Nova Roma

Chapter 52

The Caribs received a message from their G.o.d Amalivaca through the shamans warning of the danger coming from the continent and that they should be prepared to defend their lands from the invaders

The local leaders of Caribbean tribes in Cuba dedicated themselves to finding quick solutions to the problem that presented the white men arriving on their land they knew that the time was insufficient to be able to face them as a group, they can have the same G.o.d but not all the leaders they are willing to work with others, therefore each tribe depends on itself

Therefore each tribe made its defenses in the most impa.s.sable areas such as the sierra of the northern part of the center and the south also in the jungles hiding they knew by the shamans what it would be like if they fight directly with them the shamans They described the slaughter in Cozumel.

That is why they moved their tribes to these places where these white men and the treacherous Mayans could not attack them and they could attack without losing troops in the process.

While the Caribs were preparing for the imminent invasion, Flavio was on the s.h.i.+p on his way to Cuba. He felt a little sad about leaving his family behind but he knew that it was something necessary. Fortunately, the distance between Cuba and the fort of Cancún was not too great. therefore, only two or three hours were enough to get boarding.

After some time at sea they were finally able to observe land, the boats prepared to start their way to the coast but because they did not know what was the maximum depth they did not risk running aground and sent small boats with troops which would take care of you watch to measure the depth of the water as if to check the coast with telescopes to avoid ambushes as they suffered in Cozumel.

Those in charge this time were not the special forces but the sailors, they traveled a distance of approximately 4 km with which they found the best place for the s.h.i.+ps to approach and could make a spearhead for the landing.

To obtain this information, they used a rope that tied a knot every meter, they threw it with a heavy rock into the sea and with this they measured the depth, of course, it was not a simple process but if necessary, while some of them took care of this with others. telescopes guarded the coast.

The small perimeter that they measured showed that this area was very feasible for the construction of a port, this is perfect because it means that the boats can get close enough to avoid running aground and reduce the time of unloading of necessary materials, while on the coast there They found signs of an ambush on the coast.

Once they returned to the boats, they gave this information to Flavio who a.n.a.lyzed it and ordered the special forces to disembark to open the spear point, just as in Cozumel they carried their flares with green and white smoke.

The Vi Opus began their journey, being personally commanded by the emperor received a new weapon the Roman carbine, they fell in love with this weapon since they only had to place the ammunition and shoot, not to mention that the scope was greater than the one offered the crossbows

When they arrived at the coast they prepared defensive measures, but the coast was deserted they advanced by the sand of the beach to arrive at the first palms, they were covered in them and occupying signs language crossed the perimeter.

Being completely camouflaged they were the death for any enemy, but although they went for a kilometer inland they did not find signs of human presence, they established small defensive zones that function as control points to know if they are attacked.

After some time they lit the white smoke and the first troops began to arrive.

When Flavio land placed a flag on the beach "From this moment this place will be the point of creation of the city of" Magna Caribe ", that the enemies of Rome fear because the empire came to their lands to conquer"

The soldiers celebrated the emperor"s small speech and began to create a fort in the area, they had learned that the Caribs like to attack at night, therefore, they placed greater emphasis on external defenses and better illumination.

For this Flavio occupied torches around the base to prevent these burn the camp has covered the wood with damp earth, which would prevent possible fires in the camp.

The number of vigilantes was also increased and a small watchtower was built to find out where the attacks were coming from.

As Flavio"s achievement to build a fort in conditions in just one day, simply occupied the same procedure that made Toyotomi Hideyos.h.i.+ brought all the pieces already made and only armed them.

Flavio"s strategy of having everything ready for a possible attack paid off, at night the fort"s alarm bells rang.

Flavio woke up and took his weapons to command the defense, the attacks came from the northern part of the fortress, the Vi Opus with their carbine was responsible for killing those that seemed to be important from the watchtower.

Flavio"s men were trained for the defense at night so there are no problems with the troops because they already know the protocol.

The attack of the Caribs was faced with the trench around the fortress that was full of spikes, could not approach just attack in the distance, one of the weapons that placed Flavio on the walls was the ballista, which killed much more easy on the invaders.

Flavius ​​prepared his men and went out to fight body to body with the Caribs, the battle lasted for at least an hour until discharge of divine energy was present was the shaman of the tribe asking for blessings to their G.o.d.

Flavio smiled "Soldiers ready, Amancio take care of the troops I"ll take care of his shaman"

Amancio a trusted tribune of Flavio nodded and commanded the attack while his emperor was in charge of the major threat at this time.

The shaman launched himself at Flavio with his two stone knives, Flavio activated his divine energy and drew his sword.

The clash between the stone knives and the steel sword was blunt but ended with the breaking of the stone weapons, the shaman recoiled with a jump he knew that his weapons were useless therefore being a "Mohan" was transformed into a Stingray.

His body was like a human being but half a fish and a tail sticks out of it, Flavio knows that manta rays have a poisonous sting in their tails, therefore, he knew that he had to be careful not to be p.r.i.c.ked by him.

The battle continued and Flavio realized that to fight with a single sword was quite complicated, because the claws in the hand of the shaman were resistant and the tail you should in when it was pounced on him.

Flavius ​​occupied his Divine energy to create another sword, the battle was seen with astonishment by the Caribs and the soldiers.

The shaman managed to cross the defense of Flavio and his sting went to the head of Flavio but this elusive attack only receiving a small wound in the face, Flavio occupied the distraction of the shaman to release his sword and concentrate his energy in his fist.

The blow received in the chest the shaman was able to throw a few meters destroying some palm trees in the process, Flavio did not have time to recover and launched his energy sword on the dazed shaman who did not have time to defend.

The sword entered his neck and his life ended at that moment falling backward, with the death of his "Mohan" the Caribs panicked and tried to flee but were hunted by the forces of Flavio, who did not let them flee.

Their attack had failed and they were captives of the white men they so hated.

Meanwhile, Flavio occupying disinfected alcohol the wound on his face, it was not deep but it reminded him that scenes like this would be very common on his way to conquer Insulae Canibalium (Cuba) ...