My World Falls into the River of Love

Chapter 43 — Husband and wife with common wishes, its profit-breaking gold

Chapter 43 — Husband and wife with common wishes, its profit-breaking gold


"Your designs?" He Xiu was startled for a moment. Right, how come he hadn"t thought of that.

Although Samuel had a certain reputation in international circles, very few people knew of him within the country apart from those who pay attention to fashion. Tang Zhi, on the other hand, was different; her manhua sales were very impressive, and her Weibo had over four million fans. With regards to reputation and rallying power, she absolutely surpa.s.sed Samuel.

Hearing He Xiu ask this, Jian Yan became slightly embarra.s.sed. "Eh, I know I"m not a designer, but I also learned fashion design and graduated with grades&h.e.l.lip;"

She didn"t finish when He Xiu"s laughter cut her off. "I didn"t mean that. I think your proposal is wonderful."

Jian Yan paused and hesitantly asked, "Really?"

"Of course." He Xiu elaborated, "I have absolute faith in your skills. Furthermore, the clothes from your collaboration with Bunny sold extremely well last time. I heard they want to continue collaborating with you."

"This&h.e.l.lip;apart from my designs, their own brand name contributed to the success." This silk scarf plan of He Xiu"s, however, wouldn"t have a brand name to help it succeed. It depended completely on her own designs and influence. Truth to tell, a bit of uncertainty still resided in her heart.

She was not worried about ruining her reputation. Designing wasn"t her profession anyways. She was more afraid that after Starlight General Merchandise mustered a large workforce for the silk scarf promotion yet only very few people attend when that moment came&h.e.l.lip; Just thinking about it felt tragic.

As if he sensed her unease, He Xiu chuckled and said, "You look down on yourself too much. Last time when you helped us design the Christmas limited edition portable bag, do you know how many customers came shopping here just for that bag? And it"s not like you won"t have support behind your back—we"ll definitely invest in a generous amount of publicity beforehand. Starlight General Merchandise is your support, so you don"t need to worry."

Jian Yan"s heart truly did swell with confidence after he said this, though there was also a bit of an indescribable bashfulness.

She took a deep breath and replied, "I"ll draw some designs as fast as I can and give them to you before the agreed deadline with the factory."

"Okay." After He Xiu agreed, he asked, "Would this delay your draft? I remember you saying the deadline was approaching quickly."

Jian Yan stated, "It doesn"t matter. I"ve been drawing ever since I quit Starlight General Merchandise, so I only have a few things left to complete. It"s fine if I hand it over to my a.s.sistants." She originally planned on not forcing her a.s.sistants to work overtime for Chinese New Year anymore, but she didn"t expect that she would have no other choice but to call them over.

He Xiu"s heart eased when she said this. "Then okay, we"ll send over the digitized information for the campaign to you."

"Alright, then we"ll settle on this first. I"ll begin to design drafts now." See had to make every second count now that she was pressed for time. But as she was racing against time again, she had to notify Lin Zhen first—after all, she was indeed her boss.

After hanging up her call with He Xiu, she quickly headed to her work room, dialing Lin Zhen"s number. Once the call connected, Jian Yan didn"t give her a chance to talk as she hastily said, "Chief Lin, I accepted a project and am just telling you."

"&h.e.l.lip;" Lin Zhen was stunned speechless. She had been under the impression that Jian Yan was now too occupied with love to work. She hadn"t expected her to actually become even more of a workaholic. Since she hadn"t given her work, Jian Yan had found herself more work. With a relaxed tone, she asked, "What project did you accept?"

"Starlight General Merchandise wants to hold a silk scarf promotional campaign, but they had a problem with the design drafts. I just accepted the project, so I"m pressed for time. I"ll send over the draft first though."

Lin Zhen heard her explanation and hurriedly shouted before she was hung up on, "Wait a minute, what contract did you sign? Have you agreed on the price?"

Jian Yan said, "Didn"t I say I"m pressed for time? How could there still be time to discuss this."

Lin Zhen: "&h.e.l.lip;"

She was convinced; no matter how pressed for time she was, she couldn"t not discuss the author"s remuneration and not sign a contract! Could it be that she intended to work for free? Even if she was willing, this boss would absolutely not consent.

Dragging a hand over her face, she said to Jian Yan through the phone, "Okay, I"ll speak with He Xiu about this project. Have you handed in the drafts yet?"

"Not yet, but I don"t have much left. Help me call my a.s.sistants over. It"s enough for them to finish it."

Lin Zhen: "&h.e.l.lip;"

Okay, she finally seen through it; this was Jian Yan too engrossed in love to work! If this was her previous self, not speaking about prices was sacrilege. If the price was low, Jian Yan would have forced her to discuss it over again too!

"Oh, right, I"ll definitely be very busy the next several days. I"ll have to trouble you with my three daily meals."

Lin Zhen: "&h.e.l.lip;"

How was she the boss; she was simply an old female servant.

"Got it, you should go quickly." She also wanted to get in touch with He Xiu. If Jian Yan didn"t get paid for her services, then she, as manager, would be working for free too.

After He Xiu emailed Jian Yan the campaign details, he considered whether he should return the flight ticket he had bought intending to fly overnight internationally to find and bring back the staff he had sent to negotiate with designers. Thinking it over for awhile, he decided to continue with his flight plans. He Chen had previously learned of his plans from somewhere, so he was more cautious now. He decided to wait until Jian Yan handed over the design drafts to the factory before making an announcement over this matter.

As for the staff who had gone abroad, if they were able to invite designers over, then they would have two designs to use. This way, Jian Yan"s and the designer"s burden would lighten a bit. If they couldn"t, then it wouldn"t have that much of an impact. Jian Yan would simply have to work a bit harder.

His phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. It was Lin Zhen"s number, recognizable since he had previously saved it. Lin Zhen must have contacted him  because of the design issue. Just as expected, Lin Zhen"s opening line was a question. "Head He, I heard Jian Yan say that she accepted one of your projects. People like her, she doesn"t understand anything apart from drawing. We, however, are both business folk, so shouldn"t we talk about a contract?"

He Xiu smiled unknowingly. This Lin Zhen was also afraid Jian Yan would suffer losses.

He replied, "Chief Lin"s words are correct. We can sign the same contract we previously had with Samuel. Moreover, because we currently need the drafts very urgently, the author"s remuneration will thus increase proportionally."

Lin Zhen blinked owlishly. For years on end she had followed Jian Yan into the fashion community, attending every grandiose fashion week that was hosted. She had heard of this "Samuel." Jian Yan would be receiving the same remuneration as a famous international designer? Not only that, but increased?

This storm carried no disadvantages.

"Head He is frank and straightforward." Lin Zhen laughed, saying, "How about this: it"s getting rather late today, so I"ll personally come to Starlight General Merchandise tomorrow morning. Is this agreeable with you?"


"Then it"s settled." Lin Zhen hung up, pleased. She first contacted Jian Yan"s two a.s.sistants, telling them to go over to Jian Yan"s apartment early in the morning tomorrow and be on standby. She then dialed Jian Yan"s number again.

Jian Yan was in her work room trying to find her draft. She had worked hard these few years, and it was during critical moments like these that she got to enjoy the benefits of her hard work—she had many clothing design drafts on hand. Although she ultimately hadn"t included any of them in her manhua, she had still carefully stowed them away. A certain portion of these designs were for silk scarves as well, but for the promotion, what she already had was not enough.

Her phone rang again just as she was studying her old design drafts. She hastily accepted the call. "h.e.l.lo."

Lin Zhen said, "I just completed negotiations with He Xiu and will head over tomorrow to sign the contract. Head He has been very generous."

Jian Yan knitted her brows together when she heard this. "It"s a desperate moment for them right now. Why are you looting a burning house?"

"&h.e.l.lip;Where am I looting a burning house? It was his own initiative, okay?" She couldn"t help but sigh in admiration when she voiced this. "It seems that He Xiu is sincerely treating you well."

"I have a clearer understanding of this than you."

"&h.e.l.lip;" Somehow, dazzling moves were used defeat her. 1 Lin Zhen decided to only speak of work issues to her. "I already called your a.s.sistants for you; they"ll be arriving tomorrow. On another note, do you remember your last collaboration with that game company? The Tang Zhi series will be released on Chinese New Year. The game company has been very diligent, even designing a character of you for the storyline. Now I want to ask you, are you willing to do the voiceover for this character? Of course, the price will be calculated separately."

"Voice-over? Forget about it; it"s better to find someone who specializes in voice acting. Plus, I don"t have the time right now."

"Okay then, I"ll decline for you. I suppose you also don"t have the time to take care of your Weibo, so after the campaign, I"ll help you publicize it and reblog."

"Good, then I"ll get back to work first." Jian Yan went back to immersing herself in her work once she hung up.

Seeing that her old design drafts were somewhat lacking at present, Jian Yan decided that tonight would be used to modify them.

Once she began working, she couldn"t stop. By the time all the design drafts were modified, it was already 3:00AM. Her stomach ached dully, reminding her that she hadn"t had the time to eat dinner earlier. She went downstairs to microwave some food, casually eating two servings.

With warm food in her belly and her stomach somewhat comfortable now, she drank warm water to settle down the food before heading back upstairs to sleep.


The next morning at 8:00AM, her alarm noisily woke her up on schedule. Her two a.s.sistants had come early as well, arriving when she just finished washing her face. Recalling that Lin Zhen was in charge of her three daily meals from this day forth, she didn"t bother with eating breakfast and instead led her two a.s.sistants to her workroom and distributed work to them.

At 8:30AM, the doorbell rang punctually. Jian Yan a.s.sumed that it was Chief Lin actually bringing food on time so she sighed, thinking, Don"t tell me she already lost her apartment keys already?

She had one of her a.s.sistants answer the door while she continued to sketch outlines on draft paper. While she had not drawn many designs for silk scarves previously, she had the good habit of frequently writing down her ideas. At the moment, she was browsing through her journals while drawing new design drafts, saving effort along the way.

Suddenly, her a.s.sistant downstairs released a world-shaking shriek. Jian Yan and her other a.s.sistant froze in shock.

What happened? In such bright daylight, could it be that a thief was breaking in? This was a high-end apartment though with surveillance everywhere.

"Let"s go down to take a look," she said to her a.s.sistant, opening the door to head downstairs. Panic overtaking her mind, the a.s.sistant looked everywhere for a weapon to bring, ultimately deciding on a feather duster before heading downstairs too.

Naturally, there wasn"t any thief in the living room. He Xiu stood stunned in the doorway, carrying breakfast. The a.s.sistant"s sudden ear-piercing shriek had startled him.

Jian Yan descended the stairs and caught sight of this strange scene. Just as she was about to ask He Xiu why he came, the a.s.sistant following behind her shrieked, "AH———! Eldest Master He!"

Jian Yan: "&h.e.l.lip;"

Okay, she believed that she knew why her a.s.sistant had shrieked a moment ago.

This time, He Xiu wasn"t startled. Steadying his mind, he smiled at the two unfamiliar girls. "You are Jian Yan"s a.s.sistants? I am He Xiu. Good morning."

a.s.sistant A & a.s.sistant B: "&h.e.l.lip;"

Jian Yan bypa.s.sed her two dumb-as-a-wooden-chicken a.s.sistants and asked He Xiu once she reached his side, "Why did you come over?"

He Xiu held up the breakfast in his hands, smiling at her as he said, "I came to deliver breakfast for you all."

Jian Yan frowned lightly. "Why didn"t Lin Zhen come?"

"Oh, we just finished signing the contract. Chief Lin was also very busy, so this task was given to me." He Xiu added, "While you rush to finish the draft, your daily three meals will be taken care of by me."

Jian Yan quirked her lips. "Don"t tell me you aren"t busy yourself?"

"You already helped me put out most of the fire on my head, so I naturally want to return the favor." He said as he walked into the dining room, setting up the breakfast like when he was last there. "I still have enough time to deliver food to you all. Don"t stand there, take advantage and eat it while it"s hot."

Jian Yan didn"t say anything and walked over to help him set the breakfast on the table. At this time, her two a.s.sistants seemed to wake up from their dream. Both of them walked toward the dining table—a.s.sistant A very quickly threw away the feather duster onto the sofa as well.

He Xiu also hadn"t eaten breakfast, so he sat with them and ate together. The two a.s.sistants were originally completely stiff, but they gradually adapted to this type of stiffness&h.e.l.lip; As a fan of Eldest Master He, a.s.sistant A summoned up the courage to ask, "That, Teacher Tang Zhi, you really are dating Eldest Master He?"

Jian Yan didn"t reply, so He Xiu answered the question instead. "Otherwise, did you think that I would run over to send breakfast to another woman?"

a.s.sistant A: "&h.e.l.lip;"

Eldest Master He&h.e.l.lip; very flirtatious!

The two a.s.sistants were able to relax, however, after hearing his admittance. Teacher Tang Zhi finally found a boyfriend, just as they had wished for. Then, didn"t this signify that working overtime this time wouldn"t be too tragic?!

In addition, they got to experience Eldest Master He"s charm three times a day!

Mn, though they could only appreciate with their eyes.

"I already discussed the business contract with Lin Zhen. I"ll give it to you to look at later. If there aren"t any problems, we can sign it immediately." He Xiu drank a bowl of congee as he spoke to Jian Yan.

Hearing about the business contract, Jian Yan couldn"t help but ask, "Did Lin Zhen take the initial price?"

He Xiu couldn"t help but laugh. "The initial price doesn"t matter. My money is your money anyway. Didn"t you say that you"ll only give me ¥500 for living expenses every month?"

Jian Yan: "&h.e.l.lip;"

Her two a.s.sistants, on the other hand, listened with keen interest. Wow! Teacher Tang Zhi is extremely stingy! They both gave their boyfriends ¥1000 a month, yet Eldest Master He only got ¥500. Truly, extremely, immensely tragic.

He Xiu remarked, "Oh, also, are you giving me a set of your apartment keys? Otherwise I will have to trouble you  to open the door for me every time I come."

Jian Yan: "&h.e.l.lip;"

At present, she harbored suspicions that he had actually s.n.a.t.c.hed the responsibility of delivering her food from Lin Zhen.

She said, "I only have one spare key for my apartment, which I have already given to Lin Zhen."

He Xiu responded, "That"s fine. You can give me your key so I can go make a spare in the afternoon."

Jian Yan: "&h.e.l.lip;"

She remained silent for a moment before compromising. "No need. That door also accepts fingerprints, so I"ll just record yours."

He Xiu smiled and a.s.sented. "Okay."

After breakfast, the task of cleaning up the table naturally fell onto He Xiu"s shoulders. Cleaning the bowls and chopsticks, he realized that Jian Yan had left her plate from last night in the kitchen as well, so he washed them all.

His heart hurt somewhat. She must have been busy designing drafts all night. Otherwise, why would a person who loved to be neat like her leave behind dirty bowls till now?

Once the kitchen was tidied, he went to go record his fingerprint. After confirming that the door would open with a touch, he left with an eased mind.

Days like this continued for several days. During this time, He Xiu also received calls from the staff he had sent abroad, saying that the designers still were refusing. He Xiu didn"t force them to continue and had them return as quickly as possible. He knew fully well that if they kept pestering the designers, it would merely leave poor impressions that would ruin any future collaboration opportunities.

Apart from being busy with work, the most important responsibility he had every day was to deliver Jian Yan and her a.s.sistants food. He appeared at every mealtime like clockwork and gave them unique yet nutritionally balanced food three times a day. Occasionally, he would go upstairs to talk with Jian Yan about design draft details. On the 23rd, Jian Yan finally completed all the design drafts.

The two a.s.sistants had already finished her draft, so they were at home resting that day. Chinese New Year was almost here. If she didn"t let them leave, they might not make it in time to New Year"s Eve on the 30th.

Jian Yan"s heart was still as taut as a bowstring though. Although the design drafts were finished, He Xiu still had to be called over to inspect them just to be safe.

He Xiu originally was coming over to deliver her lunch, but Jian Yan didn"t care about eating lunch today, dragging him into her workroom instead. "Take a look."

She sorted the drafts and gave them all to He Xiu. He Xiu was like her old editors, looking over them page after page. Jian Yan"s heart was chaotic the entire time, as if she had returned to that time when she first gave Lin Zhen her draft to look through.

Once He Xiu finally finished examining the last page, he raised his head to stare at Jian Yan. A short moment later, his lips suddenly rose into a radiant smile. "Amazing."

For some reason, Jian Yan also smiled, the large stone in her heart falling to the ground. Her entire body relaxed. "The results would be even better if we could communicate with the artisans that make the prints direct."

He Xiu chuckled and said, "What"s hard about that? I"ll have my secretary schedule flight tickets right now. I"m taking you to France."


Author"s Note:

Wow! I want to go abroad!

Expressing thanks to sponsors~

Moonclipse"s comment: basically, their love story was a sore sight for Lin Zhen because her love story is non-existent kek ↩