
Chapter 56

A COURTIER led Argent to the King"s study. The same way another one led Aurum to the royal garden. The two had to separate almost instantly after they entered the palace. Argent wondered what her sister was doing now. She was probably just doing fine. After all, Aurum"s interpersonal skills was infinitely better than her.

For the past seven years, Aurum perfected the act of being the sweet and amiable young lady. At first, Argent only told her to act sweet and kind so she could have some kind of defense against the people who would not hesitate to judge her at the drop of a hat. Aurum stayed at a tower for a whole three years. It was inevitable that she wouldn"t know how to act around people their age. If Argent didn"t tell her to act a certain way, her sister would definitely not know how to interact with others. She just didn"t expect that Aurum would be able to continue that act for the next seven years.

To outsiders, her sister was this sweet and beautiful young lady. But to those close to her, she could be self-willed, blunt, and childish. She managed to perfect her act. So if there"s someone who could survive the Queen"s tea party, then it"s Aurum.

They arrived in front of the King"s study. Argent still remembered when she met with the King seven years ago. It was in the throne room of the palace. But now, the King himself requested to meet at a much more private s.p.a.ce. Either his opinion of her vastly improved or he was planning to use his scheming mind on her. She would just bet it"s the latter.

The courtier knocked. When the King gave permission for them to enter, the courtier opened the door and gestured for Argent to go in. She entered and she saw the King behind his mahogany desk. The King didn"t change much over the past seven years. He still looked like the adult version of the second prince. The similarity was even more prominent now that Winter has grown into a young man.

She made a slight bow. "Your Majesty."

"It"s been seven years. Welcome back, Hanover," the King greeted, smiling.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Arthur stared at the tall teenager in front of him. He does look similar to his missing father during his youth. But when the former duke could be describe as handsome, his son could only be describe as beautiful. Argent Blackbourne has that kind of beauty that would captivate anyone who looked at him. But that beauty was always subdued by the indifferent atmosphere he was constantly exuding.

He considered the former duke as a competent rival. Imagine his disappointment when he found out that the duke"s only son turned out to be a NoGift. With his father gone, he was left to continue his legacy. But what could a NoGift kid do? Arthur already thought that the Blackbournes would only go downhill from then. That"s why he was hesitating if he should chose his sister, Aurum Blackbourne, to be the fiancee of Winter.

The girl has an excellent bloodline and a powerful Gift. She was the only girl of their generation in the n.o.bility that has an SS level Gift. Arthur didn"t want to compromise and chose a fiancee with an S level Gift for Winter. Just like he did. That"s why Winter was the only one who inherited his SS level Gift and the rest of his children didn"t. The only stain in the otherwise magnificent resume of Lady Aurum was her NoGift brother.

How could a powerless kid with no father as a support and a barbarian as a mother survive the political schemes of the n.o.bility?

But then Argent Blackbourse certainly subvert all his expectation.

Managing to design a unique device that could connect everyone in the world, building a huge company that was now probably earning more gold coins than the tax the kingdom collected per year, and doing all of that when he was only seven years old. If someone told Arthur before that a NoGift kid was capable of doing all that, he might have just laughed at that person"s face. But no, Argent Blackbourne really managed to do all that.

Because of that, all Arthur"s hesitation vanished. Lady Aurum just became the perfect fiancee candidate for Winter. Having them be married would not only result to powerful offsprings but also permanently tie the royal family to Silver Corporation. That would vastly improve the economy of Albion. That"s why he was even more determined to make this marriage happened.

Having the young Hanover as a son-in-law was a much more reliable plan. But Arthur doubted if he could even force the teenager to do that. Someone who could accomplished what he did at such a young age was someone who couldn"t be controlled easily. The best way to control him was through his weakness. In this case, his sister - Lady Aurum.

If Winter managed to make the young lady fall in love with him, and she, herself, asked her brother to let her marry Winter, then Hanover would have no choice but to agree. Just to make his sister happy. When Arthur found out that Hanover was the one who founded Silver Corporation, he ordered his people to do an investigation on how the Blackbourne twins lived for the past seven years. And the result lead to one fact - Hanover would do anything to make his sister happy.

"What"s your plan, now that you"re back?" the King asked.

"Nothing concrete yet, Your Majesty," Argent answered.

"You should probably move your company"s operation here. Since you have to attend parliament sessions. That way would be much more convenient for you."

This sly fox. He didn"t even bat an eyelash when he said that. How shameless. He was literally showing his interest in her company. Did he really think Argent wouldn"t notice? Or he knew she would but just didn"t care. "I"m afraid that would be impossible, Your Grace. You see, McAllister Chamber of Commerce has a huge share on my company. The heir to the McAllister fortune is also the general manager of the company. They"re based on Amexem. I could hardly change their base of operation just so it could be more convenient for me."

Of course, Argent was lying. The percentage McAllister Chamber of Commerce has over Silver Corporation was only five percent. That was Argent"s grat.i.tude towards Jaxon McAllister for all the gold coins he loaned her to set-up her company. Not to mention, the cost needed to mine and search all the materials needed to make an sPhone. But Argent had long paid back everything to Jaxon. So that five percent was really more of a courtesy. But there"s really no need to tell all that to this greedy king.

Arthur, of course, read all about that in the report his men did. He just couldn"t believe that Hanover would really give up a part of the controlling power of his company to a family not related to them. Even if the head of the said family was the closest friend of his parents. Was he mistaken in thinking that Hanover was not a fool? Or was this kid just playing him for a fool?

"I think with the income generated by your company annualy, you could already buy out those shares," Arthur suggested.

"I could but I wouldn"t. If there"s no Jaxon McAllister, there would be no Silver Corporation today. I don"t want to be an ungrateful b.a.s.t.a.r.d and cut him off just because I want to earn more money. Greediness is never an attractive quality." Argent looked straight at the King, condescension filling her purple eyes. "Don"t you think so, Your Majesty?"

Arthur"s whole body became stiff, because he felt that this boy just insulted him. His pale blue eyes darkened with suppressed anger. "You should watch how you act, Hanover."

Argent sneered inside. "Certainly, Your Majesty," she answered amiably, not meaning it.

Then suddenly Argent felt the diamond stud on her right ear vibrate. It was three short vibration, followed by three longer vibration, then another three short vobration. That was the distressed signal sent by the limiter worn by Aurum.

After receiving the signal, she didn"t hesitate to say to the King, "My apologies, Your Majesty, but we need to cut this meeting short. I have somewhere I need to be right now."

She bowed and then went out of the King"s study, completely ignoring his call. She quickened her pace, wondering all the way what could possibly have happened to her sister.



NOTE: It"s Monday! That meant the poll"s already over. I"ve already added all the likes and the comments. The total tally was 76-64. Really close. And the winner is (*drumrolls*)... the new cover! Thank you to everyone who partic.i.p.ated. And to those who voted for the old cover, I hope you won"t get too disappointed.

(っ- ‸ – ς)

On a side note, just as the disclaimer written on the synopsis of NoGift says, the art for both covers are not mine. I found them on Pinterest. It"s really hard to look for an art that could depict Argent. I managed to change the eye color of the current cover but that was already the extent of the editing skills I have. LOL. That"s why I already requested a cover art from Webnovel (It would probably take time before I receive this). Hopefully what they would give would be satisfactory to all of us. If not, then I guess I have to look for an artist to commission. So the Argent in my imagination could be perfectly depicted. (⌒▽⌒)☆