Nova Roma

Chapter 185

When Flavio arrived at the imperial palace he was received by his 5 women, who confirmed that they were pregnant at the same time, this was happy news but a challenge for Flavio.

The hormonal changes of the five women can become fatal to the point of causing death to those around them like Ascanio who was at the wrong time and wrong place.

One of the reasons why he did not stop them at the time was the changes they may have, h.e.l.lena, when she has been pregnant, tends to be happy and then become depressed thinking that Flavio left her.

After receiving the news Flavio was glad and decided to order his people to prepare a great marriage and canonization party as Emperor of Nova Roma, the ceremony would be held before Christmas.

It took only two days for Quetzalcoatl to inform Miyuki, h.e.l.lena, and Flavio that the meeting with the G.o.ds on the affairs of the fourth dimension will begin, Flavio tried to ask Miyuki about the fourth dimension but she said she needed to hear from everyone.

On the way to the temple of Apollo, the family of General Ascanio met Flavio, h.e.l.lena and Miyuki, the wife of the General with his baby of just 2 years in his arms thanked the pension for his family for the services provided by her husband.

Flavio told her not to worry that if she needed more money she could request it from the imperial treasury, the wife thanked him and withdrew with her baby while some tears left her face.

Flavio asked himself if letting his wives kill the general was a good idea but that made him ask himself another question, he continues to appreciate human life or something about him has changed.

In the meeting room of the dimension of the G.o.ds, the most important exponents sat next to the three new additions Miyuki, Amaterasu and Susanoo.

On the table were two black objects, a ring and a dagger, none of the G.o.ds had a good face when they saw the two objects except Flavio who still did not understand why those objects were so dangerous.

He understood that they had the power to stop demiG.o.ds but he didn"t know if they could also harm the G.o.ds, perhaps one of those objects was used by the cursed jungle to kill the Andean G.o.ds.

The problem is that he does not understand the seriousness of the problem, sometimes Flavio feels that his ignorance is a blessing and a curse because he does not have to worry about not knowing about the danger but when it appears it can harm his family.

Amaterasu looked at everyone at the table "We need to speed up the defense process of our area of ​​influence or otherwise maybe next time it won"t be a dagger if not an invasion."

Zeus was a little angry. "Those d.a.m.n beings from the fourth, I propose that we launch a large-scale war against them to show them who"s boss."

The mother Tonantzin shook her head "We do not have enough strength, you know very well that in that place there are weak beings even things with superior forces.

It is not alarming to say that if we start a war they can eventually occupy our plane why we cannot defend ourselves, maybe in about 200 years we can face them and have a stronghold in their dimension to avoid attacks."

Flavio then looked at everyone and asked "I know that I don"t understand many things about the fourth dimension but something I understand is that they cannot enter the territory of the empire through the monoliths.

But I also understand that they are to blame for the d.a.m.n things, so they are our counterparts to something like him Yin or Yang. "

Amaterasu saw Flavio and shook his head "That is incorrect energy does not have something like the division between good or bad.

The beings of the fourth dimension of can say that they are beings whose origin is not clear are different from us, a world completely separated from us.

Any soul that refuses to go to their respective place of origin will be sent to the fourth dimension, where they can interact with the dimension of humans, these souls will be called spirits that over time will become deformed until they become humanoid beings.

Which are called Bakunetares, their resentment helps them to be able to impregnate with their energy the objects, these are called cursed objects, the resentment of the person and the amount of time he has been punis.h.i.+ng.

That energy is loaded with emotions but is capable of impregnating objects, so they influence people who use them or alter reality sometimes as our divine energy does.

Only Bakunetares who have long been punis.h.i.+ng can impregnate their energy in objects with sufficient force, this is called cursing objects, now we have a cursed ring with the ability to freeze the demiG.o.ds with their highest energy release.

To achieve an effect of that magnitude, the Bakunetare would need to have suffered a destiny related to G.o.ds, for example, if Jellyfish had died as a human after being raped, it could have become a Bakunetare and its cursed articles could damage or kill demiG.o.ds.

While the dagger affects capable of driving even the dead crazy, the energy with feelings is not able to revive the dead to torment us so I can only say that the dagger belongs to a high-level being.

These beings are the most dangerous because it is what happens when many Bakunetares unite in a single being, the Bakunetares are beings that act through instincts the real danger is the thinking beings of that dimension. "

Quetzalcoatl rose from his chair and with his divine energy began the explanation of the four races that inhabit the fourth dimension

On the one hand, we have transcended, those who reached nirvana but cannot return to the mortal world.

Bukenetare race is mostly irrational beings but some can think and be aware of themselves, so they are very dangerous beings.

Finally, there are beings without conscience that inhabit mostly the fourth dimension, there are from beings of a low category to beings that have the same strength as an inferior G.o.d.

Finally, there is a fourth race ...