New Life

Chapter 13

After arriving before the old man each one began to show him his prowess. It began with Happy and Leslie, each of them began to cultivate and everybody feel the slight absorption coming from them, with that it was deemed as a success.

-« It"s absolutely normal for a genius like me. » said Leslie even if everyone can see the little relief she"s trying to hide but n.o.body said a word. After them came the turn of the fifth guy who seem to have a knife as a martial soul, but despite the obvious determination nothing happen when he tried to cultivate before old Mu.

Obviously he was dimmed as failing and he became crestfallen, but he regain a little hope when old Mu said that in the future, if he can understand this technique he can show him to enter the academy.

And finally it was Xin"s time, even if he know that he can cultivate, and even if he know that it wasn"t much, he became nervous, so nervous that he nearly trip when he tried to reach old Mu, and obviously, everyone laugh at his expenses.

But this has the effect of lessen the tension in the air which has been building after the filling of the previous child.

After regaining his composure Xin walked with resolution toward old Mu and began to cultivate, obviously the effect was more obvious than his friend but not by munch.

As a technique destined to building the foundation, aside that the explosive effects of the first time, the naturals effects are shown on a long période of time because it was acting on the depths.

And naturally old Mu said that he succeeded, happy, he goes enjoy with his friend while seeing the fourth child goes back to where he came from by the bus.

-« Shall we go ? » asked old Mu nicely.

-« Yes senior ! » said the 3 children in a same voice.

And in front of them the famous academy appeared like a dream, it was an enormous campus with a style which remind Xin the SF stories from his previous life, we could see friends from 10 to 20 years old talkings among themself or eating together like if it was the campus of an university from back home.

-« You know » begin the old man « Here we are not like the other school, and it is not just by our techniques of cultivation or our subject of education, the first motto here is : You are cultivating for living a better and longer life, so try to enjoy it or you will regret it. »

Even if it was a simple notion it was like a revelation to the three friends, a lot of cultivators tend to forget that but it was because of this idea that everyone begin to cultivate.

« Now I will show you your room and tomorrow we will discuss what you will want to learn. »

Old Mu led them to a fairly big building at the side of the SF building from earlier and place them to 3 bedroom, the number 1000; 1001 and 1002.

I let you here and I will guide you tomorrow.

Then old Mu leave while the children thanks him.