
Chapter 122

Publishedat 7th of October 2019 03:19:05 PMChapter 122

ARGENT swung the wooden sword she was holding . Sweat ran down from her smooth forehead . Her bare arms showed lean and well defined muscles . She hadn"t done any sword training ever since she came here in Xing . Ever since her Master taught her the Sui-Ryu style, she made it to a point to at least do 300 sword swings every morning . To make sure that her sword technique wouldn"t turn rusty and that she would be at her best condition at all times .

297 . . . 298 . . . 299 . . . 300 .

She took a deep breath and then walked towards the big rock nearby . She sat on it and placed her wooden sword at the side . She was at the garden of the small courtyard that one of Lei Feng"s dark guard manage to find when they returned to Hangzhou Village yesterday .

Argent was fine with staying at an inn but Lei Feng disagreed saying that it"s better for them to have their own s.p.a.ce while they"re here . Especially when one of the Apostles came . If they"re staying at an inn, there"s a big possibility that they might involve civilians and other innocent people . Argent was fine either way . But she guessed it was important to Lei Feng to avoid having any civilian casualties . He"s a general of this country after all .

She looked down at her right palm and stared at the sword tattoo engraved on it . Argent tried to take the dragon sword from this palm last night . She wondered how she should take it out and it just did . And when she wanted it to disappear, it also did . From that, she could easilly a.s.sume that the sword would appear and disappear with just a single thought from her .

Argent couldn"t help but wonder how it exactly worked . Because if there"s Mana inside the sword, even just a small amount, then there"s no way it could enter her body . But it did . So did that mean that it didn"t contain any Mana at all? Considering that the sword belonged to the dragon king, it"s only natural to think that it would contain a huge amount of Mana . But it didn"t . So what"s the use of this thing exactly?

It should have some important use if the Pope of the Temple of Gaia wanted it . The only thing Argent could think of was related to the Mythos Continent . She guessed she would know more once she really started her research on the sacred artifacts and the Blackbourne bloodline . She had no choice but to do it because her family was already entrenched in this whole conspiracy of the Temple . And her curiosity would just kill her if she didn"t .

Besides, she had a feeling that there"s some kind of connection between her and that old legend . Not just because of her family"s bloodline but because of all that vague talk of the dragon king - Sieghart . Of course she thought of the possibility that he might just be playing with her . But then, she also thought there"s no point for a remnant spirit of a dead guy to do that .
And there was that moniker he called her before she left the Temple of Tian Long . He called Argent "silver lady" . She"s not that surprised that he knew she was a girl . It"s probably due to the fact that he was a spirit . And there was also that chance that he was lurking around when she changed clothes . But somehow, she just had a feeling that that wasn"t the case .

Argent sighed . She chose not to think about it anymore . She would have time to a.n.a.lyze everything once she saved her mother . Speaking of which, she would really want to involve the leader of Dreich Gallere in her rescue plan . Because it would be a lot easier with him in the equation . But in the likelihood that Viper"s master didn"t agree, she still had a plan B . Though she had to return to her lab first in order to implement that properly .

Argent picked up her wooden sword and returned it to her s.p.a.ce ring . Then she turned on her light brain to do her daily call to her sister . It didn"t take long for Aurum to answer . She saw from the screen that her sister was travelling inside a carriage, sitting beside her was Black .

"Are you travelling?" Argent asked .

"Yes, we"re going back to Zhang household," her sister answered .

Her brows slightly furrowed when she heard that . "You stayed the night at the palace?"

"I was totally forced . "

"You didn"t get into any trouble did you?"

"She did, Master!" Black said before Aurum could speak .

"Shut up, you brat!" Aurum said pinching Black"s cheek .

"So, what kind of trouble did you get into?" Argent asked, ignoring the bickering of the two .

"I wouldn"t define it exactly as trouble . You know how the Empress wanted me to marry her youngest son, the fifth prince, right? I just solved it . And it turned out perfectly . " Aside from the little warning she had from the Emperor . But Aurum decided not to mention it to Argent because, in the bigger picture, it"s not really that important . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"How exactly did you solve it?" Argent asked, a bit curious how her sister handled that kind of situation .

"Well, I found out that the fifth prince is gay and he had an unrequited love for the son of the prime minister . I struck a deal with him, telling him that if he agreed he would definitely end up with the love of his life . And he did . So, this morning, the Empress found them both naked in the prince"s palace . A lot of people saw them and now the prince is probably on his way to be that guy"s male wife," Aurum stated cutting the whole story short .

Argent"s mind became blank for a second before she managed to digest all that information . "I see . What"s the Emperor"s reaction then?"

"Oh, he was all for it . The fifth prince said that the Emperor would definitely agree of him being the male wife of the prime minister"s son because it"s a good political move that would tie the two families together . "

Huh, that"s kind of shameless . Now she couldn"t help but wonder what the Emperor"s bottom line was in terms of ruling the country . "How about the Empress, did she suspect that you had anything to do with what happened?"

"She did . But she thought that it was the fifth prince"s plan and he just recruited me to work with him . "

"Don"t try to get out much just in case the Empress tries to get revenge on you . "

"Yes . " That"s what Aurum planned anyway, especially after the warning the Emperor gave her . Then she suddenly remembered something . "Oh yes, Brother . I found out something related to the fourth prince"s attempted in Albion . "

"Oh?" Truthfully, Argent almost forgot about that because of all the things that were happening . "What did you find out?"

"Well, during this banquet yesterday, I accidentaly read the mind of one of the Emperor"s concubine - Concubine Hong . She"s the mother of the third prince . They"re on the crown prince"s faction . What"s on her mind when she talked to me was this and I quote; "Why do I have to fawn over this girl? If only that plan on Li Jun succeeded, then me and my son would forever be in the Empress" favor" . That"s it . Kind of wimpy, really . Considering she has her own son, instead of fighting for the throne, she chose to be the Empress" lap dog . "

"Everyone has their own way of surviving," Argent said . Though she didn"t expect that it was a concubine who planned that . She must have a lot of funds in her hands in order to hire an fron Dreich Gallere . "I"ll mention it to Lei Feng . Let him and the fourth prince handle it themselves . It has nothing to do with us after all . "

"Okay . Have those Apostles contacted you yet?"

"Not yet . I"ll contact you immediately once they did . "

They finished their conversation and Argent turned off her light brain . She felt a sweat dropping from her forehead . She raised the hem of her s.h.i.+rt to wipe it . When she put it down, she saw Lei Feng about to walk to her direction . He seemed to be frozen on the spot, his eartips as red as a ripe tomato .

She furrowed her brows . What was he being shy about now? "Is there something?"

Lei Feng immediately looked down . He just saw Argent"s flat stomach and it was like he was suddenly electrocuted . Thoughts he shouldn"t have immediately entered his head . And now he felt like a huge pervert . He took a deep breath and removed all those thought . "I- I made porridge . Let"s go in and eat breakfast . "

Argent stood up . "You didn"t have to cook yourself, you know . You could have just asked one of the guards to buy one . "

"It doesn"t matter . Besides, I noticed that you didn"t eat much last night . I know you didn"t like food with strong flavors . So I just decided to make food that"s to your liking . "

"Oh, thank you . " What a thoughtful guy .

They were about to walk towards the courtyard when they suddenly felt a swirl of Mana behind them . Both of them turned around, their guards up . And then they saw a man standing there . He had a long gray hair tied behind his back and a domino mask that covered half of his face .

"Good morning, milord," Harlequin greeted and made a perfect bow .