Netooku Otoko no Tanoshii Isekai Boueki (WN)

Chapter 5

Episode 5:  The other world’s city has the smell of Mediterranean Sea

As if I was emerging slowly from somewhere deep, I regained my consciousness.

……Well, this is what commonly happens whenever I wake up in the morning. Even though it was an unfamiliar bed, I had slept surprisingly well. How do I put it, I was tired even though I had gone to bed right away after dinner yesterday.

But last night’s dinner was quite wild….

When Sh.e.l.lo-san said, “I’ll be treating you today” last night, I had thought that I was really lucky at that time but what was served for dinner was the wild boar’s liver. The staple food were potatoes and the side dishes were beans. In addition, there was even Sh.e.l.lo-san’s hand-baked wild boar steak.

Naturally the liver was served raw, seasoned with only rock salt. Well, it has quite a wild flavor but otherwise it was actually tasty. It tasted fresh.

However, the wild boar steak was slightly too wild so it might be too much for someone like me who have been brought up in the city……. Although the taste was thick, the smell was also just as thick….. It was not to the extent of inedible and I could still cheat through it by eating it with spices instead……was what I thought but spices are luxurious items.

Then herbs should be fine too but since I am being treated for free at someone else’s house, I couldn’t say anything. In the end, being the youngest in the family and the only thing I was good at said, “It was extremely delicious!” and ate the food. It was quite filling to my stomach!

That said, it was my first meal in the other world. I was initially slightly worried on what I should do if there was a big difference to the taste but apart from the wild flavor, the basis of the food was still the same so I was relieved.

I will try supplying them with miso the next time. Although I don’t know if it will suit the other world’s taste buds.

—-Well then, I was thinking that I was caught up in a strange development unexpectedly and I ended up having to stay overnight in the other world but, what should I do now…..I did give it a thought yesterday before going to sleep but—-

First of all…
If I were to go as I originally planned, after I have collected enough information on this world, I was planning to sell the “Right to travel to the other world”. However, considering this country’s situation, honestly……..I realized that it was quite impossible.
That is because if they are suspected as an escapee from the inland, they might get arrested by the military police. As expected I do not want to sell the other world to someone just so they will end up getting caught.

The example relating to the dagger incident.
With an item of that kind of quality, if I entered it playfully in j.a.pan’s auction, I can guarantee that I could get anything that I want that I previously couldn’t get. Well, I don’t think that there are items that are so easily obtained in this world (since she said that it was a gift bestowed by the emperor), but if I hand it over to a mercenary as a reward, there will be no goods that will absolutely be unavailable either.
Although it’s a rarely seen treasure, it became slightly surprising halfway through that I could only be agasp…. (After that I had asked her to let me see it for another hour yesterday)

It is likely to be profitable if I take an item from this other world and bring it back to j.a.pan to put it up in net auction. Likewise, if I bring something from j.a.pan to here, it might bring in even more profit. Another example would be the lack of spice in last night’s dinner, so there are likely an infinite number of things to sell here.

At the same time, I had heard it from Sh.e.l.lo-san indirectly yesterday. The currency for this world are copper coins, silver coins and gold coins. They’re gold coins you know, gold coins. If I bring them back to j.a.pan as it is, I might be able to exchange it for cash directly too!  At the moment the price of gold is 4000 yen per gram.

Honestly, in the beginning I felt that it was obviously stupid to look for treasures in the flea market but quite a good business has come out from this.

Well, this point is somewhat a derivation from the third point. To obtain more profit efficiently, after getting richer, I could buy this and that then open a shop and more or start a company and rise up as a president! There are so many possibilities!
Although in reality I didn’t want to work at all…….I will feel defeated once I started working, to me.

Aa, or should I just open up a hobby shop at full throttle? That would be good too. I might be able to run a business in this other world if I disregard the profit. De~yufu

As expected I want to make a girlfriend in this other world. My chest got a little hot…
Since this is a different world, their sense of value might be different so a NEET like me might be able to be popular here too! Although for example, if a woman without single ounce of modesty approaches me then I’ll pa.s.s on it! The numbers of years without girlfriend = the years of my virgin life!

…….The main subject might have been slightly derailed. But this is also a comparatively important problem.

I am curious about it. The blessing.
Simply what kind of vocation do I have? I am seriously curious about it. That is because I am just a neo-NEET in reality!!
Should I just try receiving one? I’ll try the blessing of the other world!

“Should I just try receiving one? I’ll try the blessing of the other world!”  [Ayase]

“Nn? Did you say something Jirou?” [Sh.e.l.lo]

Uwaa~, I accidentally let it slipped out of my mouth.





From now on, how should I consult Sh.e.l.lo-san as someone who is experiencing [memory loss]? There are a lot of things that I wanted to do but it will be strange for someone with memory loss to be aggressive in their activity all of the sudden.

At that time if I say, “Apparently I seem to be aware of it myself that I have done something related to a merchant before. I have, haven’t I? Maybe?”

I could say that in a roundabout and ambiguous manner, then get blessed in the temple first and depending on the vocation received there, I could get introduced to a corresponding guild successfully.

Nonetheless I really appreciate that Sh.e.l.lo-san seemed to be a fairly good person. As he had said, if he comes across someone who is in trouble, it is due to the guidance of Le Baraka so they should follow through with the guidance or something like that. In short, it was something similar to their religious point of view but it could also be that Sh.e.l.lo-san is an exceptionally good person himself. At first glance, he might look like a bandit ossan but we shouldn’t judge someone just from their appearance.

That is why, the three of us; Sh.e.l.lo-san, Rebecca-san and I headed towards Erishe city. We have loaded the wild boar’s meat and hide obtained yesterday onto a packhorse as we went there by foot. We went out onto the road in front of the village and arrived in Erishe’s city in approximately 2 hours’ travel from Sh.e.l.lo-san’s house.

Erishe is surrounded by 2 meters castle walls (if someone is really determined to climb it, they can climb across it easily). The brick houses could also be seen here and the sequence of red roofs in sight are really beautiful. There is a guard standing at the entrance but the gate is wide opened most of the time and people can enter and leave at their will.

It was fairly loose than what I had imagined.





It is certainly a really vibrant city.

Rather than another world, I was attacked by a feeling that I have reached Italy or other similar foreign country instead. But, when I took a closer look at the city, I could see a man with robe who looked like a magician, a beast girl with cat ears and a tail (slightly thick haired), someone in full metal plate with a spear on shoulder, a short stubbly uncle (a dwarf?) in a group, anyway a variety of people. Once again I begin to recognize that this is indeed a different world as expected. In terms of numbers, the ratio of humans is higher compared to the rest. Although, be it a different world beings or sub-humans, there are still quite a high number of non-human race here.

Before going to the temple, we were going to sell the meat and skin first so I will be accompanying them. Sh.e.l.lo-san carried the meat and hide on his shoulder and entered the building that seemed to be where the purchasing is taking place leaving me and Rebecca-san outside. I anxiously tried asking Rebecca-san.

“How much will that much of meat and hide sell for?”  [Ayase]

“Nn~ I think at most we would be able to get 3 silver coins, hopefully. Although that much is enough to feed us for half a month already so it is not really bad. The numbers of hunters have decrease as of recently so there might be a possibility that the price has increase a little.”  [Rebecca]

………….3 silver coins is enough for half month of food so I wonder if the value of 1 silver coin = 10,000 yen? No, I might be comparing it too much to j.a.pan’s money value…..

“Is 10 silver coins equivalent to 1 gold coin? And 10 copper coins equivalent to 1 silver coin?”  [Ayase]

“It’s accurate in terms of the gold but it is a little different for the copper coins. 1 silver coins will be the same as 10 white copper coin though. Then for bronze coins. 10 bronze coins can be exchanged for 1 white copper coin.”  [Rebecca]

As she explained, she showed me a white copper coin and bronze coin. A White copper coin seriously looks like a worn out 500 yen coin while a bronze coin looks like a small 1 cent coin.

U~n, for the time being I am slightly relieved by a little. But there is still a lot that I have yet to know. I felt bad for Rebecca-san but I will have to ask various questions.

“Come to think of it, I don’t know the unit of money here. So in the case of 1 silver coin, 4 white copper coins and 7 bronze coins, will it be roughly 147 El somehow?”  [Ayase]

“O-, Jirou-kun is good at money calculation aren’t you? As I have expected, aren’t you some kind of merchant’s apprentice? Because in general we wouldn’t be using so much calculation.”  [Rebecca]

“Eh? Then how did you all do it?”  [Ayase]

“Just like how it is. 1 silver coin, 4 white copper coins and 7 bronze coins. Can’t you count it as it is already?”  [Rebecca]

U~n? Was it such a difficult calculation? I was taught that the currency here is called [El]. So if 1 silver coin = 100 El, when you tell this to kindergarten students, wouldn’t they be able to understand it too?