Nova Roma

Chapter 224

The soldiers began to separate to kill all the slaves, in their searches they found different kinds of atrocities committed against children ranging from rapes to dismemberments while the children were alive.

In just half an hour they managed to clean the temple completely, unfortunately, they could only save 5 boys and 6 girls from an orphanage that had a capacity of more than 500 children, which is a tragedy for Aventine because they failed in their duty to protect the city and the innocent children.

In the time they waited for the night to come, the soldiers killed some slaves who did their routines to use their positions as lookouts inside the city of Veii.

The bulk of the troops attacked the barracks where the slaves slept while some troops attacked the slaves at the gates to prevent them from escaping.

Julio was sitting in a chair at the top of the colosseum while he waited for the operation to begin, he had to thank that the slaves were so poorly trained and were only a group of rebels commanded by a good leader.

Maybe if Crixo had had the time he could have trained his soldiers to be more disciplined but now it"s too late for him, it"s only a matter of time for his troops and them to be killed.

At that moment the first shouts began to sound in the city, which was gradually ceased, Julio smiled as he knew that the time had come to drop the sword of Damocles on the heads of these s.h.i.+ts with human skin.

The soldiers left the colosseum attacking the few slaves he had taken care of, the colosseum which were all beheaded to prevent them from becoming cursed beings that could give trouble to the city.

Crixo was asleep because he took no control while at his side he had two beautiful women who were members of the family of one of Rome"s senators, who were treated as Crixo"s prost.i.tutes.

In his dreams, Crixo could hear some screaming when he opened his eyes he could see the fire from the window of his room he got up as fast as he could and could see through the window that his camp was on fire.

His drunkenness was lowered as quickly as possible and took one of his swords to go out to fight but when he opened the door he found one of his most faithful relatives in a fire which pounced on him.

So Crixo had no chance to use his sword to cut off the head of the d.a.m.n being in front of him, he could feel how the burned hands of the cursed being touched his shoulders and how the burned skin stuck to his.

Crixo tried to free himself but the hands of the cursed being prevented him from moving, he tried to give him a header when he was cursed but it was the stupidest things he did because he managed to hit him but he couldn"t move his head because the cursed being bit his forehead.

Crixo could feel his head burning and how the teeth of his best a.s.sistant were ripping off a part of his forehead, Crixo yelled and fell to the ground where his a.s.sistant began to devour him.

No one can hear their cries because the two women next to them were dead, before allowing more abuse by Crixo they took a dose of belladonna poison obtained from the berries of this one.

Julio was injured and resting in a cart while the soldiers left the city as quickly as possible, next to him was the best doctor in the city of Veii taking care of his wounds which were some bruises and a head injury resulting from a blow That pa.s.sed out.

Commander Aventino was quite stressed by the failure of the plan, who had to think that the south gate was being taken by the walking dead and that his troops only accelerated the fall of the place.

Caelus was full of blood while sitting on one of the carts looking towards the city of Veii that was on fire, he can still remember how the little boy he saved was devoured without being able to do anything to save him.

The survivors and soldiers were depressed but could not stop because they have to advance to the Opus castrum that was near the city of Cortona for that they had to take the Via Casia.

The Opus castrum is the training site of the special forces that are later added to the legions and the pretorians, there is only two castrum throughout the empire that can train special forces and pretorians one is located in Emerita Augusta and the other is in the near of the city of Cortona where they go.

The road along Via Casia was quite risky as it became night and sometimes they had to avoid some accidents on the road to prevent the carriages from suffering any damage.

Julio was having some nightmares about Estela and his mother Escribonia who died only about 5 years ago, on the island of Pandateria, unfortunately, she never liked political life and preferred to retire to a voluntary exile, it"s a shame she never meets his grandchild Flavio.

In his nightmare, he could see his mother being killed by Livia Drusilla so that her father would marry to make her father marry her and soon after Estela was murder by Livia to prevent Julio from having children and with that his brother Nero will inherit the throne after killing him.

Gradually this nightmare was repeating in Julio"s mind until he woke up and the first thing he could see was a woman wearing a Vi Opus uniform with beautiful brown hair.

The woman changed the water compress that Julio had on his forehead to reduce the temperature of the emperor"s son, which was quite high.

When the woman put on the new compress and saw that Julio was awake, she could only smile. "You are resistant Prince, Doctor Orazio was sure you would not survive the night.

But you have woken up and I see you much healthier than normal, you will have to rest tomorrow I will come to help you wake up.

I have to admit that you are quite resistant to any misfortune, any man who has been able to kill the woman he loves to avoid becoming a cursed being and that survives even a big blow to the head deserves my respect.

That is a compliment prince since only your father and your nephew have proven to be able to deserve my respect, you are the next person on the list"

Julio wanted to ask a lot of things to the woman but decided to wait for tomorrow because his eyes closed from the tiredness he had ...