
Chapter 131

Publishedat 23rd of October 2019 05:15:08 AMChapter 131

AURUM was still confused . Everything just happened so fast and unexpected . One moment they were walking to this narrow alley, then the next, some kind of cage surrounded her brother . Before she knew it, someone already grabbed her waist . She wasn"t even sure if it was a man or a women . Then that someone spread soil in the air that they took from their s.p.a.ce ring . And that soil turned into a small platform that they used as a stair as they jumped while holding her .

When the thief landed on the roof of a building, that"s only when Aurum fully realized what"s happening . "Put me down, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" she shouted as she struggled .

She tried to use her Gift but it didn"t work . Which meant that this person has a Gift higher than A level .

"Stop moving or I"ll drop you," the thief warned with a clean masculine voice, confirming that he was a man .

Aurum really did stop moving . Not because of the thief"s threat but because of his voice . It was so darn familiar she was sure she heard it from somewhere . She raised her head to see the face of the thief, but all she saw was his hair and his eyes - his hair was a messy reddish-brown while his eyes was a deep dark brown color . The lower part of his face was hidden under a black mask .

But even with that mask, seeing those pair of dark brown eyes was enough for Aurum to recognize him . Add that to his Gift and she was almost sure who this thief was . So she just relaxed her body . And even if she was wrong, she wasn"t scared . Because remembering the waiter"s memory, this thief never really hurt anybody . He just robbed people of their things . And in the off chance that he tried to hurt her, she"s still wasn"t worried . Because her brother would surely come for her .
If Aurum"s guess was right regarding the ident.i.ty of this guy, then he"ll just let her brother handle him .

"Having a docile captive, that"s a first," the thief muttered while jumping from place to place .

Aurum became irritated when she heard that . "Don"t equate my silence to docility . I just decided to let my brother handle you . "

"Pray first that he would be able to find you . "

"Oh he would . " She raised her head and arrogantly grinned . "And then he will kick your a.s.s . "

The thief stayed a little . Because the grin on this girl"s face seemed really quite familiar .


Argent was following the red dot blinking on the map on her light brain . That red dot represented the signal coming from her sister"s limiter . She jumped . She probably already jumped on the roof of about six buildings already . And she"s starting to get really irritated .

She had no doubt that some people already noticed her jumping around town . As much as possible, Argent didn"t really want to attract attention when they"re so close to the place where the Pope lived . She only had this one human skin mask . If this incident became a major event, there"s no way that she and her sister could remain low-key . And she needed for them to be low-key .

But she couldn"t just slow down her pace just so people wouldn"t notice her . Her sister had just been kidnapped . There"s no way she would compromise her safety . That"s why Argent was really getting more and more irritated by the minute .

Half of this was a little bit her fault . Argent was and didn"t really put the thief in her eyes . So she didn"t think much when she chose to enter that narrow alley with her sister . And this was the result . Her being taken by surprised and her sister being kidnapped right in front of her eyes .

If she and her sister caught the attention of the authorities in this town because of this, she swore she would really shred that thief to pieces .

She sped up even more . She didn"t hesitate to use [Mizukodo] to increase her pace . Then she noticed the signal going on the towards the direction of the very edge of town . Probably to avoid the crowd . Well, at least this thief still had the sense to finish his robbery in a much isolated place . She thought he was nothing but reckless considering how he just grabbed Aurum in broad daylight .

This was good . Even if Argent accidentally killed him, no one would know . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Then the signal stopped . A minute later, Argent jumped in front of a dilapidated building . She didn"t hesitate to run inside, immediately turning her bracelet into a sword . Soon, she heard two voices talking . One of it belonged to her sister and the other belonged to a man . Argent frowned because the voice really sounded familiar .

"Just give me all the contents of your s.p.a.ce ring and you can go," a man"s voice said .

"Why don"t you try to take it from me? If you couldn"t even force a weak girl like me to give it to you, then you"re nothing but a sloppy thief," Aurum"s voice said, clearly mocking the thief .

Argent arrived where the two were . She finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her sister . Based on her arrogant posture, Argent could easily tell that she was not hurt . But that didn"t lessen her irritation towards what happened .

That"s why she immediately went and attacked the thief . The thief, of course, managed to dodge . But just barely . Aurum immediately got out of the way . She didn"t tell her brother who she suspected this thief to be . He deserved to be kicked a little for dragging her all over town .

The thief took some soil from his s.p.a.ce ring and turned it into tiny little daggers . He controlled it and it flew towards Argent"s direction . Argent moved fast and cut every last one . When she was about to run forward, her feet suddenly refused to move . She looked down and saw that her feet was stuck in mud . A mud that was probably also controlled by the thief .

"Brother, he"s running away!" Aurum called .

Argent looked up and saw that the thief was indeed running . [Oh, so you think you can just run like that, huh?]

She slashed down her sword, easily breaking the mud that stopping her from moving . The she used [Mizukodo] to move as fast as she could . She managed to catch up with the thief in no time . Then she jumped up and slashed down her sword towards his face . The thief was able to step back in time . But her sword still managed to cut the lower mask he was wearing . Completely revealing his face .

Argent was slightly surprised when she saw the thief"s face . Because she knew that face . Someone that she, her sister, and Black met a little bit more than five months ago .
