My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 700: Meteorite Impact, the Mysterious Village! Part 2

Chapter 700: Meteorite Impact, the Mysterious Village! Part 2

Miraculously, the meteor, which should have caused a terrifying shock upon impact, landed gentler than expected and only caused a slight tremble through the ground.

The shaking was so small that even a table would only shake a little. It was not even close to a magnitude three earthquake.

The force of it was simply not worth mentioning compared to the momentum it had in the air.

“That’s it?”

The villagers began to get up from the ground gradually.

The time between the discovery of the meteor and its impact was too short that everyone was unable to feel a sense of relief that they had survived the disaster.

It was like a joke was played on them.

Chen Shen also hurriedly got up from the ground and tidied his messed-up clothes after seeing Li Hu running toward him from a distance. Immediately, he took out his binoculars to inspect where the meteor had landed.

The fiery flames that surrounded the meteor had completely vanished after it landed and only left a faint afterglow of light.

The glow was so faint that it would have been unnoticeable in daylight.

However, it was conspicuous at night and acted like a guiding light.

“D*mn it! Did another strange monster befall our territory again? We haven’t even dealt with the strange people and building, and now we have a meteor impact within our territory?!!”

Li Hu quickly approached as Chen Shen observed the meteor impact site.

They immediately expressed their dissatisfaction with the situation after meeting each other.

Hurriedly, they walked toward the Earth Tiger parked behind the temporary command post.

Judging by the current situation, they had been fiddling around the mysterious building for a long time, yet no enemies had charged out, and no movements were heard.

They estimated the degree of threat and concluded that it could be put aside for the time being and form a long-term plan.

However, the meteor impact was much more of an emergency.

Regardless of whether it was an enemy or a treasure, it was better to reach the site immediately than to investigate later.

“I left my fifty soldiers to guard the mysterious building. Take Earth Tiger to head over first. I’ll bring the rest of my team and follow behind you.

“No matter what the party is, whether a dragon or a tiger, I swear to take it down since it chose to land in our territory!”

Inside the car, Li Hu quickly made battle preparations.

The two of them separated after forming a plan. Chen Shen headed to the site to investigate the situation first, while Li Hu would bring his team over later.

In the event of a fight, they could ensure that they would not panic.

“Alright! Be careful!”

Chen Shen dropped Li Hu at the village entrance and instructed six fully armed guards on duty to get into the car. Immediately, under the control of Chen Shen, the Earth Tiger dashed out like thunder and disappeared into the distance.

One kilometer, two kilometers…

On the cleared roads, Chen Shen raised the car’s speed to 90 km/h.

Driving at such speed on b.u.mpy roads made the car lift from the ground significantly and landed heavily when they drove past high slopes.

However, the matter was urgent, so those in the car had no complaints.

Chen Shen drove to the uphill point eight kilometers away from the village and slowed down. Suddenly, he stepped on the accelerator and charged straight uphill!

The snow had not been cleared from that point.

Fortunately, after three days of sun exposure, the layers of snow had begun to solidify and could bear the weight of the Earth Tiger.

There were also no obstacles, allowing the Earth Tiger to accelerate to full speed.

It was not until a speed of 110km/h that Chen Shen gradually slowed down!

“Now that was fun!”

Chen Shen let out a strange shout.

At high speeds, the tires slipped on the snow almost every second, which increased the G force on everyone.

The human body would release adrenaline to drive out negative influences on one’s mind to maintain calmness and adaptability to the current environment.

The adrenaline rush made the blood of the eight people in the car boil. They were eager to reach the site of the meteor impact as soon as possible so they could immediately meet their foreign guests that landed on their territory!



The car’s speed increased rapidly, and the noise produced got louder as if a thousand mosquitoes surrounded one’s ears.

Thirty minutes later.

The Earth Tiger gradually slowed down as they got closer to the glowing object. Eventually, it came to a complete stop as they reached their destination.

Chen Shen cautiously stopped the car and instructed everyone to travel by foot for the remainder of the journey not to alert the enemy.

“Village chief, the light looks weird! It looks like a fire!”

“Village chief! Over there! Look, there’s smoke coming from there!”

Before Chen Shen could wear his equipment, the other guards brought from the village had already spontaneously begun investigating the situation as soon as they got out of the car.

They gathered a few clues about the foreign object based on their meticulous observations.

It was logical for the meteor to be flaming if it was not in a plain covered in snow.

However, the current plain was filled with a blanket of thick snow!

There would not be smoke if there were a big fire. Instead, countless water vapors would evaporate when coming in contact with the snow.

It would be a totally different case than the one before them!

“Is it another scary creature that descended again?”

“It’s just as Li Hu predicted! Another monster had fallen upon our territory!”

A little bit of vigilance arose in Chen Shen’s heart as he put on the last few pieces of armor. He took out an M-1 rifle from the driver’s seat in Earth Tiger.

Now, no matter whether the opponent was an enemy or a friendly ally, they had no other options.

Enemies had to surrender and choose to explain the cause of the incident after being taken to Hope Village, or they went to battle and settled everything after a winner was determined.

There was no third choice.

The group of eight lowered their heads and approached the fire at a very fast pace.

They could not identify the object under the fire at a four-kilometer distance.

When they approached two kilometers away from the object, Chen did not need the soldiers to report to him what it was as he had already observed the general appearance of the meteor through his binoculars.

There was no deep pit like he had imagined, nor was there any damage to the surrounding terrain caused by the meteor impact.

The snow was still pure white, and the ground was still intact.

Apart from a ma.s.sive building complex that was at the site of the meteor impact, there was no other damage!

That was not the most shocking discovery.

Chen Shen could vaguely see figures flickering within the building complex through his binoculars.

He immediately instructed the team to get low on the ground and began to give out orders.

“Someone go back and bring me the large telescope in Earth Tiger’s trunk!”

Although they had multiple portable telescopes, the amount of light that could enter it was far from enough.

After vaguely making a few guesses, a soldier immediately stood up and ran to retrieve the item.

Chen Shen licked his lips. It was hard to determine whether it was because of fear or an inexplicable excitement that made him tremble.

The view in sight was roughly the same as Hope Village but also completely different.

The similarities were that the total area of the building complex was about the same size as the village.

The difference was that the houses in Hope Village were temporary prefabricated houses.

However, the village building in the distance had much more advanced structures.

Chen Shen made a preliminary judgment.

‘That’s not masonry. That’s…

‘Reinforced concrete!

‘In two days, 20 plus humans who had no memories descended.

‘On the third day, a mysterious four-story building descended from the sky.

‘On the fourth day, a meteor impact struck our territory and brought a mysterious…village!

‘What is this f*cking game up to?!’