My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 794: Explosive Confrontation, a Conversation Between the Strong! Part 3

Chapter 794: Explosive Confrontation, a Conversation Between the Strong! Part 3

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Although the number of enemies is great, we’ve temporarily watered the ice surface so it won’t be possible for all of them to drive up at once.

“According to my observation and information, at most four out of the fourteen vehicles will be able to reach first, which are…

“The dark red vehicle. It has a spiral spike on the front of the vehicle. It’s the vehicle that Sun Bahu rides. Its main features are explosion-proof and bulletproof. It can withstand explosions equivalent to the damage caused by TNT bombs.

“The light blue vehicle. It looks like a frog or toad. There are two of these vehicles. Although they don’t move very fast, they can firmly grip icy surfaces, providing unparalleled stability to the vehicles around them.

“The yellow vehicle. It’s called the Grand Bunker and has four firing windows. This is the vehicle we have to be most cautious of. Its firing windows will automatically open and expose guns to shoot according to its internal infrared detection system. That means we can only temporarily retreat and wait if they choose to suppress us with firepower.


“Is that clear?”


Feng Long withstood the wind and snow as he stood on a small platform halfway up the mountain, explaining the plan to ten soldiers dressed in black coats.

The snow-capped mountain’s location reduced the possibility of most vehicles climbing the mountain.

This included heavy artillery that could bombard them from a distance, flamethrowers that could destroy the campsite, and spider blasters that could remotely control long-distance attacks.

These remained at the mountain foot and could not climb the mountain to launch a coordinated attack together.

These minor things increased their chances of winning this battle in the future.

Feeling uneasy, Feng Long warned them again. The rumbling sounds gradually got closer, and his eyes narrowed as he raised his hand, waving it to signal the team to disperse.

Their mission was pretty simple as the first wave of snipers.

It would be a success if they could get rid of a vehicle these people were traveling on and let them lose some protection.

Among them, getting rid of the two frog vehicles that acted as a main attacking power would increase their chances of winning by fifty percent before the main battle started tonight.



Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of the rain and snow, thunder and lighting, and the sound of the moving vehicles resonated.

The sounds mixed together felt like a devil’s footsteps slowly approaching.

All the soldiers who were hiding with only their heads exposed held their breaths as the first huge frog vehicle appeared before them.

The enemy’s grand bunker had infrared scanners on them.

It would startle the enemy and increase the difficulty of attacking their real target if they recklessly launched an attack immediately.

At this point, they had to wait patiently!

Gradually, the head of the frog vehicle began to pa.s.s by the soldiers, and it continued to advance forward, providing grip for the vehicles behind.

The Spike that Sun Bahu was riding also slowly emerged out of the darkness.

The daunting vehicle was unusually large, and the spike on its front was more than four meters long.

Driving on the ice, the vehicle’s tires ran over the ground, creating a crackling sound of ice along the way like dense popcorn popping in a pot.

It would be challenging or them to blow up the explosion-proof vehicle even if it was parked in front of them for one day.

Therefore, this vehicle was not the target of the eleven-man squad as it would be an impossible task to do in a rush.

Finally, the Spike pa.s.sed the soldiers and the Grand Bunker also followed closely behind it, shattering the ice on the ground.

Seeing the last frog vehicle, all the soldiers hiding in the ice cave were unbearably excited and quickly clenched the explosives in their hands.

Among them, some people aimed their sight at the steel rope hanging between the vehicles, and some people aimed at the place where the frog vehicle’s explosives could be located.

As soon as the vehicle came close, four to five people jumped out from the cave, ignited the explosives, and hung them on the vehicle at lightning speed.

The reaming people also acted quickly and aimed their explosives at where the Grand Bunker had pa.s.sed by to act as cover.

In order to allow themselves enough time to retreat, the explosive packs had longer strings that lasted half a minute.

However, those in the car believed in the properties of the vehicle so they did not do anything.

Half a minute later, a series of rumblings sounded, and the soldiers who had escaped nearly 200 meters away stopped and looked at the place where the explosions burst.

Standing on the ice, looking at the comrades nearby, Feng Long turned his head abruptly.

The sound of the explosives was like thunder and overwhelmed their eardrums.

Due to the explosions, the entire snow-capped mountain seemed to tremble to make an overwhelming rumbling sound.

Blue-red flames surrounded engulfed the vehicle.

The light blue paint of their main target, the frog vehicle, was burned into a dark blue color and thick smoke raised from it.

“It’s a success?”

The opponent’s team was motionless. Although they could not see clearly and could only guess the outcome, Feng Long could not help but feel a hint of joy.

However, before he could look closer, a sudden spark suddenly shot out from within the flames.

Within a second, a rumbling sound no less than the previous explosion sounded again!

This time, the explosion was…

Next to Feng Long!