Nova Roma

Chapter 336

Mother Tonatzin, a little more relaxed, began to tell the story, "First of all, I want you to understand that our family tree is quite different from your family tree where everyone comes from Chaos.

For example, Ometeotl and I are not related since our origins are different. Still, we are part of the same pantheon of the G.o.ds and work for a common good.

Of course, our bloodlines over the years have combined, and we are already family. Still, we are so many G.o.ds that I can hardly know the origin of all, the only one who can do it is Ometeotl.

But here one of our distant relatives is Coatl, the G.o.d of the Misquitos. "

Coatl, who was smoking with his pipe, raised his arms. "That I will not deny, my origins even for me are uncertain, but I know that I am a distant family of mother Tonantzin."

Mother Tonantzin smiled, "you are Ixhel"s son, a G.o.ddess of fertility and who represents the moon, very different from my daughter Coyolxauhqui whose head is the moon after her brother decapitates her with his others brothers for trying to kill me.

But let"s tell the story of the suns while we explain the line of the G.o.ds.

Ometeotl, one day woke up and looking at the ma.s.s of fire that was the world and considered that it was time to create something in the place where there were primordial monstrosities.

The first life that she created was what was called the Achto, they are the creators of Toltecayotl, the technique to achieve divinity, its greatest exponent was Quetzalcoatl an Achto that demonstrated a fantastic control of its transformation into a feathered serpent.

In one of his unfortunate incident flights occurred and happened at the same time that Ometeotl"s ovules were fertilizing.

The result was that Quetzalcoatl was reborn as a son of Ometeotl, as the incident has never told us Ometeotl what happened and always evades the issue.

While Quetzalcoatl only mentions that everything turned black, whatever it is in Ometeotl"s womb, Quetzalcoatl began to grow as a G.o.d.

Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, Xólotl and Xipetotec were born from pregnancy.

I think they already know everyone, but Xipetotec, when you go to the world of the G.o.ds, I will introduce them to you, they tend to spend a lot of time with the G.o.d Bacchus, and they pa.s.s it from bar to bar.

But let"s continue with the story, Tezcatlipocatl was a reasonably healthy child who enjoyed dismembering mortals and some beasts. At the same time, Quetzalcoatl was much calmer and didn"t like killing mortals.

Xolotl and Xipetotec rarely got together with their brothers, so they lost importance over the years.

One day while Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl played a great primordial beast called Tlaltecuhtli attacked them, this provoked the fury of Ometeotl, who started a war along with with the Tzitzimime the evil stars which are the family of Mayahuel.

In the battle, a young Quetzalcoatl, along with his brother Tezcatlipoca fought against the Tlaltecuhtli beast; the battle lasted for years until the two in their forms of snakes left for Tlaltecuhtli.

The top part became the sky while the bottom part became the earth; inside of that beast, they both could save 3 babies.

Those babies were my sisters Chimalma, Xochitlicue, and me.

Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca did not know what to do with the three of us; at first, they wanted to kill us, but in the end, they decided to take us with Ometeotl, who took care of us as if she were our mother.

These wars were also born by the other Quetzalcoatl brothers, such as Tláloc or Mictlantecuhtli.

After the war, the primordial beasts almost died out but decided to live in the dark, with the war over Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl decided to create a new way of life in a new stage that was called the first Sun.

This way of life was called humanity; the first was made of earth, and the person in charge of that humanity was Tezcatlipoca, who took care of them for 676 cycles or what we call years. Still, his time being the sun ended after Quetzalcoatl will defeat him after a battle.

Tezcatlipoca fell into the world of mortals where when he touched the earth, he lost control of his powers, and hundreds of jaguars appeared and devoured mankind.

The second sun also lasted 676 cycles where Quetzalcoatl was in charge; at this stage, humanity was made of obsidian, and it was also at this stage where the creation of some jail pyramids for the primordial beasts that existed began.

Something they must remember is that humanity was responsible for doing all this; the G.o.ds only partic.i.p.ated when humanity was overcome.

When Quetzalcoatl completed his cycles, Tezcatlipoca ascended the throne of Quetzalcoatl and threw him into the world of mortals. At the same time, a gust of air fell destroyed humanity.

When Tezcatlipoca tried to sit back on the throne of the guardian of humanity, he realized that there was a restriction placed by Quetzalcoatl.

So he had to place his brother Tlaloc so that he was in charge of the new humanity.

The third sun in charge of Tlaloc lasted only 364 was a time of relative peace that ended when Quetzalcoatl removed it at the request of Tlaloc"s wife when Tlaloc fell his humanity was destroyed by a fire that swept everything in its path.

Tláloc"s wife, Chalchiuhtlicue, was in charge of the fourth sun for only 312 years; after this, Tezcatlipoca also removed her from office, and with it, the world was destroyed by a flood, the humanity that Chalchiuhtlicue created the giants managed to survive in some way.

At this time, the last primordial beasts were locked in the pyramids.

For the fifth sun, Ometeotl personally intervened and ended the fight of his children, so he forced them to make peace and create a fifth sun as balanced as possible with humanity created from corn.

I would have been shown to show pictures of little Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca fighting to have control of humanity. Still, I can show you some pictures of how I remember it. "

Mother Tonantzin showed Tezcatlipoca completely turned into a jaguar eating humans and beasts and then seeing a Quetzalcoatl that was destroying everything in its path.

Erendida, who was watching the images after hearing the story, looked at her brother Yuma. "Let"s create humanities and destroy them, brother, it looks extremely funny."

Yuma, who had a smile, also looked at her sister "Yes but I want to start, I imagine humanity like Mitsune with her beautiful fox ears that I like too much, maybe also do it as people dedicated to the arts."

Flavio sighed and kissed his children on their heads. "Children remember that humans also feel, and doing that kind of thing can be harmful. I"m sure Ometeotl punishes Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl in some way."

Mother Tonantzin nodded, "Quetzalcoatl spent a few hundred years fighting deadly against beasts in the Mictlan or better known as the world of the dead.

While Tezcatlipoca suffered the scourges of all the souls of the people they had killed, a very fair and very soft punishment by Ometeotl.

But remember children, humans have to protect them because otherwise, they will kill you. Still, you can ask Quetzalcoatl about what he learned and if he will do it again. "

Erendida and Yuma imagined being punished by their father or mother, and that made them forget their idea of ​​being like Quetzalcoatl or Tezcatlipoca.

Bastet, on the other hand, imagined punis.h.i.+ng his father, which made him have a smile on his face that showed his gums with small sharp teeth that he later used to bite his father"s head.