up for this shortcoming.

The rafflesia!

The magical plant that Zhuling specially used to tempt them!

Su Mo opened the pouch again and used tweezers to pick out the rafflesia seed.

Different from the land flower, the seeds of the rafflesia were like soybeans, about the size of the tip of a finger.

The skin was wrinkled, and it did not look like a plant with magical powers.

However, no matter what it looked like, its attributes were clearly a.n.a.lyzed and shown on the system panel under the examination of the green light from the system.

[Vitality Link – Rafflesia Seeds (Rare)]

[Description: A seed containing magical energy. After sowing it, you can harvest a plant which can speed up the growth efficiency of plants and shorten the time for plants to mature.]

[Special Transformation: Vitality link (The rafflesia will randomly form a vitality link with a plant within its effective range. When the linked plant grows vigorously, the rafflesia’s ability will increase by 5%. When the linked plant dies, the rafflesia’s ability willpermanently decrease by 80%.) ]

[Estimated crop maturity time: Germination period (15 days), growth period (7 days), flowering period (15 days)]

[Attribute’s effect range: 1000㎡ (1.5 mu)]

[Growth necessities: Adequate water source; suitable temperature > 0 degrees Celsius; soil fertility > 5]

[Growth efficiency effect: Based on the grade of the plant, it can be applied to the growth of plants equal to and below the rare level. The maximum growth efficiency increased is 80%, and the minimum growth efficiency increased is 10%.]

[Evaluation: Coexisting with children of the same piece of land!]


‘The minimum growth efficiency increase is only 10%?’

Su Mo tapped on the attribute panel and opened the detailed introduction.

He frowned after going through it.

The rafflesia was a rare plant, and it took about a month to mature, which was an acceptable amount of time, but at the same time, land flowers were also rare plants.

The special ability of the rafflesia could only be applied to plants of the same level according to the grade cla.s.sification on the attribute panel, and it could only provide a guaranteed 10% at most.

Based on the four years it took to grow the land flower, it could reduce a total of 146 days.

That was quite a considerable amount.

However, it was not enough.

‘I can accept that low-level plants do not have significant attributes, but I can’t accept that such high-level plant bonuses are only as little as 10%

‘The vitality link is useless anyway, and it’ll be a burden. I can go ahead and randomize the transformation!”

Three rafflesias with a vitality link.

These were useless attributes that could be discarded.

The effect was so pitiful, and a failed transformation would greatly reduce the current attributes. It was no wonder the ents were so frustrated with the transformation process.

However, Su Mo had a lot of survival points in hand and was not afraid.

He did not even bother looking at the upgrade methods of the rafflesia and instantly opened the transformation panel.

The attributes of the rafflesia were simple and had fewer gene points.

There were only 900.

Seeing that even the rubbish vitality link could light up more than 30 stars on the star chart, Su Mo took a deep breath and pressed the randomized b.u.t.ton.

The starlight fell. The start chart swayed and was thrown toward the wall as if it had claws.

In an instant, all 900 stars lit up.

The rays of light are connected and formed shapes like mountains.

‘They all lit up?’

Once again, Su Mo experienced the pressure of survival points crus.h.i.+ng ordinary objects in close proximity and had a deeper understanding of the system.

For the system to create something from scratch would cost a lot, but 100 points were completely enough to transform an existing object.

The starlight united with the stars on the chart, and they returned to the panel, revealing the new attributes.

[Dedication – Rafflesia Seeds (Rare)]

[Description: A seed containing magical energy. After sowing it, you can harvest a flower that can speed up the growth efficiency of plants and shorten the time for plants to mature

[Special Transformation: Dedication (Fallen flowers aren’t ruthless, they return to the land to nurture the plant that once provided them with nutrition. The transformed rafflesia acquired a very special ability. It will voluntarily dedicate its life to supplying another plant that is within its effective range after reaching maturity. The user may designate a plant (the grade cannot be higher than rare) and directly allow the selected plant to achieve maturity. After the dedication, the rafflesia will die and cannot be regenerated.)]

[Evaluation: Please cherish its one-time ‘love’!]

It was both expected and unexpected at the same time.

This special attribute was worthy of the fact that all stars lit up!

The flower took one month to mature and would be able to instantly accelerate another plant of the same level that might take four, five, or even ten years to mature.

It was a useful attribute!

However, it would die after being used once, and could not continue to buff the plants within its range, which made Su Mo feel a little disappointed.

It was perfect, but not so perfect.

‘Desires can never be satisfied.

‘The ability to directly accelerate a plant to maturity is too perverted. Dying upon helping mature another plant is also reasonable.

‘As long as I can get an attribute like the clone in the remaining rafflesia seed, then it’ll be fine to use it to accelerate another plant into maturity since I will still have extra seeds!’

Su Mo immediately concluded in his heart.