Nova Roma

Chapter 190

Flavio, Apollo, and Quetzalcoatl went out through one of the windows of the hotel where they were and jumped towards the street where they fell in some bushes, quickly headed towards the car they had parked and started on their way to the temple of Zeus.

On the way Quetzalcoatl was cleaning with a baby wipe the kisses he had on his face, Apollo who was a driver was a little calmer, the only one who seemed somewhat worried was Flavio "Hey Dad don"t tell me I"ll have to call mother to Artemis. "

Apollo felt a cold sweat on his back and forehead "We were young and love only happened we gave ourselves to pa.s.sion if you knew that when you met her the first time she almost cut my eggs for being unfaithful."

Flavio then remembered when Artemis met him and was surprised that he had his same energy as Apollo, Apollo took one of the wet wipes that Quetzalcoatl had and wiped the sweat from his face "It took months to convince her that he had done it that way because she wasn"t awake to help me.

That day you almost have no chance of having brothers, thankfully we escaped on time, we will not go to my temple because they may be waiting for us in that place to ambush us.

By the way, Quetzalcoatl that woman who was on your left was not a woman, was Hermaphroditus. "

The silence in the car was present, Flavio looked at Quetzalcoatl with surprise even little Bastet without understanding what was a Hermaphroditus looked at the feathered serpent as his father looked at him.

Quetzalcoatl raised his hands with a forced smile "Any hole is a trench apart if it looks like a woman is a woman, at least it was better than the woman you had Flavio."

Flavio when he heard this looked at his little Bastet in his arms and asked: "Little Bastet your dad was a good man I only take care of you."

Little Bastet looked at him, narrowing her eyes, saw her father and slapped his nose that hit broke the nasal septum of Flavio, with a rather funny voice Flavio spoke "I guess if my daughter hit me it is because it was true.

What woman I ate that I don"t remember. "

Apollo scratched his head "n.o.body important only to the mother-in-law of Quetzalcoatl, I didn"t know that your mother-in-law had those Quetzalcoatl movements."

Quetzalcoatl"s face deformed and Flavio"s too, it was at that moment that Quetzalcoatl "What time you slept with my mother-in-law if I saw you all the time with Coyolxauhqui the sister of Quetzalcoatl."

Flavio smiled, He looked at his little daughter in his arms with farewell eyes "Maby you will have more brothers, my baby"

Quetzalcoatl and Apollo began to laugh at Flavio"s behavior, it was then that Apollo smiling looked at him in the rearview mirror "It was a joke son, in fact during the whole party you took care of little Bastet.

I have to admit that you are the most careful G.o.d with the children there are, although in the case of Quetzalcoatl I am a little worried about him on one side he had a hermaphrodite and on the other Euterpe.

I suppose that apart from being the muse of Flute"s music, she is a muse in other things. "

Flavio laughed at his father"s reference "By the way the woman next to you was Ra"s wife."

Quetzalcoatl looked at Apollo with some fear "One thing is Hermaphroditus and a muse but the wife of a G.o.d-like Ra, do you like to play with fire."

Apollo gave a smile "I carry it in my blood, it is something we all have, maybe it comes from great-grandfather Chronos."

While they continued talking in the car h.e.l.lena, Mayahuel; Artemis and Miyuki were checking the room, while checking the floor and the bed that had rare fluids, h.e.l.lena could notice some bottles with milk.

I take one of them and sniffed them "Mother"s Milk from what I see, it"s going to be fun to ask Flavio where he got it, the only thing that makes me happy is that he"s taking care of Bastet in another way, hehe."

Miyuki searched but found nothing "They were in this place a long time ago but where those cowards escaped.

They have to go to a temple to leave. I can be sure that they will not go to the Apollo temple but something is certain, they will most likely leave the temple complex, they must arrive before them.

They will have to give many explanations once we capture them, let"s go, ladies, our husbands are waiting for us.

Euterpe and Hermaphroditus came out from under the bed wiping the sweat off their foreheads "It"s good that they left since I have my whole stomach full of ..." before I could continue Euterpe covered Hermaphroditus mouth but it was too late.

Behind them was h.e.l.lena with a scary smile "We need answers and they can leave."

Euterpe and Hermaphroditus felt fear as some women began to approach them to get the information they wanted.

Flavio with Bastet, Apollo, and Quetzalcoatl left the temple of Zeus to be able to reach Lake Texcoco to pretend that they never left the place, to their bad luck when they left the temple they could see Artemis, h.e.l.lena and Miyuki waiting for them.

While Mayahuel was sitting on Hermaphroditu"s back and his feet were resting in Euterpe.

The three looked into each other"s eyes and nodded. "Gentlemen, it was a pleasure to meet you, it is better to say here it ran than here it died."

The three G.o.ds released their divine energy and fled with different directions, Mayahuel was the angriest and therefore pursued Quetzalcoatl at a fairly rapid speed.

Meanwhile, Artemis ran after Apollo and Flavio ran home to seek refuge with his other three women, most likely Aphrodite can mediate since he did not sin that night and if he did he does not remember it for that never happened.

While the G.o.ds were trying to escape the consequences of their actions, Ares was about to face the decisive battle against the ancestors of the Purépechas in a meadow near the city of Anguanmuco ...