Nova Roma

Chapter 263

All the G.o.ds could see how Cronos returned to his prison with a smile of satisfaction after killing the t.i.tans garbage.

Zeus sighed "The seal works and that"s perfect, Flavio your hundred years start from this moment I hope you can increase the population.

I can"t wait to see what you can achieve, I would like to stay longer in this place but I have to keep talking to Hera to cheer her up otherwise bad things could happen "

Flavio approached his grandfather "You can make her happy grandfather, you only need to do a ritual of a union if you like I will ask my wife the death for the ritual.

With the union, you will be able to feel what she feels and she will be able to feel what you feel, it is a way to gain her trust but the deceptions will be over because she will know it and you will also know it."

Zeus felt a cold sweat on his back from what Flavio said, without wasting time he turned around and took Flavio"s shoulders "Grandson there are dangerous things but what you propose is something that will break the balance.

Let"s make a blood deal where the ritual of the union can only be taught to G.o.ds of the second generation down. "

Flavio listened to Zeus and let out a laugh "No problem but I want something more in return, I need people who can give me somehow many people from the world of the G.o.ds.

They don"t need to be centaurs but they must be compatible with humans to increase the population. "

Zeus didn"t even have to think about it and I take Flavio"s hand "Done, I will help the empire with more than 1 000 000 beings among which are Fauns, minotaurs, lamias, centaurs, and some other species.

You don"t have to worry about loyalty they will all follow orders and help the empire grow.

You want me to take the blood oath or you do it "

Flavio smiled and one of his swords appeared as he crossed Zeus"s hand and his hand, after saying his oath the two separated their hands.

"It was a pleasure doing business with your grandfather."

Zeus nodded "Well now that we have finished the oath I can be calmer, you should know that there is nothing more valuable than freedom."

Flavio scratched his head "I understand grandfather but each one has his way of thinking, in my case, I am happy with my women and I will not hesitate to spend eternity with them and with my children.

Not to mention that if I dared to use your methods with any woman, you can be sure that h.e.l.lena would hang me from the and my other women would do something worse, although sometimes I have come to think about it, I guess it"s the genes. "

At that moment Flavio felt a woman"s hand on his shoulder and could only smile at his grandfather "As grandfather told you my genes are something mental so they would never influence my decisions because I am a reliable man."

h.e.l.lena squeezed her hand on Flavio"s shoulder and put her head close to her husband"s shoulder "I"m glad to hear that my husband is not garbage who calls himself a man but I think I have to teach this part of your body some lessons not you believe him Flavio. "

h.e.l.lena squeezed Flavio"s with his hand, Flavio could only sigh "You don"t have to do that my beloved h.e.l.lena, I can be an idiot but never garbage.

When I have shown you otherwise, better tell me how your trip went. "

h.e.l.lena smiled and released Flavio"s "You are a cheater, you know how to calm me down, but that does not change the fact that we have to speak privately."

Flavio turned his body so he could kiss h.e.l.lena and led her like his princess to his room.

Quetzalcoatl, Zeus, and Coatl nodded when they saw how Flavio deactivated a bomb like a champion and not only that but he also won a prize.

Even Zeus was proud of his grandson before he could speak, he felt small hands on his head, little Bastet had stayed with her grandfather Anubis but after seeing her grandfather Zeus decided to go to greet him.

While Bastet greeted his grandfather Flavio and h.e.l.lena were having a very intimate talk in bed, h.e.l.lena"s nails were buried in Flavio"s back due to the pleasure she felt for each onslaught of her husband.

h.e.l.lena enjoyed her husband"s kisses and caresses, the moans filled the room all this lasted until h.e.l.lena was satisfied, once they finished h.e.l.lena reloaded on Flavio"s chest.

"Flavio I have always believed in everything you do but you know that I will not allow you to become a man"s garbage that ..."

Flavio interrupted h.e.l.lena with a kiss after separating he looked at her seriously "Let"s do a ritual of the union, I think I understand the concept so we can skip a few steps because you are already the mother of 4 of my children and we will have one more soon.

With the ritual, you can feel what I feel and I can feel what you feel, it is time we take the next step my beloved h.e.l.lena. "

h.e.l.lena decided to follow in the footsteps of Flavio first they joined their bodies again and the two began to use their divine energy until they became one, little by little h.e.l.lena could feel everything from Flavio and Flavio could feel everything h.e.l.lena felt.

The two not only felt this but Bastet, Yuma, and Erendida could feel the warmth of their parents despite not being with them, although they do not understand why this does not dislike them.

You can be sure that you will not feel lonely when h.e.l.lena or Flavio is not around, even the baby that was in h.e.l.lena"s womb felt the warmth of her parents so she snuggled into the placenta with a small smile.

h.e.l.lena for the first time could feel everything Flavio felt, she knew it was a new level of union where she would never feel the sensation of not knowing how Flavio is.

The tears came from his face and Flavio cleaned them with great care "Do not cry love, with this you can know that I am not a man s.h.i.+t, I am and I will be the man you fell in love with."

h.e.l.lena nodded and tightly hugged her husband"s neck so he could bring her to his lips and give her a big kiss ...