Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 92

Seeing Yue Xiuze scold Zhuo Dingfeng, Yan Yujin really wanted to follow his example and scold his friend as well. Although Xiao Jingrui had entered the fight, he was only putting effort into saving the Zhuo family, and was being rather half-hearted about defending himself, revealing how discouraged he was truly feeling. Yan Yujin looked over to Gong Yu and saw that she was fighting ferociously, with no reason to cause anyone worry, and so he focused his whole attention on Xiao Jingrui and stood shoulder to shoulder with Nian Nian, defending the openings Xiao Jingrui had left. After awhile, he realized that, regardless of anything else, the two of them cooperated well together, and were developing a sort of partnership.

In the entire b.l.o.o.d.y affair, the only one who had not so much as moved a finger was Mei Changsu. Aside from Meng Zhi and Gong Yu both keeping an eye on him, there was Fei Liu, and unless he was killed, he would not budge a step from his side. Any soldier who dared raise a hand against Mei Changsu had their wrists and arms promptly broken ruthlessly by the youth, who sent them rolling away in pain one after the other. Unexpectedly, Mei Changsu said quietly from behind him, “Hey Fei Liu, remember only to break their limbs, don’t break their necks as well by mistake.” His words made it sound like this cold-faced youth who fought like the devil often broke people’s necks by mistake, and the nearest soldiers retreated hastily in fear. Besides, Xie Yu had named the Zhuo family as the primary targets for the killing order, and so most of those attacking Mei Changsu gradually turned their attention to the Zhuo family instead, not wanting to have all their efforts wasted in broken arms and legs.

By this time, Meng Zhi had gone to chase after Xie Yu, and with the loss of such a formidable fighter, the situation was growing dire. Mistress Zhuo and Zhuo Qingyi, whose inner energies were failing, were finding it hard to keep going. Zhuo Dingfeng, who was carrying an injury, looked even worse off. Only Xia Dong, Yan Yujin, and the Da Chu visitors, who had not been included in Xie Yu’s kill order, were managing to hold their own. Nevertheless, the situation was becoming desperate, and if no reinforcements came, the end that Xie Yu desired would be soon in sight.

Suddenly, Xia Dong smelled a whiff of lamp oil, and her brow furrowed.

“Could it be that Xie Yu plans to set fire to Rain-Shower Hall….”

“What?” Yan Yujin jumped in fright.

“The back of this hall is near the lake, if they seal the front doors and set fire to the building, we can only escape by water, and if there are spears on the sh.o.r.e waiting, it will be very difficult to fight our way out of the lake. You and I may not have much difficulty, but for some of the others, it is hard to say.”

Although Yan Yujin never stopped fighting, he felt a tremor run through his heart. If everyone jumped into the water and gathered together at the sh.o.r.e, that would give the others the perfect opportunity to gather their own strength to attack, but if they split up, how could the weaker ones possibly hope to make it out alive? A sheen of cold sweat broke out over his forehead, and he cried, “Xia Dong jiejie, stop predicting what they’re going to do and tell us what we should do!”

“First, stay calm, Xie Yu had not planned to burn his home today, so there may not be adequate fire-setting materials in the manor, and they might bring over a little lamp oil, but it will not be enough, and they will not be able to make the flames reach the roof. At most they may start with the corridor and the outer pavilion. Fortunately, it rained yesterday and the walls are still wet, so it will be some time before they can force us into the water.”

“But no matter how slow, the fire will burn its way to us in the end! Besides, we cannot hold up much longer.”

Xia Dong spared a moment to glance at Mei Changsu, who had not reacted to their conversation, and couldn’t help being a little annoyed. “Mister Su, everyone is busy while you’re standing there, and you still can’t use your brain a little? What are you, meditating?”

“No.” Mei Changsu’s eyes were closed. “I was listening to you two falsely accusing Marquis Xie.”

“Ah? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“We are currently in a waterside pavilion, and cannot be forced out cleanly or quickly by fire, so Xie Yu will not burn this place down. He is trying to kill people in his own manor in order to silence them, and so he cannot act openly. Although the Capitol Patrol outside are obeying his orders to keep the peace and prevent anyone from entering, they do not actually know what is happening inside. But once a great blaze rises up, it will be obvious that something is wrong, and then it will not matter whether Prince Yu finds an excuse to enter, because Officer Xia Chun and even Old Marquis Yan will be worried, and no one can hope to stop them. So why would Xie Yu make such a move, and set a fire that would draw them in?”

Yan Yujin’s expression froze, although his arms kept moving, busily fending off the soldier in front of him. “Who did you say? My……my dad?”

“You came to the Xie manor for a banquet, and then a fire breaks out inside, would your esteemed father not be worried? The Yan manor is only a street away from here, he will certainly receive the news very quickly.”

Yan Yujin’s heart was warm, but he couldn’t help worrying. “It’s such a mess here right now, and the Capitol Patrol is on guard outside too, it would be better for my dad not to come….”

A small smile spread across Mei Changsu’s lips as he said soothingly, “Don’t worry, General Auyang is the one on duty tonight with the Capitol Patrol, and he will certainly never harm so much as a hair on the head of the Old Marquis Yan….”

Although they were father and son, Yan Yujin did not know much about his father’s past, and so he asked hurriedly, “Why’s that?” Because his attention was diverted, a long spear almost pierced his ribs, and was only shoved aside by Yuwen Nian. The son of the Imperial Uncle regathered his focus, thanking her profusely.

“You be careful,” Xia Dong drawled with a smile. “After tonight, you can come and ask me. Xia Dong jiejie also knows of the old friendship between General Auyang and your esteemed father.”

Yan Yujin shuddered involuntarily, and quickly pretended not to have heard.

“Oh, it’s burning….” Yuwen Nian said quietly, just as they all saw the glow of the flames against the window and smelled the smoke on the wind.

“Xie Yu won’t start a fire, so who started this one?” Yan Yujin murmured. “Could it be……but where did Commander Meng find lamp oil?”

Fei Liu grinned silently, baring two rows of shiny white teeth.

With the fire rising, the attacking soldiers became confused, some advancing and some retreating, and as their order broke up, Xia Dong and the rest pressed their advantage and gained a significant amount of ground.

“Hm……although it is a bit late, I think it is still better to ask,” Mei Changsu said suddenly. “Is there anyone among us who cannot swim?”

After a long moment with no reply forthcoming, Mei Changsu looked satisfied. “It seems that everyone can. ….Chief Zhuo, are you still holding up with your injury?”

Zhuo Dingfeng gritted his teeth. “No problem!”

At this moment, Meng Zhi came hurtling back towards them, scattering soldiers in his wake. Yuwen Xuan’s voice carried in from outside, “Nian Nian, you must be careful!”

“I’m fine!” Yuwen Nian called back. “Xuan ge, hurry and get out of here!”

“Alright, then I’ll leave first, and wait for you outside.”

After this, they did not hear his voice again. After a long while, Yan Yujin said quietly, “You people from Da Chu really know how to keep your hands clean….”

The blaze outside was growing brighter, and they were beginning to feel its heat inside the hall. Most of the attacking soldiers had scattered, likely because Xie Yu knew it would be impossible to kill them all here, and so was regrouping his men anew on the far sh.o.r.e of the lake. When they had all gotten their breaths back, they retreated to the furthest corner from the fire and began examining each other for injuries. No one could have guessed that it would be Zhuo Qingyao who had been silently the most badly injured, his left chest and back completely soaked in fresh blood. Mei Changsu brought over a tube of ointment, saying that it was extremely effective in stopping blood loss, and Mistress Zhuo quickly swallowed her tears and thanked him. She gently tended to her son’s wounds, weeping as she worked, and asking him how he felt. But Zhuo Qingyao only shook his head, his eyes rimmed in red, unwilling to speak, and looking out constantly to the red-lit sky outside, clearly worrying about his pregnant wife.

Gong Yu walked over to the Zhuo family, pushed back her sleeves, swept aside her robes and then knelt to the ground in a bow, saying in a calm voice, “Your esteemed son died at the hands of my father, this is a difficult crime to forgive. Since I have taken my revenge against Xie Yu, you may naturally take yours against me. Gong Yu lays her life in your hands, to do with as you please.”

“Gong….” Yan Yujin was about to rush forward, but Xia Dong caught him.

Zhuo Dingfeng and his wife gazed at her doubtfully for a long moment, and though their faces were cold as snow, they did not respond immediately, instead slowly exchanging a glance as if communicating soundlessly.

A moment later, Mistress Zhuo turned and faced Ging Yu, saying coldly, “If your father were still alive, I would not hesitate to move heaven and earth to take his life, but he is already dead……. As for you, at the time, you had not even been born, and even if the hatred burned yet hotter in my heart, how could it be lessened by taking your life? The Zhuo family will not take our revenge on an orphan girl like you, now or in the future, but…….do not let me see you again after this night has pa.s.sed…….”

Gong Yu bowed her head, tears rolling down her face to land on her robes. She quickly wiped her eyes with her sleeves, murmured an indistinct reply and then stood and indeed retreated a distance away from the Zhuo family.

Mei Changsu, who had been observing silently from the side, walked over to Zhuo Dingfeng and said quietly, “Chief Zhuo, I know you are tired, but there are some things I would still like to ask you now.”

Zhuo Dingfeng took a deep breath and wiped his face with one hand. “Ask away.”

“Although the enmity of a murdered son lies between you and Xie Yu, if he had not tried to kill you and yours this night, would you have revealed his secrets?”

Zhuo Dingfeng lifted his head towards the sky, the wrinkles on his face seeming to deepen. He thought for a long moment, his gaze bleak. “To tell the truth, I do not know. The enmity of a murdered son burns deep, how can anyone lightly relinquish something like this? But if I were really to condemn Xie Yu and sentence him to death, Yao’er……what will happen to Yao’er……and his child….”

“But it seems that Xie Yu has not given you any opportunity to consider, as he is determined to silence you.” Mei Changsu hardened his resolve, ignoring the pain and sorrow in his heart as he pushed on insistently. “Do you know why that is?”

Zhuo Dingfeng slowly turned his gaze to Mister Mei of Jiangzuo, his voice trembling as he said, “Pray Mister advise me.”

“Because he cannot afford this gamble. He cannot leave his most dangerous secret in the hands of someone who bears him the enmity of a murdered son. Before, you thought you were working together, but now, you know that he was only using you, and even the bond of marriage between your families was only one of the ways he made use of your relationship. There is no longer any trust to speak of between you now.”

As he spoke, Mei Changsu turned towards Zhuo Qingyao, whose face was pale as snow, and sighed deeply. “The most lamentable part is that, although this marriage was only a means to an end for Xie Yu, for Master Zhuo and Miss Xie, it was a beautiful dream, the stuff of fairytales…. But in the end, Miss Xie is Master Zhuo’s wife, and the child she bears is his. As long as everyone survives this night, there may yet be hope.”

Zhuo Qingyao covered his mouth and coughed violently for a long moment, then wiped away the blood stains at the corners of his lips and closed his eyes heavily.

“Mister Su,” Zhuo Dingfeng’s face was gray as he held onto his son’s shoulder, speaking lowly. “I know why you are helping us today……but……I have already made a mistake for the sake of the so-called righteousness of supporting the Crown Prince, and that mistake has cost us this day’s disaster, and so I truly do not want to get any more involved….”

Mei Changsu nodded slowly, his expression grave. “So Chief Zhuo still believes he can remove himself from all of this, I should give him my congratulations.”

Zhuo Dingfeng was taken aback, and his gaze drifted over his wife and children before he lowered his head in defeat. “I am the head of the family, it was I who led them down the wrong path….”

“Chief Zhuo understands people,” Mei Changsu answered. “Now that you know Xie Yu killed your son all those years ago, then you know that unless you die, even if you swear to him to forgive this enmity, a person like Xie Yu would not believe you. From this day forward, the Zhuo and Xie clans are divided forever, and Xie Yu will never let any of you go. If you want to protect your family, then you have no choice but to bring Xie Yu down. But if you do this, then you, Chief Zhuo….”

Mei Changsu swallowed the rest of his words and did not continue, but Zhuo Dingfeng understood what he meant. In order to bring down Xie Yu, he must reveal certain secrets, and he himself was a partic.i.p.ant in these secrets, and though he might gain favour for reporting them voluntarily, he could not hope to escape blame entirely.

“Mister Su, if you can guarantee the safety of the Zhuo clan, and can help us save Yao’er’s unborn child, then I will certainly repay you….” Zhou Dingfeng spoke slowly, his voice full of sorrow and helplessness. “As for this great crime under heaven, let me bear it alone….”

“Dad….” Zhuo Qingyao stirred, suddenly opening his eyes and crying out in pain.

“Do not say anything….” Zhuo Dingfeng lifted a hand, wavered for a moment and then finally rested it on Zhuo Qingyao’s head, stroking lightly. “You are the eldest son, you still have your mother and your sister to take care of, understand?”

Zhuo Qingyao pressed his lips together tightly, but couldn’t stop their trembling, and it was a long while before he managed to say, “But Dad……Qi’er is innocent as well, she does not know anything….”

“If she is willing to overlook the enmity between our two families and still wishes to be your wife, your mother and I will treat her well. But if she is not…… Yao’er, what can you do…….”

Zhuo Qingyao gritted his teeth and held back, but it was Zhuo Qingyi who gave a sudden wail and dissolved into loud tears.

“It was I who made the mistake at the start, and became a burden to my whole family….” Zhuo Dingfeng looked at his daughter and gently drew her into his arms, tears trailing down his own face. Xiao Jingrui, who was sitting a distance away, should not have been able to hear their conversation, but the shine of tears appeared in his eyes as well.

Mei Changsu glanced over at him, and then stood. “We will speak of all this later. The blaze is approaching, let us all retreat to the pier at the back.”

Everyone rose and filed out the back door. Xiao Jingrui sat with his head lowered unmoving, and it was not until Yuwen Nian and Yan Yujin came over and pulled at him that he silently followed after them, as if his mind was entirely blank.

At the rear of Rain-Shower Hall was a wooden pier extending more than a hundred feet into the lake, with a small pavilion at its end. Mei Changsu asked Meng Zhi and Xia Dong to break off the pier where it met land, to prevent the fire from spreading to them, and everyone gathered in the pavilion, safe for the time being.

“I’d forgotten this pavilion was here!” Yan Yujin smacked himself in the head. “Since the fire can’t reach us here anyway, why did Brother Su ask us if we could swim?”

Xia Dong reached out and pinched his cheek, annoyed. “The pier’s broken, won’t you need to swim to get back to sh.o.r.e? The lake is so shallow here, shall I dig it deeper and pull over a boat for the Young Master?”

Mei Changsu ignored these two, his gaze fixed on the far sh.o.r.e. There was no glow of lamps to be seen in the dark night, and who knew what kinds of demons and monsters were hiding in the inky darkness. Xie Yu’s defeat tonight was a foregone conclusion, and he must reap the fruits of the seeds he had sown. But Mei Changsu’s heart was full of pity for the younger generation, the innocents, who must suffer so much.

Xie Bi and Zhuo Qingyi, unable to wed, their families ending in ruin; Zhuo Qingyao and Xie Qi, husband and wife wanting so desperately to stay together, and their child, who would come into the world without any means of support; and then there was Jingrui…….


Mei Changsu stifled the sigh in his throat, unwilling to continue down this direction of thought.

Gentle waves rippled through the lake, and it seemed that the fire was being held back by the shallow water between them. Everyone who had emerged from the b.l.o.o.d.y fight suddenly felt the calm all around them, an unnatural stillness that was almost frightening, as if an invisible hand had uncovered the deepest fears of their hearts, and awakened the pain that had been suppressed during the previous confrontation.

After a long moment of silence, Yan Yujin suddenly stood. “Look, the situation on the sh.o.r.e is changing….”

Zhuo Qingyao. Xie Qi. Xie Bi. Zhuo Qingyi.

Xiao Jingrui.

brb crying.