Nova Roma

Chapter 178

Ascanio was in the newly conquered city of Coatlinchan, the battle for the city was quick and effective, due to the lack of walls in the city since the defenders were only composed of conscripts without military training.

Many of the defenders when seeing the Roman army that was ordered in rows to load towards the city simply decided to flee, the reason why it only had to kill enemy soldiers who refused to lay down their weapons.

The point where the defenders concentrated was around the temple pyramid to the G.o.d Tlaloc, only a few pilums and musketeers were enough to kill the stubborn defenders when the soldiers entered the temple.

They found some Tlatoanis taking out the hearts of some girls who were still alive, they were able to rescue at least 50 girls who were quickly taken care of by the priests and priestesses who accompanied the army.

During this campaign the army of Ascanio has not stopped finding children, dead, malnourished or simply s.e.xually abused, for Nova Roma children are the future of the nation.

So these little ones are sent directly with the priests and priestesses who will give them care and then send them protected to Origin Civitatem where they will be sent to the imperial orphanages.

There will be taken care of until they turn 18, in the orphanages, they are given imperial food and education since childhood they are taught to be faithful to the imperial family and the empire.

Many of them at the end of their studies continue their education as interns in hospitals or places of scientific research, while others decide to be priests or priestesses, there are also cases where they join the army because they have studied directly enter as platoon sergeants.

While Ascanio was reviewing reports about the city when one of his soldiers brought a young Teotihuacan who had a piece of White Hayate cloth tied in a stick on his back.

This surprised Ascanio not many know the use of white cloth as a sign of truce and much less the Teotihuacan soldiers, so he decided to listen to the young man in front of him "Come in and sit young, bring a coffee and a milk chocolate for the young man, it will be a long talk. "

The young man sat in a wooden chair in front of Ascanio who continued reading the reports, until he looked up and could see the young man looking at him with fear "It"s interesting to see how you are afraid of us when we don"t kill and rape like you.

To begin, tell me how they knew that the white flag was a truce symbol. "

The young man sighed and had to look into the eyes of the Roman in front of him, he could say with a look that Roman"s eyes had seen countless deaths throughout his life. "General, I"m just a young messenger, Commander Yoali told me that wearing white cloth would prevent them from killing me.

So they tied this stick with a white Hayate cloth and told me to come and give him a message from Commander Yoali. "

Ascanio looked at him and let out a laugh, at that moment the tribune arrived with a coffee for Ascanio and a coffee for the young messenger, placed them on the table and withdrew from the place "Don"t be afraid try the chocolate, it"s the chocolate High quality in the empire is called Imperial Chocolate.

It is a variety that combines the flavors of two types of cocoa, it took some time for Minister Taneri but she managed to get the best of the two cocoa plants to achieve a superior flavor. "

The young man took the cup of clay he had in his hands and blew the hot chocolate that had a less intense brown color due to the milk, when he tasted it he was surprised by the sweet and soft taste of hot chocolate.

He continued drinking the chocolate until he began to speak "The commander of King Yoali"s guard wants to surrender to you and deliver the city of Texcoco.

The surrender would only be for the defenders the King has some eagle warriors who will defend him to death, the reason he wants to give up is that the king no longer governs for the people is only dedicated to raping girls, boys, and women alike.

The worst thing is that he kills them because he claims that their lifeless bodies provide unprecedented pleasure. Commander Yoali does not want to defend a king who desecrates the dead and defenseless, he only asks for mercy with his troops. "

Ascanio took a drink of his hot coffee and took a pipe from which he placed tobacco, using a small flint he lit his tobacco and started smoking from his pipe "You can tell Commander Yoali that I accept his surrender but his soldiers and they will be tried by military courts for crimes against humanity.

Because they surrendered without bloodshed they can get to work in construction such as roads or forts, this as free men will receive payment for their work and their families will be able to live as Roman citizens.

The amount of time you will have to work will be proportional to the crimes you have committed, of course, you always have the option to refuse and wait for the army of Rome to go for you.

They will be treated as slaves of war and their sentences can range from forced labor to work in mines, which is a death sentence, as their families depending on their crimes will be treated better or worse.

But you can be sure that if they raped they murdered children their wives will be treated as reproductive slaves, this means that they will be like prost.i.tutes who get pregnant and when they have their baby they will be taken care of by the state as a future member of society.

Your sons and daughters will be taken to an orphanage where they will be taken care of, I hope you can accept my conditions. "

The young man nodded after finis.h.i.+ng the chocolate and ran out to give the news to Commander Yoali, in the city of Texcoco Yoali was feeding some orphans who were walking the streets when he learned of the arrival of the messenger.

The young messenger gave the terms imposed by General Ascanio, after thinking a bit he accepted and sent the messenger again to end this war, at least his soldiers will not suffer or their families

The King had no idea of ​​the danger that was approaching him, he just continued to enjoy raping a little girl of no more than three years ...