Nova Roma

Chapter 171

Ascanio was coordinated the cleaning and fortification of Monte Albán, some days had pa.s.sed since the capture of the city.

Fortunately, Monte Albán had a very primitive but functional aqueduct that supplied fresh water from a mountain spring about 2 km from the city, Ascanio gave top priority to the care of the spring and the aqueduct because it is the only source of water in the city.

The survivors who had rescued the soldiers helped the fortification of the ancient city and the cleaning work, in the afternoon while some ate and others continued to work some tremors felt in the city.

Ascanio acknowledged that the only three things that could make that noise were elephants, giants or cavalry, but the emperor does not allow elephants or cavalry to leave the area of ​​Roman Pax so there is only the option of giants.

Quickly the alarms went on in the city and the soldiers began to occupy positions for the imminent arrival of the giants, Yul put his little girl in a rebozo and placed her on his back "If a d.a.m.n giant tries to get close to my daughter I"ll take care of impaling their heads. "

In the distance the soldiers could see a large number of horse-mounted soldiers commanded by a woman with horns measuring more than 2 meters and were mounted on a unicorn, Ascanio just scratched his eyes and gave the order that the weapons will be lowered that the reinforcements of the empire had arrived.

Pandora commanded the imperial cavalry which was composed of more than 5000 elements, all riding male horses and no female, this to avoid that in case they will be free with the death of the rider, they will reproduce and be used by the enemies.

At the entrance of Monte Albán was Ascanio who was waiting for the commander, Pandora arrived at the door where he appeared with the commander "Good afternoon Ascanio Legio, I am Pandora the commander of the cavalry, the other two Legios will arrive with the rest of the cavalry who has been accompanying the resources. "

Ascanio nodded "Good afternoon Comandante Pandora, let"s talk in a quieter place, I"m sure the horses need a rest."

While the cavalry entered the city Pandora went to the base of operations of Ascanio that was located in a Temple above one of the small pyramids of the city.

In the room sat Ascanio and Pandora "Tell me Commander Pandora with how many troops we have for this war of conquest"

Pandora smiled and took out some doc.u.ments from his armor, which he handed to Ascanio "The army in total is more than 30,000 soldiers all of them soldiers taken from among the 3 legions, I am also an auxiliary troop with more than 5000 soldiers on horseback.

For the supply work, we have more than 10,000 troops that will be in charge of the work that the army requires, your current troops will remain to protect the city of Monte Albán while you direct the capture of the city of Texcoco.

Ascanio took his tobacco pipe from his clothes and lit it "I thought the city to be taken would be Teotihuacán, is there a problem with the taking of the capital of the ancient kingdom of Teotihuacán?"

Pandora shook his head "The city of Teotihuacán is currently a wasteland with only refugees that has no strategic value, you can conquer it once you take Texcoco.

In Texcoco according to our merchants all the bulk of the religious troops and the king are fighting, so conquering Texcoco means ending the bulk of the enemy army and with it the kingdom of Teotihuacán. "

Ascanio let out a laugh "I like the idea, but if it is not annoyance they will conquer the other two branches of the army."

"The city of Tajín in the east will be the mission of the Huitzilopochtli leg while the city of Anguamuco will be conquered by the Ares Legio."

Ascanio started coughing because of the surprise I smoke without care, he looked at Pandora as if he were a weirdo "But if those are the names of the war G.o.ds of our religion."

Pandora smiled and seriously looked at Ascanio "They volunteered to partic.i.p.ate in the work of conquest, Huitzilopochtli said it was necessary to look at the level of fighting of the mortals to find soldiers to join his army on the hill of the snakes

While Ares said he had to deoxidize his abilities and what better way than to command in the mortal world an army well prepared by his Uncle / Nephew. "

Ascanio let out a rather loud laugh "You are telling me that the G.o.ds are going to partic.i.p.ate in mortal conflicts just because they want to partic.i.p.ate."

Pandora sighed "You can believe me or not Ascanio, but you will find out when they arrive, by the way, Mario and Felix will also be accompanied by the emperor"s children who come to accompany Huitzilopochtli.

I hope you can prepare 4 rooms for them. "

Ascanio accepted and ordered his troops to prepare the old palace of the king of the city "I hope you don"t mind being in an area where my troops don"t stop listening to regrets and come to see children.

They seem to be the souls in pain of the old royal family of Monte Albán, so I know and the evidence that the giants found killed the entire royal family in the most atrocious ways when they conquered the city. "

Pandora let out a laugh this time "Anything that inhabits that place will have to have a lot of courage to be able to scare the G.o.ds.

You can be sure that if they do their souls can end up being destroyed if they are intelligent they will leave this plane and will go directly with Anubis to continue their path. "

While this was happening, Felix was riding while his brother hugged her from behind. "Forgive me, sister, I know that the whole trip I have hugged you but I never learned to ride.

I focus too much on the handling of the sword and bow that I forget to learn to ride. "

Felix was happy to help his brother and that is why he offered to take him, at the beginning of the trip everything was normal but with a constant pounding due to the roughness of the road, he could feel how little by little something pressed his b.u.t.t.

Felix knew what it was but it did not bother him because feeling Mario"s hug made her feel much more comfortable, even reloaded in it or chose some difficult areas to hold her stronger "Don"t worry brother, I like to help the family.

Maybe later when the expedition ends I can teach you how to ride a horse. "

Huitzilopochtli could only watch as the two brothers flirted with some curiosity, he could not judge them because he was in a similar position, in front of him was Jasamin clinging to his chest like a little koala while his legs were on his waist.

On the other hand, Ares could only laugh when he saw his nephews "I suppose being descendants of Zeus implies that blood prefers blood and more if it is family ..."