Nano Machine (Retranslated Version)

Chapter 328: Two birds in one stone (7)

Chapter 328: Two birds in one stone (7)

If Yeowun had lost control over himself, he had to awaken. If a warrior at the supreme master level suffered from circulation failure, it was likely that a ma.s.sacre would ensue afterwards. It was going to destroy everything in the area.

‘This is bad. He can’t hear.’

w.a.n.g Jing then decided and tried to push Yeowun down and away from the building. If he were to fight Yeowun at this moment, there was a possibility that his daughter w.a.n.g Yogun might become troubled.

w.a.n.g Jing grabbed Yeowun and tried to pull, but Yeowun swung his hands and thrust toward w.a.n.g Jing. w.a.n.g Jing tilted his head to avoid it.

His reaction was good, fitting to be one of the top five warriors. But avoiding it was not the issue. He had to take Yeowun down from the building so that Yogun can be safe.

“Please excuse me as this will be rough.”

w.a.n.g Jing gathered his hand and swung across with a powerful attack toward Yeowun. Powerful energy came upon Yeowun and when w.a.n.g Jing raised his hands up, Yeowun’s body was thrown up into the air.

‘That’s amazing!’

Mun Ku, Hu Bong, and Hou Sangwha became astounded as they looked at what was happening. There was a possibility that the energy could injure the target, but Yeowun didn’t seem to take any damage whatsoever and was just thrown away. w.a.n.g Jing was surely a powerful warrior.

‘There we go. Let’s pull him.’

Yeowun’s body was pushed back by w.a.n.g Jing’s force energy as w.a.n.g Jing tried to throw him toward the garden where no one was at the moment.


But the sword energy that tried to move Yeowun quickly exploded and countered. With w.a.n.g Jing’s efforts being cancelled, Yeowun jumped in the air and charged toward w.a.n.g Jing as if Yeowun now was thinking w.a.n.g Jing was his enemy.


w.a.n.g Jing then took steps to move behind and out of the building. Chun Yeowun then turned and chased after him. When Yeowun reached out, something jumped out behind the building debris. It was one of Yeowun’s unique weapons, White Dragon Blade.

Yeowun s.n.a.t.c.hed it from the air and charged toward w.a.n.g Jing. What was interesting was that Yeowun’s White Dragon Blade was unleas.h.i.+ng cold energy coming from within.

“w.a.n.g Bun!”

“Yes, Father!”

w.a.n.g Bun understood what his father was implying, and immediately took out one of the greatswords from his back and threw it. w.a.n.g Jing grabbed it in the air and swung it to defend himself against the White Dragon Blade.

With two moves colliding against each other, the sound of iron clas.h.i.+ng filled the area. An energy storm came upon them, and the ground cracked.


It was a pressure that Gam Rosu, a normal old woman, couldn’t take. Her body was thrown back and Hou Sangwha ran to receive Gam Rosu.

‘Is our Lord really under circulation failure?’

Yeowun’s members all thought the same thing that w.a.n.g Jing thought. If Yeowun had lost his sanity and was attacking them, circulation failure was an only possible outcome for such symptoms.

w.a.n.g Jing narrowed his eyes as he stood against Yeowun. He knew that Yeowun wasn’t just like any man from the beginning, but the energy within Yeowun was almost equal to w.a.n.g Jing’s. What was more troubling was the cold energy.

‘I can feel the cold energy through this greatsword.’

The coldness coming through made his greatsword icy cold. w.a.n.g Jing was using his energy to melt it down, but Yeowun’s coldness seemed infinite just like Yogun when she was under Cold Blood Blockage.

‘Wait. Did he absorb the cold energy instead of sending it out?’

w.a.n.g Jing then suddenly came up with a guess. He heard from the G.o.dly Doctor that Yeowun was going to send out yin qi coming into his body through mating. But it seemed Yeowun had absorbed it instead.

‘Why did he do such a foolish thing?!’

It wasn’t something a powerful warrior at the supreme master level could do. Even they were at the stage where they could control the energy of the environment, when a warrior trained in yang qi absorbs yin qi, it was going to create an inbalance within the body.

‘There’s no choice. If he went through circulation failure because he absorbed it, then I have no choice but to put him down.’

That was the only possible answer. Most warriors would go berserk until they died under circulation failure. But they were against Chun Yeowun, a powerful warrior. Even w.a.n.g Jing would have a hard time overpowering Yeowun who was almost equal in strength.

“w.a.n.g Bun!”

w.a.n.g Jing reached out on his left hand and w.a.n.g Bun threw another greatsword toward w.a.n.g Jing.

“W-wait! Mister w.a.n.g! What are you trying to…”

Mun Ku became shocked and shouted while w.a.n.g Jing grabbed the two greatswords in his hands. w.a.n.g Jing shouted, “Miss! If we don’t stop Lord Chun now, all of us will be in danger!”

And w.a.n.g Jing then charged and tried to cut Yeowun’s right arm so he would lose the intention to fight.


Mun Ku and Hu Bong became pale and tried to stop him, but it was too late. w.a.n.g Jing’s greatsword was already almost upon Yeowun’s right shoulder.

‘I’m sorry.’

But it was then. Yeowun’s black armguards around his arms came apart and got back together as a black sword and defended the attack made by the greatsword.

‘Whoa. This is interesting. That was a sword?’

w.a.n.g Jing became shocked and jumped way to the back.

“Ah! Sky Demon Sword!” Hu Bong gasped. The Sky Demon Sword moved on its own to defend its master. But this didn’t happen because the sword had its own will. The Sky Demon Sword floated in the air as it moved down into Yeowun’s right hand. Now, Yeowun had the White Dragon Blade on his left hand, and the Sky Demon Sword in his right hand. w.a.n.g Jing became surprised.

‘Right Sword Left Blade.’

He too had earned the t.i.tle of Martial Dual Sword by using two greatswords at once, but Yeowun’s seemed weird with two weapons that were different from each other. That’s when something amazing happened.


The Sky Demon Sword was soon embraced by ominous, black-colored force qi. That was astounding enough, but something more astounding happened. White blue qi with s.h.i.+vering coldness came out from the White Dragon Blade.

“I-is he using both energies at once?’

w.a.n.g Jing had never heard of such a thing. No one had ever controlled such a ma.s.sive amount of extreme yin and yang energy within the body together.

‘That’s not circulation failure…!’

w.a.n.g Jing had thought so at first, but it wasn’t. And w.a.n.g Jing became surprised as Yeowun’s eyes began to return back to normal.