Nova Roma

Chapter 311

While Flavio"s family were celebrating the birth of Quetzalcoatl"s daughter, Idril and Taneri had their problems.

They were negotiating with the largest artisan guild in the Empire and some other guilds, on the creation of the Imperial Auxiliary Guild.

Which consisted of doing work outside the cities and towns taking care of small beasts that terrified the place but only in nearby locations.

This guild would receive missions or act on their own to sell everything they will get to the craft and merchant guilds.

Have and also explained to the artisans that the merchants that the beasts did not enter the program of environmental protection, so they had the freedom to kill them as long as these beasts will not present intelligent behaviors.

That case that they will get to kill or enslave any species that had an intelligent behavior would be fined and would be disposed to courts where they could lose their lives.

The artisans had their doubts mainly because they had not been convinced that an independent guild would be in charge of carrying out actions when they can simply go to the defense line or any city in the North.

To buy the fur of beasts and sometimes even meat, at prices not so high with which they can have a large profit margin.

Idril smiled and took out a doc.u.ment which he placed on the table and then crossed his hands "You must know that the guild of imperial auxiliaries can hunt down any kind of beast and will not pay any taxes. Therefore, the prices were much lower than what you can imagine.

Of course, nothing is free in life that they do not pay taxes does not mean that you do not have to pay taxes, you will pay fees for the product already created not for the purchase you make.

Just remember that the imperial bank will make each transaction, so transactions that are made outside the bank will not be allowed as they would be in a serious crime in which the sentence is death and requisition of property.

The only thing we hope is that they support us mainly with some sponsors.h.i.+ps for the guild since the empire will only provide the members with weapons and training to hunt beasts with the inquisitors.

Craftsmen"s guilds then completely changed the way they came to Idril, as this action would allow them to earn a large number of resources by which they could boost their economy."

All the representatives looked into each other"s eyes and then nodded, and the representative of the largest guild decided to speak.

"Great inquisitor Idril, we are willing to partic.i.p.ate in this new adventure that our emperor is plating.

But we would like that as you will have a representative in the guild and each group of members, we also want to have a representative.

Whose sole function will be that the members occupy all the resources that we are giving them this to prevent them from misusing the resources or selling them for their benefit? "

Idril put his hand on his forehead while smiling "You can have representatives; there is no problem with that.

But any issue related to the guild, such as complaints or complaints, will have to be dealt with by the military court, which is under the control of the defense ministry.

The great rotating judges so there will never be the same judge for each case this with the mission that neither side can convince them using money.

I want you to remember gentlemen and make it very clear that the Empire will not tolerate any kind of corruption in its ranks.

The punishment for corruption is to be impaled alive around Lake Texcoco so that those white-skinned beasts or any animal slowly devour their bodies.

Not to mention that his family will suffer specific punishments to leave a clear example that those who try to break the order of the empire will die most painfully. "

The guild members nodded their heads as they felt a tremendous cold sweat running down their backs, even though they did not intend to fall into acts of corruption.

These words of Idril left a mark on his heart, which would be very complicated to eliminate because it would also put a line between what they should do and what they could do.

After this talk, the representatives left the office and left Idril and Taneri alone after they left Idril received a pat on the back from Taneri.

"You did well. I"m sure Flavio is going to be delighted with what you"ve accomplished.

These unions are going to help reduce the poaching that still exists in our territory, although it is contemplated in the environmental plan, the cold causes people to have a little less empathy with their place of life.

Well, they put their safety before the well-being of the place where they live, which is normal behavior but is not harmful.

This mainly because the beasts of the North have been devouring a large number of species leaving the places empty of any kind of life.

Memories of the beast could be seen how they had what they cannibalized among them because all the species that existed in the place where they pa.s.sed were over.

Not to mention that the cold is also doing its job by eliminating species that are not used to such a cold climate.

Perhaps the only good thing among all this is that the species that we brought and the few that we managed to save will end up repopulating this land easily.

In some future, we will see thousands of cows or hundreds of thousands of pigs, so feeding will not be any inconvenience. "

Idril smiled "You should go home to see your husband, remember to come tomorrow because we will meet Mario because we will have to choose the headquarters of this new guild.

By the way, it is on the desk is a leather suit that the emperor made for you to enjoy with your husband "

Taneri laughed and opened the desk to take out the black leather suit that had a mask and a whip "I think Quirino won"t sleep today, Haha."

Idril could only see how Taneri left the office with a big smile.