Nova Roma

Chapter 31

In xicalango Marco was looking for a good candidate to be his wife, he does not care if he is Native or Roman, has never been picky with women just looking for someone who loves him and can have his children.

While he was giving rondines through the city he could see a beautiful Mayan woman drawing water from the well, approached her and speaking Mayan asked "How do you call yourself beautiful woman", The girl with some curiosity and fear said "My name is Alitzel n.o.ble sir, tell me what this humble woman can help you with, "Marco scratched his head." Do not worry me please, I will not hurt you, remember that if someone harms you or someone, report it to the guards in black clothes, from the At the moment that this city accepted the mandate of Nova Roma, you are citizens of the empire and are under the protection of the imperial laws. "

Alitzel nodded for what Marco said much calmer "Thank you, you are good people, my fear is not with you is why whenever the cacique changes we suffer injustices and abuses of the new rulers"

Marco could only feel some anger but he understood that many times in the barbarian villages the law was only the strongest "Do not worry beautiful lady I"m in charge of the city until my relief from the bureaucrats who will be responsible after the city , but in my guard n.o.body will be able to harm him, that it seems to him if he allows me to invite him dinner today "

(In the Mayan culture the families are patriarchal so the father decides on the other members of the family, the Mayan families are Monógamas can only have a wife)

While the days pa.s.sed Marco fell in love with Alitzel, in the Mayan culture one has to impress the father-in-law with gifts so that this allows his daughter to marry him, Marco began giving gifts to Alitzel"s father in order to obtain his permission to To get married.

The gifts were some bottles of schnapps, which were enough to impress the father of Alitzel, with this Marcó could ask for his hand, in ancient times the concept of marriage was a way of survival was survival on love, in this case love was Mutual Alitzel liked Marco and Marco liked Alitzel, therefore he was a happy couple.

The longer Marco spent getting to know his future wife, and all the customs that she had, despite the fact that the cultural shock was a big thing, they were able to cope with their differences. After 2 months of getting to know each other it was decided to take the wedding with the local Mayan customs.

Flavio knew that the marriage between Natives and Romans would lead to clashes in religion, the Reformed h.e.l.lenistic religion that he did took all this into account, unlike the Christianity that limits a G.o.d and forces him to believe in it because if it is not categorized as a heretic, the reformed religion takes the idea of ​​s.h.i.+ntoism and does not force to believe in a main G.o.d if not that it respects religions and does not interfere with them but unlike s.h.i.+ntoism if it seeks an integration of religions.

To do this, it combines the pantheons of the religions, gradually forcing a unified religion, for example in the Mayan and Nahuatl G.o.ds (Mexicas, Zapotecs, Teotihuacan) they are the same, the equivalent would be for example Jupiter in Rome was the same as Zeus in Greece, although there are variations it is the same .

How to do it is quite simple, first it is integrated to the caciques or local kings, then to the priests (In Mesoamerica the patriarchy predominates in religious leaders), with them one begins to create an Odyssey in which the Mixtec and Mayan G.o.ds are integrated to the sacred scriptures as follows.

(Tonantzin mother is the mother G.o.ddess that was venerated in the center of Mexico, so important was it that hundreds of pilgrims from different parts of the country came to wors.h.i.+p and offerings to her name, from her comes the current cult that exists to the Virgin of Guadalupe with her the Spaniards managed to evangelize the natives because in their image the form of Mother Tonantzin was occupied)

Fragment of the sacred scriptures by Flavio (Remember that Flavio redefined the role of each G.o.d to achieve a perfect integration and of each place as well)

"Mother Tonantzin cautiously received foreigners who came from beyond the sea, the first meeting between them the divided and those born of corn was the birth of a cla.s.s of free Human because the natives born by corn were not cursed by the box that Pandora opened or condemned by Zeus to find their half part that complemented them.

Therefore the human who came from the other side of the sea when he was reunited with a son of corn and had a son this was not born under any curse was someone free who had knowledge that he could occupy for his own benefit either helping or destroying.

The concept of good and evil depends entirely on individuals, for this new kind of free human mortal laws are created by them without interference from any G.o.d, therefore they define what is good and evil, in death is where the actions would be put on a scale.

The guardian of the souls Anubis would be in charge of such work in case the soul has done more beneficial things for others this will have the opportunity to choose if it wants to be reborn and try to achieve a state of supreme being or enter another dimension where they could live another life in a higher state these areas will be defined with the names of Mictlampa (North), Cihuatlampa (West), Tlahuiztlampa (East), Huitztlampa (South).

These cardinal points define the superior world to which a human with enough beneficial actions can enter and seek an improvement in order to reach the degree of G.o.ds


It is the northern area of ​​the upper world, this area is especially reserved for humans who can transcend in life the supreme, also anyone who can transcend to a supreme of the other 3 zones will go to this part, from here they will improve to be able to become G.o.ds.


It is the western area of ​​the upper world, this area is made for those who in life loved nature and seek to be supreme occupying mother nature in complete symbiosis, Elves who die will go to this area unless they decide otherwise and choose another zone or they have done unprofitable actions and are sent to Tartar


It is the eastern area of ​​the upper world, this area is made for those who in life have loved science and seek to be supreme occupying the laws that govern the world, the dwarves who die will go to this area unless they decide otherwise and choose another zone or that they have done little charitable actions and are sent to Tartar


It is the southern area of ​​the upper world, this area is made for all those who want to choose their own path does not define anything because individuals are the ones who choose as they can be supreme, be it human or another creature aware of itself that will die to this zone unless they decide otherwise and choose another zone or have done little beneficial actions and are sent to Tartar.

For those who have been unprofitable will be sent to Tartar without choice to reincarnate, Tartar unlike h.e.l.l is an area that is governed by the law of the strongest, depending on the severity of the damage done in life will be the time that remains in this area.

They can leave with their own power and in that case they will be sent directly to the Mictlampa, for the G.o.ds there is no good or bad each one chooses the way to follow and this also applies to the supreme.

Those who serve their sentence will be reborn again for them to try again on the mortal plane. "

Returning to Marco"s wedding, the ajq"ij (Mayan priest) prepared the ceremony that took in the beautiful beaches of Campeche Marco and Alitzel, this wedding was recorded by a historian named Nemesio sent by Flavio to be added to the historical record .

Nemesio wrote: "The wedding was full of relatives of Alitzel dressed in white because Marco had no family.

The bride and groom were dressed in white robes and barefoot. The Mayan priest gathered them in a circle drawn in the sand where he placed candles at each point representing the cardinal points. After this he occupied a censer where he placed Copal a local incense of a very pleasant aroma.

He proceeded to invoke the elemental beings, after this the boyfriend Marco gave the bride seeds of Corn and Wheat, the bride Alitzel returned Tortillas and Pan to Marco, this represents that they receive the fruit of the earth and will turn it into food with it it represents the abundance they will have in the future.

After this they said their wedding vows all this accompanied by sounds of conches and drums that gave the place a mystical air, after the vows were given some gold rings and with that I finish the wedding "

When the ceremony ended Nemesio delivered a marriage certificate that was personally signed by Emperor Flavio, this was the first marriage registered in the new world and will set the precedent for many more.