
Chapter 135

Publishedat 4th of November 2019 04:25:10 AMChapter 135

THE carriage carrying Argent, Aurum, and Clay parked at the designated parking s.p.a.ce for carriages and the likes . It"s because these vehicles were not allowed to enter the city . Argent walked out of the carriage followed by the two . Then she stared at the looming wall in front of them . She already knew that the city was surrounded by a tall wall . She just didn"t expect it to be this tall .

"What an overkill," Aurum commented when she saw the wall .

"It even has a tighter security in comparison to other small countries," Clay added . The black mask covering the lower part of his face was now replaced by a thin white mask that Argent gave earlier . It now covered the upper half of his face . He still chose to wear a mask just in case . "A lot of high ranking knights are stationed here . All to protect the city and the Pope . We should be careful or else we might not get out of here in one piece . "

Aurum raised one of her brows . "What"s this, are you actually scared?"

"No . " If he was, Clay wouldn"t even bother to go here and risk his life to save that elven boy . "I"m just worried . I still want to leave here alive . "

"As long as you won"t do anything stupid, you won"t die," Argent said . "Let"s go . "

They walked towards the gate toll . It"s an area just beside the entrance where one needed to go first before they could enter the city . It was being guarded by two knights while there were another two knights standing on both sides of the entrance .

The three lined up and it didn"t take long before it was their turn . Which wasn"t really much of a surprise . It"s still 12 days before the Festival of Creation . People planning to visit the city didn"t go there this early . Normally they would go five, three days before the festival .

Argent paid the amount for three people who planned to stay in the city for 13 days . The toll gatekeeper almost immediately stared at her for a second longer . Probably because she didn"t even bat an eye paying such a huge amount . But seeing her temperament and the expensive materials of her clothes, the gatekeeper no longer stared . Probably thinking that she was a rich n.o.ble .
The gatekeeper took a box containing three red spherical crystals that were each attached on three separate armbands . "Please wear this before entering the city . There are no inns or hotels inside . You could only live at Casa Royale . Present these crystals there and you"ll be able to stay there for the duration of your visit . And please be reminded that you have to leave the afternoon after the day of the Festival of Creation . "

Argent took the box . She didn"t know that there were no inns inside the city nor that they would personally provide a place for their guests to stay . Well, considering the high amount one needed to pay in order to enter the city, it"s only right for them to do that . She gave the two crystals to Aurum and Clay . The three tied the armband where the crystal was attached to into their arms . Then the three walked inside the gate .

The inside of Victoria City was completely different from that of Achea . There were no people crowding the streets, there were no vendors selling on the side, it was quite peaceful and harmonious . Argent wondered where they would find the Casa Royale, but she really didn"t need to worry . Because on their right, a ten storey building stood . A sign at the entrance said "Casa Royale" in graceful font .

"Is that where we"re staying?" Aurum asked looking at the tall building . "Should we check in?"

"Let"s look for a restaurant to eat lunch first," Argent said taking back her gaze away from the building .

They didn"t need to look that far because just two buildings away was a restaurant . Walking there, they noticed that most of the people they pa.s.sed by were wearing a priest"s robe while other"s were wearing a knight"s uniform . The same could be said when they entered the restaurant .

A waiter very entusiastically welcomed them once he saw the red crystal hanging on their arms . "Welcome, dear guests . Would you want a table for three or your own private box?"

"Private box," Argent answered .

"This way, please . "

The waiter led them to a private box on the second floor . They ordered food and it didn"t take that long for the food to arrive .

"Are all the people in this city related to the Temple?" Aurum asked while eating her salad . "We only saw, what, two to three civilians so far? Aside from the waiters in this restaurant, of course . "

"It"s because most of the population living here are either priests or knights . Even the shopkeepers in restaurants like this one is most probably connected to the Temple one way or another," Clay said, cutting his steak .

"You sure do know a lot," Aurum said with a bit of a teasing tone .

"Not nearly enough . What I know are just the things that I found out while I was staying in Achea . "

"The people here are most definitely connected to the Temple . This is their turf . The people who could put up a shop here are those that were approved by the Temple . That"s why we need to be careful . Don"t say things we shouldn"t when there are people around . We should also avoid discussing things when we"re at that Casa Royale . Since it"s a place directly connected to the Temple, they probably have ways to spy on their guests," Argent said .

The two nodded in understanding .

"What"s our next step going to be then, Brother?" Aurum asked reaching for the orange juice .

"I"ll do surveillance . You and Clay find information about that elf," she answered .

Aurum furrowed her brows . "Do I really have to work with this guy?"

"It will be more productive if the two of you work together . And doing surveillance would be better if I"m alone . "

"You"re not even worried that I"m going to be alone with a guy? You changed, Brother . You don"t care about me anymore," Aurum said, full of grievance in her voice, with matching fake tears .

"Don"t worry, I"m not interested in you in that way," Clay said in a lazy tone .

Aurum didn"t understand but that answer kind of really p.i.s.sed her off . She turned to Clay . "Oh really? Well, the feeling is very mutual . "

Argent looked at the two . She wouldn"t really leave her sister with someone with a questionable character . Good for them, Clay wasn"t one .

"Then it"s decided . We"ll start tomorrow . "


Kingdom of Albion, Royal Palace .

"Are you certain about this?" the King asked his second son .

Winter was standing in front the King"s desk inside the royal study . "Yes, Father . According to the information I found, that person older sister has been in contact with is connected to an organization under the Temple of Gaia . I"m just not sure what that group was," he said, making sure to not mention anything about the Apostles and just led the King into thinking about them . Just like how Argent said .

"An organization under the Temple of Gaia?"

"Yes . I heard it was personally founded by the current Pope . "

Arthur frowned . The only group he could think of was the Apostles of Gaia . They were a dangerous group . Although the Temple was powerful, he never once thought of attaching his kingdom to them . Because he knew that once he did, they would be the one in charge . Not him, not the royal family of Albion .

And yet his oldest daughter actually attached herself to them anyway . He didn"t doubt what Winter said . Because he knew he was not the type to lie about these things . Even if he did hated his sister . Did Icelyn actually sell this kingdom just so she could be Queen? If it was so, then he needed to immediately cut that ambition . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Call the head of the royal guards," he said .

"Yes, Father," Winter answered . He turned around . Now this would definitely be the end for Icelyn .