
Chapter 190

SEEING her mother"s reaction, Argent was more sure that this elf definitely had something to do with Jaxon.  Even Aurum thought the same.  

"Mother, this is Janea.  We helped him at first as a favor to a friend.  But now, I made a deal with him.  I"ll help him with his ordeal.  In return, he had to do something for me," Argent introduced the elf, explaining his presence here.

Because Anthea was still shocked seeing the elf"s familiar face, it took a while before what Argent said completely sunk in.  Wait- wouldn"t that mean that Argent only helped the elf because she needed something from him?  Surely, her daughters could see this elf"s similarity with their Uncle Jax.  They should have already guessed his ident.i.ty or at least thought about it.  

She glanced at her eldest.  When she saw no particular emotions in Argent"s face, she could only sigh.  Well, this daughter of hers always had her own plan.  She wouldn"t get in the way of that even for Jaxon.  And whatever request Argent would ask of this Janea, he"s certain that it wouldn"t be life-threatening.

Anthea turned back again at the elf.  There"s a nervous energy around him, one could just tell by the way he"s fidgeting.  But despite that, he still tried to do his best not to avert his gaze.  Even though it seemed like he really wanted to.

[Brave kid.  You surely wouldn"t be disappointed, Jaxon.] – she thought.  "Janea, can I call you that?" she asked, trying her best to look as kindly and gentle as she could.

Janea looked at the woman in front.  From the conversations he"d heard in the past day, this woman was the mother of the twins who didn"t really look like twins.  In fact, apart from looking both unnaturally beautiful, they didn"t share any similar features.  Speaking of similar features, even their mother didn"t look like the two of them.  Aside from the eye color she shared with the girl twin, that is.  Oh, and the almost similar shade of hair color.

He heard that this woman – the d.u.c.h.ess as they called her – was the reason this Argent Blackbourne came to Victoria City.  He had to save her from the same people who took Janea.  Maybe he should consider himself lucky because of that.  No, he could only be called lucky once Argent Blackbourne made good on his promise to him.

Janea nodded as answer to the d.u.c.h.ess" question if she could call him by his name.

"Then Janea, could you tell us what kind of help you needed?" Anthea asked.

Argent didn"t stop her mother from asking.  It would be better if she knew quickly what kind of help Janea needed.  That way, she could immediately formulate a plan.  

She didn"t decide to help Janea just because he resembled Jaxon.  It was more because of the fact that he"s an elf or at least a part of him was.  If the amulet that Clay"s father left to him didn"t yield any result, then this elf could possibly be their last resort.  He might have information about the Elven Queen"s ring.  No matter how small, any information would certainly be helpful.  

Argent thought that maybe she should have asked that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Lucern for information.  After all, searching for the rest of the two artifacts seemed like she was almost doing his bidding.  Even if she was indeed doing this on her own accord.  Although that thought crossed her mind, she probably wouldn"t act on it even if she was given a chance to turn back time.  She"d rather struggle than ask for help from that guy.

Janea took a deep breath.  He needed to answer.  So that he could know, right here, right now, if Argent Blackbourne had the courage to really help him.  "I need you to help me save my mother."

Mother?  A certain image of a woman with long white blond hair and a pair of blue eyes speckled with golden dust flashed in her mind.  So she was still alive.  Thank the G.o.ddess for that.  "Where is your mother?" Anthea immediately asked.

"She"s being imprisoned by the Emperor of Kievan." Janea looked straight at Argent, making sure that he wouldn"t miss any of his reaction.  "Can you save her from him?"  

"I need more information and more time.  But yes, I could save your mother.  And just like what I promised, I definitely will," Argent didn"t hesitate to answer.

Janea stared at him.  There wasn"t any change in his indifferent expression.  But his purple eyes were full of determination.  For some reason, Janea was extremely relieved.  As if he was able to properly breath for the first time in a long while.  

"Then I"ll trust you.  Once you"re able to do your end of the bargain, I"ll do everything I can to do whatever it is you will ask of me."

"I expect no less."

Argent wasn"t expecting that Janea would ask her to save his mother.  But that was even better.  Because if he truly was who they thought he was, that meant that his mother was a full-blooded elf.  She might have more information regarding the Elven Queen"s ring.

"It"s good to reach a consensus." Anthea finally reacted after hearing the whereabouts of Janea"s mother.  Then she turned to Aurum.  "Aurum, could I borrow your sPhone?"

Although Aurum was a bit confused why her mother suddenly wanted to borrow her sPhone, she still gave it to her.  

"Then could you three give me some time alone for a bit?" Anthea suddenly added after accepting the sPhone.

Argent immediately understood why her mother suddenly wanted to be alone.  "Come, let"s go out," she said, pulling her sister.

"But Brother—"

"Mother"s going to contact Uncle Jax," she whispered.

"Oh." Then they couldn"t let Janea hear that conversation.  This was not yet the time to let him know about Uncle Jax.  Aurum gazed down at the elf.  "You come too, little elf."

Janea wanted to argue about calling him a "little elf".  After all, despite how he looked, he"s pretty sure that he"s older than these two.  But in the end, he still refrained from doing it and just walked out of the shuttle.

The twins followed behind.

When Anthea was finally alone, she called Jaxon using Aurum"s sPhone.  Soon, Jaxon"s handsome face appeared on the screen.  

Jaxon was about to ask Aurum why she called and if there was any news regarding Anthea, but he didn"t expect to see the woman herself.  "Anthea?"

"Hey, Jaxon."


He"d been worried sick since Argent told him about her plan on how she would get back Anthea.  He truly wanted to help, but the kid simply refused.  So he didn"t have a choice but to wait for their news.  Who would have thought that even after the Festival of Creation was over, he still hadn"t received any news?  

That"s why when he received a call request from Aurum, he immediately answered it.  Who knew that what he would see was Anthea"s face?

"Well, my amazing daughters managed to save me," Anthea simply said.

Those kids, they didn"t even bother to tell him that?  But his complaint was miniscule compared to the relief he"s feeling after knowing that one of his closest friends was safe and sound.  "I"m glad you"re safe."

"Me too." Then Anthea"s expression suddenly turned serious.  "Jax, I have something to tell you."

Jaxon immediately became confused because of the sudden change.  "What is it?"

"It"s about her.  Ylannea.  I may know her current location."