My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 585: The First Day, Trending Disaster Resistance Video!

Chapter 585: The First Day, Trending Disaster Resistance Video!

Snow disasters were not to be feared. Being unprepared was what one should be afraid of the most.

Reality proved that as long as there were complete disaster resistance plans and means, the heavy snow could not penetrate the defense line of the basin.

At six in the morning, the sun slowly rose in the sky, and the snowfall finally began to slow down and stopped gradually.

It was like a break during the disaster.

From this moment onward, everyone had a three-hour break to prepare for the next big snowfall that would last eight hours.

Su Mo looked at the village.

The billowing smoke rose from the canteen in the backside of Hope Village.

The surrounding boilers had also been switched on full force, and thick black smoke raised to the sky in the cold winter.

It was a great comfort to the exhausted villagers that returned after their s.h.i.+ft.

“Since there is a three-hour break, there’s no need to change s.h.i.+fts for the time being. Let everyone take a break.

“Make sure that the hot water room is available to be used at any time!

“The canteen should be prepared to serve meals around the clock! Everyone can take a double portion and don’t be afraid that we don’t have enough food!

“The medical team led by Yan Xiaqing should be on standby twenty-four-seven!Every villager’s injuries should be treated in a timely manner.


Su Mo issued orders one after another and showed a satisfied smile as he watched the people below nod and leave after receiving their orders.

War was the best way to test soldiers.


It was the same for the current situation.

The disaster was also the best way to test the cohesion and strength of the villagers.

It was necessary to climb high and look far.

Three kilometers around the center of Hope Village was evidently cleared of snow.

Even in some surrounding places, you could still see the dark brown land under the thin snow.

In the distance, the snow layer had exceeded a full two meters.

By contrast…

Just know how remarkable the results of these 1,400 people’s hard work all night are!

“It was okay to hide in the ground in previous disasters, but during this disaster, if we don’t go out to clean up the snow, I’m afraid we’ll be completely covered under the ground in less than a day!”

“At that time, our perfect shelter would turn into a coffin in minutes!”

When the snow first fell, it was very fluffy, and it could be easily shoveled aside with a shovel.

However, when the snow had acc.u.mulated to a certain extent, the snow on top would put pressure on the shelter.

When that happened, it would undoubtedly be difficult to break through the shelter from below!

“Fortunately, we saved enough fuel in the stockpile and several big machines that can work around the clock.

“Otherwise, we would be in trouble!”

After a few moments of thought., Su Deben approached and sighed as he observed the large machines that were still working in the distance.

In addition to the King Kong excavator that was responsible for the loading and transporting.

Six carriages had been attached to the rear of Earth Tiger and relied on horsepower to transport the snow that had been cleared.

The medium-sized modified truck seized from the Zeus shelter was not inferior. It had a huge body and a cart attached to the rear for transportation of snow.

Additionally, they had machinery such as the rotary tillers.

The efficiency of each movement was equivalent to thousands of villagers working at once.

The progress was terrifyingly fast!

“Haha, luckily the territory we need to protect is still small. If we expand the front to ten kilometers or twenty kilometers…

“That is going to be difficult!”

For some of Su Deben’s sentiments, Su Mo did not deny them but he also subconsciously shook his head.

The plan for the day was to solve the difficulties before them.

For example, the thick snow layered on the periphery of the basin had reached two meters, and after tonight, it would reach at least four meters.

The heavy snowfall was going to last for a full seven days!

Even if the subsequent snowfall gradually decreased after seven days, the snow piled on the surrounding area would be at least 12 to 16 meters.

Imagine if Su Mo woke up, walked out the door, and saw that the village below had snow piled up about four to five stories high next to them.

The basin would be like a paradise trapped in the snow. Even if you refused to be isolated from the world, there was no way out.

When that happened, just getting outside to clear the snow would already pose a huge problem.

After 15 days, if the snow had not been cleared when the extremely low temperature hit, then it went without thinking that the snow would be completely frozen into solid ice.

Even if the excavator could dig through it, they would have to carefully consider the possible danger of landslides and avalanches.

‘For now, I still have a card that can change the territory’s terrain, which can be saved for an emergency.

‘However, I’ve been saving it in case of a foreign invasion. If I were to use it now…

‘I’ll wait and see.’

With food in hand, Su Mo was not worried.

Su Mo still had a trump card in his hand that he got as a reward for his previous performance during the ocean disaster.

As time pa.s.sed, it would be best if he could find a solution to get rid of the layer of snow.

However, if there were no other way, he would have to use the card.

Nine in the morning.

After the short break, snow began to fall again.

Although it was a lot slower than when it started snowing the last night, the size had not changed, and the speed of the snow acc.u.mulation was still extremely fast.

The basin had selected only 700 people to get up to fight the disaster and clean the surrounding three kilometers of snow because of the break.

The other half of the people continued to rest and recovered their strength to prepare for the snowfall at night.

Su Mo realized it was useless for him to stay so he scanned around the area and instructed the leaders.h.i.+p to wake him up if something happened.

Su Mo returned to the third floor of the underground shelter and fell asleep.

As the focus of the entire village, there was a team above the shelter that cleaned up the snow layer above around the clock to ensure there was sufficient oxygen inside.

Plus, there was also the lion clan’s wind ability that maintained the circulation of fresh air.

Su Mo had a very peaceful sleep.

It was about four in the afternoon when he lazily opened his eyes.

He turned around and glanced toward the bedside table that was supposedly empty before his sleep.

There was already a gla.s.s of psychic energy water inside a thermos cup with traces of steam circulating around the cup’s walls, which was extremely pleasing to the eyes.

Next to the cup, there was also a ceramic insulation box. The fragrance of the food seeped through the small holes in the box, and Su Mo knew that it was the food he loved…

Stir-fried lamb and spicy chicken!

‘Spending the day like this does feel kinda good.’

Su Mo sat up, uncovered the thermos cup, and was satisfied after he took a sip.

In the past, when disasters came, it would be impossible for him to be sleeping comfortably and at ease. He could never imagine being pampered and taken care of by other people until the end of the disaster.

However, right now…

Although the responsibility he shouldered grew heavier, he was definitely living a much more comfortable and enjoyable life.

He took another sup and opened the game panel again to check for updates.

The tasks could be completed anytime during the disaster, so there was no rush to complete them on the first day when the disaster was at its peak.

Su Mo was much more concerned about the videos on the disaster resistance channel.

He opened up the leaderboard to briefly went through it, confirming no major changes.

Then, he immediately tapped into the disaster resistance channel.

As expected, many videos were already posted on it around this time.

What surprised Su Mo was that there was a video compiled for the basin already.

‘Don’t post it yet. Let me see the content!’

Su Mo canceled the prompt to upload the video and tapped on it, full of curiosity.




The game panel began to flash with white and blue lights as the frames loaded.

After the illusory ripples flashed across the panel, a black frame appeared on the panel.

The video that belonged to the basin began to play inside the black frame.

“This is… Iron Rock Mountain?”

The first scene the game selected was of Iron Rock Mountain.

It was a bird-eye view from the 60-meter mountain peak , showing the scenery of the village and the heavy snow that fell from the sky.

The horizons and the village were both covered in white, which was a shocking scenario.

A few seconds pa.s.sed, and with a few standard camera movements, the camera began to float from the top of the mountain toward the village, overlooking the hard-working villagers below.

There was a team of twenty people.

Eight people were responsible for shoveling snow, six people were responsible for loading snow, four people were responsible for shoveling the snow, and two people were responsible for pulling new carts.

The division of labor was extremely clear, and they had perfect teamwork.

The movements of each team were surprisingly neat.

Su Mo did not feel anything after watching one team alone, but after watching ten to twenty teams, he was overwhelmed with a feeling of comfort.

‘This editing level is really good. It would be even better if there were some background music!’

The video was soundless.

No matter how stunning it was, it still lacked a little bit of the shock factor.

However, since the game launched this channel, it obviously took this into account and had the function built-in.

The moment he uttered his thoughts, an audio dubbing box popped up.

‘D*mn! This is such a scam! I have to buy a BGM with disaster points to use it!’

The box above the game could search for any BGM on Earth and directly apply the currently trending songs with popular price comparisons.

Powerful functions and a lot of fees.

One song cost 200 disaster points for one use!

“A good video would be rewarded with an airdrop and valuable material rewards to players.

“An initial investment was also reasonable!”

Haring Su Mo’s complaints, the spiritual a.s.sistant who had been hiding appeared and gave an explanation.

According to his words, he suggested that one could not achieve great things without some sacrifices.

The traffic and views would not come to you if you were not willing to spend a few points for some music but wished to get the airdrop.


Su Mo flicked away the noisy spiritual a.s.sistant and fixed the game panel to the side of his field of vision.

He walked out of his bedroom, showered, and entered the living room with a lunch box.

The temperature outside was -20 degrees, but the temperature on the shelter’s third floor was -4 degrees.

As soon as the lunch box was opened, the white steam inside rushed out with a strong aroma of rice.

A simple but hearty lunch consisted of two spicy dishes to warm up, four big white steamed buns, and a bowl of sweet millet porridge.

Throughout the wasteland, there were only a handful of people who received such treatment.

“Woah, it smells so good!

“What’s with the video clips taken! Obviously, a video about eating in this weather would be more suitable!”

Enjoying the delicious meal, he stared at the video on the disaster resistance channel in front of him.

Everything seemed to be like back on Earth.

It seemed like they were in the era when everyone had smartphones to swipe short videos when they were eating.

The first video he came across was a pack of wolves running wildly on a snowy day. Even if there were snowflakes falling in the sky, it could not stop them.

The rolling snowflakes were flashed by them, like waves, which made those watching feel a little dizzy.

When the camera angle changed to a higher view, the hundreds of wolves were seen running even more vigorously, chasing the alpha wolf with extraordinary speed.

“These wolves… they accepted the task of running on a snowy day?”

The snow was still falling in the sky, and these wolves das.h.i.+ng through the snow looked somewhat out of place.

Su Mo glanced at the 4.3 million views, 110,000 likes, and 380,000 comments.

He was greatly interested and used his mind control to tap on the video.

“You never mentioned anything about running such a long distance when coming to the New World,” a silver wolf cried.

“The huskies are clear-minded in the winter! Are your CPUs burned instead?”

“The comment below, don’t be weird. I’m right next to them. Their territory collapsed last night and they had no other choice!

“They gave up their homes in order to complete a task? The annihilation of the wolves has come!”


In order to prevent the comment area from becoming another live chat channel, the game was set to not be able to reply to other people’s comments.

However, it retained the like feature.

Su Mo almost burst out laughing after reading the comments that received a lot of likes.

Sure enough, even when everyone knew that the first disaster was a heavy snowfall, there were very few groups that could survive the disaster completely.

The silver wolf in the video had calculated the thickness of the snow during the first heavy snow and decisively gave up his territory to become a hunter in the wilderness.

He acc.u.mulated strength as he completed tasks while waiting for the disaster to end so that he could attack the surrounding territories that had sustained great damage during the disaster.

Of course, even though it was a reasonable strategy, it could only be described as the next best thing.

As the first video he watched, Su Mo generously contributed a like and continued to swipe through the videos.

“Huh? Isn’t this the human territory in the Deep Sea?”

In times of disaster, the disaster resistance channel could not only be used by players in the New World, but also by those in the Deep Sea.

Because of the disaster relief in the Deep Sea.

In this small fis.h.i.+ng village on the side coast of an island, only a thin layer of snow covered the ground, which had not much effect on the residents’ daily lives.

On the sea, there were no traces of snow and it remained its blue hue, which made people extremely comfortable.

The video circled around the island and showed a few different angles. The comfortable and peaceful life made those watching feel peace in their hearts.

‘Unfortunately, this video has only 200 views and 30 likes.

‘It seems that peaceful videos were not what people want to see. They are interested in the majesty of big territories!’

Su Mo swiped and watched a few videos.

Among them, there were powerful foreign races that lifted the snow from the ground by means of unknown tools and tossed it in the air, allowing it to fly for a few miles. The video had gained tens of millions of views and millions of likes.

There were also smaller foreign races that had tribe members use various primitive tools to continuously clean up the snow that fell on the gathering place like the basin. The video got over one million views and tens of thousands of likes.

Of course, there were also others like the silver wolves that took advantage of the snow to attack other territories. The video that screened the b.l.o.o.d.y battle till the end also received more than 10 million views and hundreds of thousands of likes.

It was the beginning of the disaster.

Videos with violence or disaster resistance keywords were extremely popular and achieved great results.

‘Unfortunately, the most basic random airdrop treasure chest can only be redeemed after hundreds of millions of playbacks. These views were still not enough!”

There was still a lot of time to acc.u.mulate views.

Those videos with tens of millions of views would easily meet the minimum requirements by the end of the disaster, but those with a few million views would have some trouble.

Su Mo predicted that most of them would have wasted quite a lot of effort and points by the end of the disaster.

Their output had no value at all for crazy dissemination, and there was no controversial topic of discussion.

Ultimately, they would be buried in the enormous amount of videos.

‘Maybe, I should also start thinking about how to make a video that will shock everyone…’

Su Mo cleaned up his food.

He put aside the dishes and bowls into the insulation box and ascended up with the box in hand.

A brief idea for the video content popped up in his head.

However, how to film the video, from what perspective, and how to achieve the goal were still things he had to draft well.