Nova Roma

Chapter 338

When Julia opened her eyes, she found herself back in the temple of Anubis, where she could feel her two granddaughters trying to clean her tears.

Julia smiled and kissed her two granddaughters, "Thank you, little babies, I needed that, what do you think if I tell you some stories."

At that moment, Julia could feel the embrace of her son. "Mama, I will do everything necessary to bring Lucio before my brother or sister born.

It"s a promise I can make to you. "

But before she could respond, she could also feel the embrace of h.e.l.lena, s.h.i.+ni, and Miyuki.

Julia did not like the hugs very much, but being able to feel the affection of her daughters-in-law and her grandchildren made her relax a lot, but she plans to scold Flavio because she made her worry.

For a moment, she thought that she would not see Lucio again and that she would be left alone. Fortunately, it will only be a time in which she will be without Lucio.

But she can be sure that during this time she will have a good time with her family and especially with her grandchildren and children.

After this event, Flavio began to coordinate the messengers to bring news to the cities near the defense line so that they were prepared to attend to everything that will be needed for the construction of the interoceanic ca.n.a.l.

This would also alert the soldiers to prepare themselves to coordinate the defense of the workers in case they were required.

In the line of defense, the centurions began to inform their soldiers about the orders of the emperor.

Many legionaries did not understand why the emperor had given that order.

For the attack of the capital by beasts must be a priority, but the emperor always knows what he does.

With the pa.s.sing of a few hours, the rumor began to run on the line of defense that Jupiter himself would arrive to perform a miracle with the help of other G.o.ds and the emperor.

Some legionaries had been fortunate to meet Huitzilopochtli and Ares in the campaigns for the conquest of the northern cities.

But being able to see Jupiter himself using his powers was something that could only happen to them once in their lives, and it will be an anecdote that their children and grandchildren will proudly tell.

Zeus, who was talking with Poseidon, sneezed in a surprising way. "It seems that suddenly mortals are thinking of me.

I guess they somehow found out what I plan to do, what do you think if I make an entrance with a body made of thunder or should do something like what happened in Thebes. "

Poseidon looked at his brother as he held his forehead with his hand "Why can"t you be a little less extravagant.

But I consider that the body of thunder is not so bad since I had also thought of becoming a body entirely of seawater.

You know, according to some Egyptian G.o.ds, they told me that Anuket can be a beast in bed.

Who I am to judge a G.o.ddess is why I will take a chance to know if those rumors are true. "

The two brothers looked at each other for a moment and began to laugh as they headed towards the temple of Zeus to be able to go out and start with the creation of miracles.

Anuket also prepared to leave, unlike Zeus or Poseidon, who planned to make a very striking entrance.

She planned to arrive turned into the water, which would be responsible for creating in its pa.s.sage a small river that could reach from the capital to the Caribbean Sea.

This small river will be only 2 meters deep, but it will be enough for years to become the only river on the Yucatan Peninsula.

With this, she will be able to leave her name among the citizens of the Empire, but the river she will create will not do so without care, before doing so I speak with Chalchiuhtlicue and with mother Tonantzin to know if she can make the river.

Because there are only a few settlements in the center of the Yucatan Peninsula, the river will not affect them, but Anuket asked Anubis anyway to advise Flavio of his intentions.

Flavio did not refuse because a river that will cross from the capital to the Caribbean was beneficial because transport would be shortened and would benefit nearby towns.

The only condition that Flavio put was that every kilometer a bridge was built.

To create the Susanoo and Apollo bridges, they would be responsible for building them with the help of Hercules, who would be responsible for carrying stone, which would be created by Hephaestus.

Hephaestus would be responsible for creating stone placements for the construction of the two wonders, Hercules would take them from the capital to the Caribbean area for the development of the great bridge.

While Hermes would transport them to the defense line from where the legionaries would take them with Flavio, Quetzalcoatl, Ares, Huitzilopochtli, and Anubis.

They would be in charge of using the stone to place it in the ca.n.a.l and, in this way, make the channel will be isolated to prevent the bottom of the ca.n.a.l from being worn and deformed over the years.

Being a wonder, you will receive protective seals like the Quarzo palace plus the protection with which the G.o.ds will maintain a balance and avoid interfering with the operation of the empire.

With everything ready, the great act of the appearance of the G.o.ds began; in the Caribbean Sea, citizens and soldiers could see how a giant of water started to form in the water.

The priestesses and priests gave the news that it was Poseidon who had come to build a great wonder.

In the capital, the Alpha Legion and the survivors could see how a wonderful woman turned into water and then grew as she entered the river that surrounded the city.

The water figure began to walk and then run and start creating a river in its path.

This surprised everyone present, but this was only the beginning; their surprise grew bigger when they could see how a muscular young man who had a lion"s skin on the road carrying a large carriage, which had a lot of stone blocks.

The legionaries had been instructed by the supreme priestess not to interfere with the path of Hercules.

On the other hand, Hermes also carried a carriage, but it was flying in the sky, and inside, it had a large number of stones which were loaded from the roof of the dwarf workshop.

Hephaestus, with the help of Artimer and the dwarves, began to produce stone continuously, thanks to the divine energy and the support of the dwarves the production of stone for wonders reached 5 tons every half hour.