Nova Roma

Chapter 212

Idril found Empress Miyuki in the village with some soot on her body next to a very beautiful woman who looked similar to hers. "Empress you are fine, let me see your wound on your face.

I don"t know very well that it can harm a G.o.ddess like you and prevent her from recovering but we have to disinfect the wound before something worse happens.


Miyuki had not had time to worry about the wound on his face but when Idril mentioned it, she realized that she had not healed the cut made by the Ixpuxtequi, so when she pa.s.sed his hand she realized that there was blood on his face.

The doctor was Dr. Aulo himself who took care of Amancio after he demonstrated his ability to care for General Amancio before Flavio performed the miracle he was recruited by Idril to take care of the wounded inquisitors.

Aulo led Empress Miyuki to a small chair where he pulled a cotton ball soaked in alcohol with tweezers from a gla.s.s jar which he used to clean the wound from the Empress"s face.

Miyuki could feel the burning of alcohol in the wound on his face, it has been a long time since she felt that kind of burning.

Aulo after cleaning the wound took a small sewing set that had "Empress the wound is a little deep but to avoid a major scar it is necessary to put st.i.tches.

With them, the scar will be much smaller than if it is only left without closing it, but I need your approval. "

Miyuki nodded and could feel the needle piercing around the wound while pa.s.sing the thread through his face, after a while, he just sewed the wound "I did the best I could Empress.

Hopefully, it won"t leave a scar. "

Miyuki smile to the doctor "Don"t worry, Aulo, you"re just doing your job."

Idril watched the whole process closely and once he finished the doctor approached Miyuki "Empress likes to join us in the autopsy of the Ixpuxtequi."

While this was happening in the city of Teotihuacan, the ten great tribes began their journey towards the city that is being built in front of sector B of the defense line.

Alair had taken advantage during the days that the tribes were to advance in the construction and reconstruction of the city, although he would have liked them to stay longer Hanovi said that the construction of the temple and the city to Naturae cannot wait.

To avoid incidents that are attacked, they will only travel by day and to the city of Texcoco and after there they will go city by city until they reach the destination, to avoid nahual messenger attacks they will watch the great caravan, along with some troops.

Hanovi left with all the members of his tribe to the city of Texcoco, the road was quite calm although lonely because on the way they only met some small patrols of Romans who guarded the road.

When they finally arrived in the city of Texcoco at sunset, all the leaders and even Hanovi were surprised by what they looked at their eyes in the middle of the beautiful salt lake of Texcoco they could see a large white structure.

That is the center had a great structure, they could also see that there was a beautiful bridge decorated with statues of women who had a flame in their hand which lit the road and in their other hand a sword which seemed to protect those who cross the bridge.

Hanovi wanted to approach but one of the soldiers warned him that the G.o.d Pilcoatl was working and that anyone who tried to enter would die because the place was charged with an energy that humans cannot bear.

One of the tribal leaders using a translator asked: "What is that construction?"

The soldier proudly replied "It"s a wonder and the emperor"s new imperial palace, you know it hasn"t been under construction for a month and the great G.o.d Pilcoatl is creating a wonder.

Maybe I put my son Pilcoatl in honor of the great G.o.d if I hadn"t been to this place I could never have seen it. "

Pilcoatl only had 5 days to finish the construction and was still working at a fairly fast speed, you just need to build the bridge that will reach the island of Tlatelolco but you want to leave it at the last moment to surprise Erendida.

His creations, the Axolotls humans continue to work in construction, after 25 days there are more than 3000 Axolotls who only hope to be able to finish the needs of their father Pilcoatl on time.

To devote his efforts to reproduce and serve Emperor Flavio as guardians of Lake Texcoco.

That night Pilcoatl decided to build under the island a small temple whose quartz wall was stuck in the lake in honor of his fiancé Erendida, so the first thing he did was prepare the ground and only using his hands made a large hole in the hard soil of the island.

The axolotls were carrying quartz blocks to Pilcoatl who used them to start creating the stairs that go down to the temple, all the volcanic broken stone the Axolotls picked up and stored because on the island of Tlatelolco they will build their city.

Pilcoatl continued for a few hours until he reached the wall that overlooked the interior of the lake, to prevent the water from flooding, he used his divine energy to create a wall which prevented water from entering the cave he was still building.

For each hole he made in the wall that overlooks the lake, he placed crystalline quartz which worked as a mirror so that believers and Erendida could always see inside the lake.

Pilcoatl continued the construction until it ended at dawn where he would begin to create a large Erendida statue, the stem in a complete block of white quartz which gradually left a silhouette of a beautiful young woman.

The woman was Erendida with more age according to Pilcoatl"s eyes ...