New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 58


"Senior brother congrats", the younger brother from the combat king sect congratulated his senior brother.

"It"s just a basic test, you can also do it better", the senior brother coolly said.

Without delaying anytime, the junior brother placed his hand on the fountain, which raised the water level to 12 meters, and the colorless water changed to dark brown.


All the surrounding fellow young men shocked and envied the junior brother of the combat king sect.

"Woah brother, see, didn"t I said you will do better", senior brother praised him.

"Thanks for your confidence in me, senior brother", junior brother acted modestly in front of his senior brother.

While talking they returned to their original place to wait for the next test.

"Brother, these combat king sect disciples should be eliminated, otherwise they will become a threat for our Fire sword sect", Vadel whispered to Nedhor slowly.

"We will see", Nedhor didn"t put them in his eyes, so he didn"t bother about it much.

Soon Princess Daphne along with her only two bodyguards went to the fountain and placed her hand which raised the water level in the fountain to the 15 meters height

"WONDERFUL, A WATER AFFINITY WITH A HIGH- LEVEL EARTH-GRADE TALENT, YOU Pa.s.sED THE TALENT TEST, NEXT" the gruff voice announced the results loudly than before.

It raised another commotion among the elite youngsters.

"You can test your talent", with a smile, Princess Daphne ordered her bodyguards.

"Yes, Princess", both of her bodyguards said in the unison.

Their talent is barely enough to pa.s.s the test as they got only medium-grade talent.

The royal family team left quickly after their result.

Soon the young elites from the five main families along with their one brother or no one following them.

Actually, all the young elites who partic.i.p.ated in the inheritance ground didn"t make it to Phase 3 making their friends and brothers worrying.

Only one young master was survived from every main family except Hammergust family whose servant survived and reached Phase 3.

But what happened to all the other servants who entered with them is still unknown.

The great three sects are also not an exception, the Fire sword sect, and Combat king sect now only have two members in each group. sect is even worst, even one member from their sect didn"t make it to the final Phase.

As for the Hazegrove mercenary squad, only Ajax and Paulin reached the final Phase. Lewis and Jeff didn"t make it.

When Ajax"s turn came, he internally asked the system about his talent.


Here I guess, the summoner king is testing their apt.i.tude, if it"s really apt.i.tude, then you have got a High-level Heaven grade talent.

With the system explanation, Ajax"s expression became worse and quickly asked the system, "Can you conceal my apt.i.tude??".


If the test is really about apt.i.tude, then the host need not worry, I can conceal the host"s apt.i.tude but if the test is not about it, I can"t help the host.

After hearing the system"s reply in his head, Ajax calmed down a little and asked Paulin to go first to check his talent.

"Ok, Ajax", Nodding his head, Paulin placed his hand on the fountain.

Suddenly the two-meter water level raised to 15 meters and the colorless water changed to Dark blue.

"WONDERFUL, A WATER AFFINITY WITH A HIGH- LEVEL EARTH-GRADE TALENT, YOU Pa.s.sED THE TALENT TEST, NEXT" the gruff voice announced the results with the same intensity as when it announced Princess Daphne"s results.

"Congrats brother Paulin", Ajax was happy for Paulin and congratulated him.

"Thanks, Ajax", Paulin replied with a small smile.

Next Ajax moved forward to place his hand on the fountain but he got a system notification in his head.


What level should I show your Apt.i.tude

"High-grade talent is fine", Ajax said after thinking for a moment.


The host"s apt.i.tude is now shown as High-grade mortal talent to others.

With a confident look in his eyes, he placed his hand on the talent fountain.

Without any surprise, the water level raised to ten meters, and the watercolor is still colorless.

"GOOD, NO ELEMENT AFFINITY WITH A HIGH-GRADE TALENT, YOU Pa.s.sED THE TALENT TEST" the gruff voice announced the results.

"What a loser, he has no affinity with any element"



The surrounding people who are the young elites regarded Ajax as trash and spoke badly.

"Don"t take their words to your Ajax", Paulin consoled Ajax because he thought it will make inner demons in his heart and affect his cultivation.

"Who will take their words to heart anyway", Ajax jokingly said to Paulin.

When they heard Ajax"s words, the surrounding people erupted but stopped when they sensed the strength of Paulin who has around the same strength as the young elites of the three great sects.

After their test, they returned to a corner to relax.