Nova Roma

Chapter 255

Callisto was surprised why the beast in front of him was speaking to him "You are not normal, you are perhaps the G.o.d of beasts."

The monster began to laugh at Calisto"s comment "I am not a G.o.d, in this area of ​​the continent there are no G.o.ds, I am an elemental spirit.

It was supposed to be the guide and guardian of what you call beasts, they were not beings that behave that way but two years ago we were attacked by amorphous beings.

They arrested me and I could see how they converted my people to beings without brains, in the end, I managed to free myself and kill the d.a.m.n beings but I could not return my people to normal.

To prevent them from harming other species, they were sealed in the valley inside the mountain, but with the increase of the cold the seal broke and they were free.

There was not much I could do, I can only live in this place doomed to see how my people become more and wilder while they kill everything in their path. "

Callisto under his guard and took a seat on a stone as the spirit began to cut a piece of the deer and deliver it to Callisto.

While Calisto ate the deer, he began to speak "You know you should accompany me, our emperor is a G.o.d and I am sure he will know how to find a cure so that your people can return to normal.

I can"t guarantee anything but it"s better than just seeing how your people end up transforming themselves into mindless beasts. "

The elemental spirit took a big bite to the deer leg "I like your att.i.tude, not many humans react the way you do.

But tell me how you ended up in this place with these temperatures, I don"t think you are a hermit that you have escaped from your life to come and find answers in this place. "

Calisto let out a small laugh "I am a sailor belonging to the empire of Nova Roma, we established our empire in the south more than 2 years ago.

The opportunity was presented to serve the empire and I embarked on an expedition to Greenland, an island that is located in the north of this place.

I thought it would be simple but last night he could verify that no, we went down with the captain on our mission of obtaining snow and wood, the worst decision we could make.

We just went down and were ambushed, we used our Flintlock pistols to break the siege of the beasts, we managed to flee 4, but on the way, the beasts followed us for a few kilometers.

We were falling one by one and when I looked alone I was the only survivor, I thought that I would die but thanks to the fact that it became night the light of the s.h.i.+p caught the attention of the beasts so I saved my life.

After that, I walked to sleep in a cave and then I was lucky to find you. "

The elemental spirit just bites his flesh "You should prepare this meat I will accompany you to your empire, so I could hear coming from far south, it will be a long walk that will last for months.

I hope you are prepared because you can die, I can make my people not attack you but they are not the only sasquatch tribe in the region, I don"t know if they also lost their elemental spirit. "

Callis...o...b..gan to cut the meat using his knowledge "It will not be simple but I was in the legion Augusta and partic.i.p.ated in the conquest of Arabia.

I do not know if a cold desert will be more dangerous than a dry one, but I am sure that Jupiter will accompany me on my trip.

You have some name, I am Callisto, a member of the imperial navy and the only survivor on hostile land of the second expedition to Greenland. "

The elemental spirit smiled and helped Callisto prepare the canteen with the skin of the deer "I am Denahi elemental spirit and guardian of the Shash tribe, hopefully soon leave this frozen moor.

That it is an elementary spirit does not mean that I do not feel the cold in my body, we will have to travel along the coastline.

Going into the forest is dangerous, the cold is so deadly that any creature will freeze its eyes, not to mention that they will suffer from the curse of the snow that no matter how warm they are they will try to undress and then die in the cold. "

The coast is the warmest place and therefore our best way. "

Callisto continued to cut the flesh off the bone "The curse of the snow you mean is not a curse, it is a state that occurs at the last point of hypothermia, the body loses the ability to know its temperature so it feels hot and It causes you to undress.

Some members of our legion suffered from it in the conquest of Britannia, especially in the northern mountains, we will follow the coast as you mention.

I hope we don"t find them with more of those beasts, I only have 10 bullets and a saber, if we can find remains of the natives like bows and arrows we can increase our survival. "

Denahi continued his work while looking doubtfully at Calisto "Hypothermia, what a word I have to admit that although it is the first time I have heard it, it is interesting.

Tell me where it comes from and why you talk about it as if it were a kind of disease. "

"It is difficult to explain but it is a medical term, it is a study of medicine, hypothermia is not a disease is a state where the body loses its ability to generate heat.

It has a cure but when it is very advanced it is a Death sentence, not even our greatest doctors can save someone in that state.

Maybe only the emperor could save a person in that state. "

Denahi carried out his work and began to help Callisto with his cutting and preparation of the meat "I would like to meet your emperor not talking about him as if he were a superior person but as someone who spends time with his people."

Callisto sat down because he did not want to sweat because it would be dangerous for him "Because he is not an egocentric leader, he created laws to separate the power of the empire from the imperial family.

He also created a division of powers so that civil war situations do not occur, my father fought in the war against Marco Antonio and my grandfather fought against the traitors who killed César.

I don"t want to fight in a civil war or that my children have to kill. "

The two continued their talk for a while before embarking on their journey south ...