Nova Roma

Chapter 13

After the people and soldiers impaling the Cantabrians, Flavio ordered that the bodies of the enemies need to be cremated to avoid an outbreak of diseases, the holes of the traps were occupied and others were created to fill them with corpses and then alcohol was placed for these to begin to burn.

None of the people had respect for the bodies of the Cantabrians, they were stripped of their belongings and thrown to the augers where their bodies would burn, no one cries for that b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, even the priests refused to give a prayer for the dead.

Flavio wanted to decapitate the bodies so that their heads were in pikes and accompany the impaled but was stopped by his mother and subordinates, there is no glory in decapitating dead bodies Flavio could only desist of their intentions.

As for the dead of the city of Emerita Augusta, Flavio created a monument to the fallen where the people have to make a big hole where the people start putting inside the dead bodies of defenders of the city.

The priest of the temple of Artemis gave the last goodbye to the deads while the people start covering the great catacomb with cement children and adults cry for the familiars who died defending her homeland, at least their sacrifice save a lot of lives.

Flavio ordered that in front of the square (The place where the dead were buried) need to build a monolith were the names of all the dead have to be in there, for the fast construction the people use the rest of the supplies that be used for construct the walls.

The names were carver in a marble plate and an epitaph was noted:

"Here rest the braves who fought and died for the defense of Emerita Augusta fighting against the army of Cantabrians who tried to supplant their soil

The number of enemies they killed was more than 150k whose bodies were burned and more than 50k captives rot in the stakes 1 km from the city, the deaths of the defenders were not in vain because they saved the lives of their loved ones and the glory of the Roman Empire, Roma Invicta! "

This monument was considered the first one that was made to the fallen in a war in Europe and it would mark the precedent for the later monuments (pits) created during the history.

The days pa.s.sed and the normal life recovered in Emerita Augusta, Flavio freed the mind control of the city so that this one recovered the freedom, with this the pressure that it had in the head disappeared and it realized that its capacity of processing was much greater than as it was before

For the citizens who were in control they simply a.s.sumed that due to stress and survival they had to accept working in s.h.i.+fts and doing things that they would never have done otherwise, Flavio to create the triumph over the Cantabrians created the song "Sacred war" to celebrate the fallen:

"Stand up, enormous city,

Stand up for a deadly fight

Against the dark barbarian force,

Against the d.a.m.ned ord!

May the n.o.ble fury

Boil like a wave, -

The emerita Augusta people"s war is on

The Sacred War! "

While the ominous song sounded, the defense forces marched at a steady pace from the street Cardus to the Decama.n.u.s, leaving the city from the north to reach the monument of the fallen and throw the enemy banners on their soil, and shout in unison. Roma Invicta "

The 1 of Quintilis August forces was approaching Emerita Augusta, They can see on the road to the city a large number of rotten corpses impaled, hundreds of them in the distance, Livio the Roman historian who accompanied august described in his book "De Bello Hispaniensi "(The wars of Hispania), the scene:

" No matter which place you look at, you will only see skeletons of impaled barbarians, the bodies have been cleaned by a horde of scavengers, we only know that they are barbarians because of the tribal clothes they wear, the August emperor only smiled at such a scene and ordered to go to Emerita Augusta to know who was the architect of such a magnificent work ... "

In the walls of the city, the lookouts could see in the distance a great army approaching, when they looked through the telescope they could see the banners of different legions, they knew that the reinforcements of the august emperor had arrived.

A messenger of the emperor approached the gate of the walls and was greeted by a child dressed in a purple silk suit, the messenger realized that the little boy was the grandson of the august emperor Flavius

"I"m glad my grandfather could have come, better late than never, invite him to come there is much to talk about, the city can accommodate the commanders and the praetorian guard of my grandfather.

The rest of the army can stand outside for the moment, my people need time to prepare food for all of them."

The messenger only nodded and left to go with the emperor and give the message of his grandchild.

Augusto looked doubtfully at the messenger because his grandson was only 5 years old, but he remembered the words of the man who saved his life

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If at any time he doesn"t act according to his age, it is because of how strong is his destiny, remember that he will be the greatest exponent of your relatives.

If you want being remembered in the future, you will take care of the child, but if you don"t want to be hated by him, you will take care of his mother too.>

For the emperor his family is important but the empire is more important and to continue with the legacy of his father Cesar, so the best thing he could do is send his daughter with her husband to the province that believed the safest.

But never think the place he sends his family was so dangerous but at least her grandchild seems to take care of the situation.

He could only give a small smile and ordered that the troops prepare the camps outside the city because they will rest in Emerita Augusta, had to know what had happened and why so many impaled tribes, he thought to scold his grandson because the Romans crucified the trash did not impale them, but he had to admit that his grandson had style.

The gates of the city were opened and the emperor was received with a warm welcome from the citizens and soldiers of city, they trow to the army some kind of white papyrus and the children give to the pretorians some flowers, the military band played "Farewell of Slavianka"

The beautiful symphony sounded and the emperor was surprised by the sound he had never heard, the praetorians also they were surprised by the majestic sound Livio would describe it:

"The soldiers who played some strange instruments were led by a beautiful woman, who at the movement of their hands guided the musicians to create the majestic sound

When we arrived at the center of the city in the temple of Diana we received a 5-year-old boy and a beautiful young woman was the grandson of the emperor and his daughter

The emperor Augusto under his horse and climbed the steps of the temple to hug his daughter Julie after that he hugged his grandson, the grandson and the mother invited him to enter the temple ... "