Nova Roma

Chapter 222

In the journey through the cold and dark tunnel, none of them spoke only occasionally; Julio stopped to listen if there was any noise nearby or see if the flame moves.

Julio knew that the tunnel reached the colosseum of the city because he met the architect in a party in Rome, he said that he makes the colosseum years ago and these tunnels were used to kidnap women from the city and then sell them on the black market.

After some time walking Julio found himself in the tunnel division where there were two roads to follow, to choose the right side, Julio checked the wear of the stone, the traffickers used the tunnel of the colosseum to exit.

Because the other tunnel is from the temple of Ares, after a review he chose the tunnel on the left because of the wear and tear, they took their things and advanced in the dark tunnel.

They realized that their decision had been the right one because they began to hear the sounds of blows and some shouts, after a little while they advanced they found that the ground had a lot of blood.

A foul scent began to smell and a light filtered through a crack in the cave, Julio quickly turned off the torch and walked to the slit of light that was there to see what was happening.

Peeking a little they could see an extremely horrible scene, one of the slaves was sodomizing a soldier who had forced him to wear women"s clothes, some bodies had suffered the same fate as the soldier.

The only difference is that the soldier is alive and the bodies were slaughtered and that is why there is a lot of blood on the floor of the cave.

Julio could only see a moment before ordering to move towards the entrance of the place, he does not know if he can save the soldier and if he wants to continue living after suffering such abuses by the d.a.m.n degenerate slave.

Caelus squeezed his sword as he followed Julio, prepared to kill those d.a.m.n sick slaves, but he is sure of something before he prefers to cut his neck or bury his sword in his chest than to allow garbage to abuse his body.

Cecilio could only wonder why slaves were so degenerate even barbarians would not do things like what they are doing.

The three did not have to walk much when they reached the entrance which was located in a small cellar opened a small door which was hidden behind some moldy grain sacks.

They left the Tunnel and prepared to fight, fortunately, the cellar was empty and there was no sign that anyone had entered, very carefully they opened the door of the abandoned warehouse and the empty bas.e.m.e.nt tunnels could be seen.

They armed themselves with their swords and left their supplies in the warehouse so they could move freely without having to carry ballast.

The three separated to cover more ground there was only one rule to kill and survive, Julio advanced on one of the roads on the right path with great care not to make too much noise and could see the first two enemies.

One of the freed slaves looked at his companion while they looked after the bas.e.m.e.nt of the colosseum "Remember me why we have to take care of this abandoned place, the soldiers are in prison and cannot leave their cages, I would like to be on the top having fun with the locals. "

The slave took a piece of dried meat from his bag and began to eat it "As a precaution, Crixo believes that the Romans can be released from the cages but that is impossible, anyway we will only have to take care of a few days until they die of hunger. "

Before they could say anything Julio approached the two of them and stuck a dagger in the cerebellum, they did not have time to do something because they died immediately and painlessly, Julio dragged his body to a dark area and checked them to find something of value.

In one of the bags of one of the slaves he found a key that should be from some doors in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the colosseum, he continued checking for a while until he could finally find the dungeon.

Thinking that perhaps he would encounter a large number of slaves, he was surprised when he could only see an old slave "taken care of" while he was sleeping, in the cells the soldiers were piled up in an infrahuman situation.

Julio slowly approached the guard and, using his dagger, cut off his neck, the soldiers who saw the murder of the slave garbage knew that their time for revenge had come.

After checking for a while, Julio found the keys to the cells and opened them little by little, the soldiers left in order until an old man approached. "Thanks for rescuing us, the d.a.m.n slaves revolted and captured us when we were tired.

Now tell me who it is, it is not normal to see a Vi Opus in this city. "

Julio smiled "I am Julius Octavian son of Emperor Augustus, I am in this place because I will need your help to get to Gaul or, failing that, to Britain.

Everything is to be able to rebuild the empire that cursed beings are destroying, I can count on you and your soldiers. "

The hundreds of soldiers looked at each other for a moment and made a Roman greeting to Julio, the old soldier looked at Julio with respect "I am Commander Aventino of Veii"s guard."

Aventine looked at his soldiers and then looked seriously at Julio "Or what remains of her, you can count on us prince, my son fought at his side in the conquest of the city of Britain in the legion Augusta.

He always received letters from him informing of his ability to lead and of the conquests he made against the Celtic barbarians, that is why I trust that he will be able to recover peace in the empire.

Julio smiled. "Very good guys, we will wait for the night to launch an attack against the slaves who sleep, they will not see mercy against that garbage.

For now, you have to look for food and more survivors in this dungeon, to work boys. "

The soldiers struck each other in the chest and began their journey to obtain weapons and clean the dungeon.

While this happened in the prison area, Caelus checked the deepest rooms in the bas.e.m.e.nt to find the survivors.

At that moment he could hear that one of the doors opened and a slave came out of it, he realized that he was the same slave who was abusing the soldier.

Without hesitation a moment Caelus took his back and his back pierced the slave, the slave could only see a back protruding from his chest before he died.

When Caelus entered he could see his partner Cecilio dead, he did not understand how he had died but at least he did not die like the poor soldiers who were slaughtered and dressed as women ...