Myriad Paths of the Dragon Emperor

Chapter 704

Chapter 704

704 Cracking it one after another

Chi jinkong and the others were getting more and more excited and expectant.

Perhaps, it would really work this time.

May the heavens bless us, may the ancestors bless us!

They prayed in their hearts. Perhaps the ancient ancestor didn’t want their red leopard tribe to be exterminated, so he sent such a genius.

The chosen one!

At the same time, Chi jinkong and a few other clan elders thought of this word and looked at each other. Their eyes were filled with excitement and antic.i.p.ation.


At this moment, Lu Ming heaved a long sigh of relief. He sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes.

After breaking 18 formations, his spiritual power was not enough. He needed to recover.

“We’ll guard this place. No one is allowed to leave!”

Chi jinkong ordered.

Just in case, they personally guarded this place.

And at this moment, pure gold Mountain’s expression became even gloomier, and his eyes flickered with a strange light.

Chi Feng looked at Lu Ming with jealousy and nothing else.

Three hours later, Lu Ming got up and continued to crack the code.

However, from here on, the array became more complicated and the difficulty increased. Lu Ming’s speed also slowed down.

This time, Lu Ming spent more than an hour to crack eighteen arrays. He then sat down cross-legged and began to recover.

A few hours later, Lu Ming stood up again with a smile on his face.

He realized that breaking the array in this way could purify his mental energy fire. It could also be trained. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to becoming a rank six Alchemist.

Lu Ming continued to crack the code. However, the further he went, the slower his speed became.

On the first day, Lu Ming deciphered a total of fifty inscription formations. On the second day, he deciphered a total of thirty inscription formations. On the third day, he deciphered a total of twenty inscription formations.

There were a total of 136 of them, and now, only 36 remained.

However, Lu Ming stopped when he reached the last thirty-six.

After pondering for a moment, he walked towards Chi jinkong.

“Tribe leader Chi, the next thirty-six inscription formations will be based on the yin snake tribe’s formation. They are extremely vicious and unstable. If you are not careful, they will explode and destroy the valley.”

Lu Ming said.

Chi jinkong’s expression changed and he said anxiously, ” “Then what do we do?”

“That’s easy. Lu Ming needs a favor from clan leader Chi,”

Lu Ming said.

brother Lu, please speak. Even if we have to mobilize the entire red leopard tribe, it won’t be a problem! Chi jinkong’s tone was firm.

it’s not that serious. I just need some materials. I have a material here called red blood sand. I need the clan leader to send someone to refine it!

A Jade card appeared in Lu Ming’s hand. It contained the refining method of the Crimson blood sand and the required materials. He handed it to Chi jinkong.

“No problem, but I’m afraid it’ll take six or seven days to make it!” Chi jinkong looked at it and said.

it’s fine, tribe leader Chi. Where are the places where venomous snakes gather? I’m going to hunt some myself and take their blood essence to refine another material. Only by combining these two materials can we break the last thirty-six formations!

Lu Ming said.

“A place where venomous snakes gather? To the West of the red leopard tribe, there is a 10000 snakes Valley. There are a large number of poisonous snakes there, but it is already in the territory of the yin snake tribe!”

Chi jinkong said.

it’s fine. I just need to sneak over and kill some poisonous snakes! Lu Ming smiled faintly.

that’s good. Little brother Lu has been working hard these few days. A few days is not a big deal for you to break the formation. Go to the red leopard tribe and rest for a while before preparing the materials!

Although the pure gold s.p.a.ce was anxious and excited, it was polite to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming was the hope of the red leopard tribe.


Lu Ming nodded.

Chi jinkong left behind a few clan elders to guard the place while he and the remaining clan elders brought Lu Ming and Chi Yue to the red leopard tribe.

“Lu Ming, you haven’t been to our tribe before, have you? I’ll take you around.”

“What is it like in the outer world? your skin is so white and smooth!”

“Also, the clothes you’re wearing are so strange!”

Along the way, Chi Yue followed Lu Ming and chattered on, asking a lot of questions.

Lu Ming smiled bitterly. He could not help but think of a young girl, Xuan Xin.

At that time, Xuan Xin was also very curious and kept asking questions.

Lu Ming casually explained and they arrived at the ancient city very soon.

This was a Stone City, and the buildings inside were all made of stone.

The stone city was bustling with people. It was completely different from the cities that Lu Ming had seen in the past. It was filled with an exotic atmosphere.

When they arrived, Lu Ming suddenly had an idea. He asked, ” “Tribe leader Chi, during this period of time, have there been any other people like me who have come from beyond the earth?”

yes, there are about a hundred of them. They are all living in the West Hall. We did not restrict their movements!

Chi jinkong explained.

“Can you take me to see it?”

Lu Ming said.

He wanted to see if there were any acquaintances. Perhaps Xie nianqing was here too?

of course, I’ll go back and order people to prepare the red blood sand. Third uncle, Yue ‘er, you two take little brother Lu and go to the West Hall to take a look!

Chi jinkong ordered.

“Yes, father!”

Chi Yue said with a smile. There was also a white-haired elder who brought Lu Ming to the west side of the hall.

Along the way, many people sized Lu Ming up curiously.

During this period of time, many people from the outside world had come and spread the news. They were all very curious.

On the west side, there is a huge stone Palace. Inside, there are many stone houses. During this period of time, over a hundred people have been living here. They all came from the outer world, the chaotic Astral Ocean.

Zhong Yuan had been in a bad mood recently.

He was the sect leader of the blood poison sect. He had thought that by obtaining the key to the Martial Emperor’s treasure, he would be able to obtain a Supreme opportunity, allowing the blood poison sect to soar, and he would be able to break through all barriers and reach the Supreme realm.

However, he did not expect that all his plans would be ruined by Lu Ming, causing countless people to rush into the Martial Emperor’s treasure.

Not only that, after entering the Martial Emperor’s treasure, he didn’t obtain anything. Instead, he was being hunted down everywhere. In the end, he had no choice but to follow the people of the red leopard tribe to the red leopard tribe.

At this time, he was drinking and chatting with two experts at the third level of the spiritual ocean tier in the courtyard.

brother Zhong, I’m guessing that the Saint mountain in the underground world is most likely related to the Martial Emperor’s treasure. We must join forces this time!

An elder at the third level of the spiritual ocean tier said.

that’s right. I’m guessing that there’s a way out of the holy mountain. We’ll be able to leave this d.a.m.n place.

The other third level spiritual ocean tier martial artist also opened his mouth to speak.

“I hope so!”

Zhong Yuan drank a cup of wine. His eyes flickered as he thought about something.


At this moment, the door opened and Lu Ming and the rest walked in.

The people in the courtyard also looked at the gate.

With one look, Zhong Yuan’s eyes were filled with cold killing intent and he said in a cold voice, ” “Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, it’s you?”