Nova Roma

Chapter 67

h.e.l.lena prepared the Mohan prisoners she had in her possession to make the exchange with Poseidon for some Gorgons, also before leaving her babies who were being cared for by Lilith and sent a letter to Flavio to inform him that she would travel to the new Tartarus to seek reinforcements and future citizens for the empire.

When she arrived at the temple of Zeus she left out his praetorian guards and informed them that they will receive new members for the empire, therefore, they should be prepared.

After this she entered the temple of Zeus with the Mohan prisoners and realized that there were about 100 beautiful women in the lobby, dressed in just a white robe but h.e.l.lena was not fooled by her beautiful appearance, she noticed that the eyes of those women contained death that can only mean that they are highly dangerous.

What surprised h.e.l.lena was to see her father-in-law flirting with one of them, h.e.l.lena could only bring her hand to her face when she saw Zeus"s impudence "I guess only Zeus can flirt with a woman who seems to be a natural killer without dying in the attempt"

Zeus raised his shoulders in a sign of clear acceptance of reality "h.e.l.lena, being unfaithful, we carry in the blood, even Flavio has but he knows how to control his instincts and loves you too much to harm you, that is to admire considering that it is a greek G.o.d "

h.e.l.lena sighed at Zeus" words "You know why our divine energy unites perfectly that is why our destinies are united

Years ago I was always afraid that he would abandon me but he promised me that he would never do it and that is why in an act of true love we perform a ritual

Where our souls were intertwined therefore we feel what the other feels, if he dies I die and if I die he dies, neither can deceive the other because it would cost us our lives "

Anubis who had arrived moments before and Zeus were surprised and afraid of h.e.l.lena"s words, the ritual she speaks is an extremely dangerous love ritual that can cost lives, but that if perfection is achieved it can enhance many things.

But they still wonder how the h.e.l.l h.e.l.lena managed to make Flavio accept to do such a ritual, even if they loved a woman they would not dare to be that ritual because it means losing many things.

After the talk, h.e.l.lena handed the Mohan prisoners to Zeus who teleported them, Zeus scratched his head and began to present the Gorgons, His eyes are killing machines.

Their main advantage is that they can turn whomever they want into stone and can communicate with snakes. I think Flavio can find the right place in the army. they are 100 Gorgons for the 50 Mohan prisoners is a fair deal do not you think "

h.e.l.lena nodded and proceeded to see the Gorgons "From now on they are members of the Praetorian guard, they will receive training with them for 2 weeks before they can go to the battlefront.

We are facing a danger that can cost us full existence, the training they will receive will be adapted to their personal needs, they have understood "

The Gorgons made the Roman greeting and shouted in unison "Yes Empress"

When they finished receiving h.e.l.lena"s orders, they left the temple of Zeus to meet with the praetors outside to take them to the training camp.

Meanwhile, Zeus and Anubis guided h.e.l.lena through a portal to go to the new Tartar, the journey through the portal was quite fast but caused h.e.l.lena to have a small loss of balance that caused her to recharge in Anubis.

When she looked up she could see a purple sky and a great green sun, h.e.l.lena was quite surprised at such a magical scene "As it is possible, perhaps the atmosphere of this place is different from being so because the purple color of the sky and the green from the sun, the light is supposed to be white, not green… "

While h.e.l.lena thought at the scientific level how to explain the things so unreal that she saw, Anubis gave her a small pat on the back to wake up from his trance "h.e.l.lena do not look for explanations for this place, it is the result of the union of the three underworlds.

The new Tartar is defined in 4 zones:

The first zone is divided into three kingdoms of the underworld, each kingdom is ruled by the corresponding G.o.d being Tezcatlipoca, Hades and I (Anubis) the three kings of this place, in our kingdoms, we rule over the souls before the union of the pantheons.

Everyone has complete freedom to decide what to do with them, as for the souls that die after the union they go to zone 3 of the new Tartar, a place that I will explain in a moment.

The second area is where we are going in that place are most of the supernatural beings that we come to look for, they are completely independent of us although some seek protection and join our kingdom as citizens.

The third zone belongs to those souls who have sinned after the union, that zone is in constant conflict, the laws do not exist and only the strongest can speak, only centaurs, descendants of Bastet (Cat men) and Nahuales Xoloitzcuintles are responsible for protecting the door that leads to the second and fourth zone.

Finally, the most dangerous area of ​​the new Tartar are those like Cronos among many more, that area is outside the limits and if for some reason what lies inside it manages to leave, it would be the apocalypse for all of us "

h.e.l.lena listened to all the words Anubis said with great care when she returned need to tell Flavio everything observed to have any countermeasures in case the 4 zones were opened.

"h.e.l.lena, I want to introduce you to some people that I am sure you will want to meet," Anubis said with a parental tone of voice.

h.e.l.lena asks herself who these people were, as she recalls there is no one you know with those characteristics, but she lost nothing following Anubis and Zeus, on the way she could see some Egyptian buildings and quite a few people and different beings doing their daily lives.

Whenever any of the people looked at Zeus, Anubis or h.e.l.lena, they bowed their heads in respect, the little bed continued until in the distance h.e.l.lena could see a large gold-covered pyramid and an amazing temple, with beautiful statues and monoliths carved with Hieroglyphs

When I enter the temple the amount of gold and colors used fascinated her, she always had tasted for different colors and fascinating structures, unlike Flavio who only seems to like Gothic art and a bit Baroque saying always that

"The baroque is beautiful and perfect for government buildings, but the Gothic gives off beauty and fear at the same time which makes it perfect for temples, a pity that in my beloved Mexico only the baroque could succeed and the Gothic was not used until the neo-Gothic years after Mexican independence ... "

As she thought she kept walking until they entered a kind of room where a man and a woman were sitting, when h.e.l.lena saw them a series of feelings sprouted in her, from hate, sadness, and happiness, she recognized them with tears in their eyes they were Cleopatra and Marco Antonio his dead parents ...