
Chapter 140

Publishedat 4th of November 2019 04:25:06 AMChapter 140

"I"M done . Can you see everything?" Argent asked her sister who was on the other end of the line .

She was currently at a corner of a narrow alley . She picked that place so no one could see her using her light brain . She just finished putting up the hidden cameras at the northern area of the city . With this, Argent finally had the whole city under surveillance . Well, not really the whole city since she couldn"t really set a camera inside the much more important establishments . Like the Apostolic Palace for example . She could but it would be too risky . She didn"t want to do something that might ruin her plan . At least not until the day of the festival .

"Yes, I can see everything clearly," answered her sister"s voice .

Aurum was inside her room at Casa Royale, holding her sPhone in one hand and a rectangular device similar to an sPhone but much bigger, that her brother called a tablet, on the other . According to her brother, this tablet was connected to all the cameras she set up all over the city . Using this, they could monitor the things that"s happening in the city while they"re here . Maybe if they"re lucky they could even find the whereabouts of that elf much faster thru this .

While talking, her gaze accidentally flashed to a small, una.s.suming violet stone attached on the wall atop the bed . Because of her brother"s suspicion that Casa Royale had a way to monitor its guests, they swept their rooms as early as the first night and did find a magical tool . It"s the stone . It"s some kind of tool that could record every sound in the room . That"s why they never had a meeting in any of their rooms .

Really, these people from the Temple were nothing but a bunch of snakes who couldn"t even respect the privacy of anyone .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt "You"re really okay just staying in your room this day?" Argent asked .

Her sister volunteered to stay in her room to watch the tablet connected to the cameras Argent set up . While Clay, to her knowledge, went out to search additional information about the elf if ever in the off chance that they couldn"t find him in the auction .

"Yes, Brother . I"ll be fine here," Aurum rea.s.sured her brother .

"Okay, then . "

Argent ended the call . She was glad that Aurum seemed to be back to normal . Looked like her worry was unfounded after all . She walked out of the alley . Although she finished putting up the cameras in this area, she hadn"t set up the much more important device involved in her plan . She needed to be much more careful in setting that up . She"s not in a hurry though . She just have to make sure that she would be able to set it around the Holy Temple before the Festival of Creation .

For now, she"s relatively free . So, she"s going to do one of the things she had planned to do the moment they got here - read the books in the Temple Library . She heard it had the oldest collection of history books in the world . She might be able to find some of the important information she needed there .

Argent continued to walk and then stopped in front of a building that looked like a Greek pantheon . A very big pantheon . She walked inside the building and she immediately noticed how much bigger it was inside . It had five floors . There weren"t that many people around . Most of them were just young priests, maybe some were even priests-in-training . Everywhere she looked, all she could see were books, books, and more books . She inhaled deeply, smelling the scent of old paper .

A small smile crossed her lips . Ever since she came to this world, this had been one of the smell she came to love . Probably because her original world didn"t have much physical books to begin with . Long before she was born, almost all the books had been turn into a digital copy . Paper became a rare commodity and having a physical book became some kind of luxury .

She walked towards the front desk where an old man wearing a priest"s robe was sitting . He"s probably the chief librarian here .

"Good day," she greeted . "Where could I find books about history?"

The old man looked up at her . "It"s rare for a young person like yourself to visit an old place like this," he said with a kind and gentle smile on his face .

Argent was quite surprised . This was probably the first priest of the Temple she encountered that didn"t seem like a sc.u.m of the earth . The old man genuinely looked like he"s truly kind and gentle . Maybe that"s why he"s here looking after all these books instead of being a Bishop or an Archbishop .

"I love reading books," she just said .

"Then you can read all the books you like here . At least before five in the afternoon that is . Because that"s the time the library closes," the priest said with a little bit of teasing tone . "The history books are in the second floor . But I suggest you check the card catalog over there first," he said pointing to a row of cabinets with small shelves . "It would be much easier for you to look for the books that you wanted if you check there first . "

Argent nodded . "Thank you . "

She walked towards the card catalog and searched for the locations of books related to Mythos continent and the war that happened 500 years ago . Because the cards were arranged alphabetically, it wasn"t that hard for her to look for the books she wanted . After remembering the locations of the books written on the cards, she climbed the stairs towards the second floor . There were shelves after shelves of books . It took a while before she found the books she wanted . Then she took them to one of the tables so she could immediately read them .

She first read the book t.i.tled, "Mythos: A History" . According to the book, Mythos was a continent personally crafted by Gaia . That"s why the three races born there were the ones who received most of Gaia"s blessings . The dragons with their unimaginable power and bravery, the elves with their beauty and wisdom, and the beastkins with their strength and their desire for victory . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Before the continent closed off, Mythos was the center of trade in the world . Mainly because they have a lot of resources not available anywhere else and the three races could turn resources into wonderful magical tools . They lived peacefully with humans . Although their population was infinitely smaller, no one could doubt their power . The three races ruled over the world .

The same things were said in two other books she read .

Then she went off and read about the war that happened 500 years ago . In Argent"s opinion, most of the things happening to her and her family right now was closely related to the event that happened then . All the three books she found told of one thing . That the war was caused by someone called the Silver Witch .

She instigated the three races into fighting with humans . She used the weird contraptions she made into seducing the three races to be on her side . Then at the end, with the lead of the Temple, the humans won . They burnt the witch alive and the three races closed off themselves inside the Mythos continent .

But were all of these true?

She remembered what the remnant of the dragon king said to her that the reason the war started was because of the obsession of a certain demon . That was so far off from the details she read from these books about the war . Unless the demon was that Silver Witch . Which she doubted .

There was something about this Silver Witch . Something that the Temple was hiding . She"s like a sword hanging over the head of the Temple . Like a time bomb just waiting to explode . If not, then they wouldn"t hate Silver Corporation just for the reason that Argent had the same silver hair as that so-called witch .

Argent closed off the last book . They said that history was written by the winners . So she couldn"t really trust the things written in this book . Especially about that Silver Witch .

So what exactly was the truth?

That"s the only thing running inside her mind even after she left the library .