Nova Roma

Chapter 77

The fire continued to burn for days this caused the sky to be filled with heavy smoke which caused ash and soot to fall throughout the construction area and trenches, to prevent the soldiers from suffering complications from the breathing of smoke and ash Masks were created from pieces of cloth which are soaked in water to prevent workers and soldiers from vacuuming the ashes and causing lung damage.

When the fire finally ended after a great storm, what was left of the jungle was only rests of scorched trees that had somehow managed to stand still but became nothing more than coal.

The scene was completely fantastic the soldiers and the builders had come to see forest fires but never one that left so much destruction in their wake and an extremely horrible scene when they approached to review what the burned jungle was like, they could observe corpses calcined completely some skeletons or remains that were left and that didn"t turn to ashes.

It had been the poor b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who had not managed to leave on time and die at the hands of Roman soldiers but suffered an even more painful death being burned to death.

To prevent the souls of these beings begin to roam the battlefield Flavio along with the help of the priests and priestesses were responsible for creating symbolic tombs and blessing the place to prevent the souls of supernatural beings who will pay for that place and they become inconvenient for the future.

Flavio use of divine energy while the priests prayed to be able to create a light and allow those beings who died horribly even some soldiers who had died in battle could find salvation because with Flavio"s divine energy they could reach where they gathered the souls after death where they would be received by Anubis who would dictate their destiny for the actions in life.

One of the most interesting things was that within the new rules that judged souls, it was that even if these souls had killed or done wrong actions they never did it consciously and by their will

For they were always controlled by the conscience of the jungle and not by their hand, therefore they would be exempted from crimes and would be allowed to have a completely new life entering the reincarnation cycle as beings free of any control.

For the new religion, it was quite advantageous to absorb the souls of any being or beings that were not under the control of some other G.o.d as this meant that the number of available souls was enlarged.

Well, to apprehend that souls are renewable for the creation of one, it is necessary for energy to become aware or develop an essence which takes time, these new souls reincarnate in the cycle of life without knowing anything, therefore they mature as more lives go. living once they complete their cycle, they become energy which works to form more souls.

The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, after 3 months the construction of the southern wall It was over had cost the construction and defense thousands of lives but all the efforts paid off thanks to the fact that the fire had burned all the jungle zone that covered from Costa Rica to Colombia avoided new attacks

Unfortunately, the explorers reported that from the ashes of the jungle that was on the Colombian side, the place was being reforested at an extremely inhuman speed, fortunately, the wall had ended, the trenches would be abandoned and left as a sign of the great battle which was fought for almost 7 months.

A great ceremony was held the next day where Flavio from a speech in which he thanks all soldiers and slaves for his great support to prevent the d.a.m.n jungle from winning the war, after the speech Flavio fulfilled his promises and freed slaves from slaves brought from the new Tartar, as for the Caribbean slaves were taken back to insulae Canibalum, where they would be delivered to the new citizens to fulfill the promises made.

The southern wall was renamed Troy Wall, in honor of the walled city of Troy whose walls were the most resistant, to avoid that the attacks were violent, a permanent guard of more than 500,000 soldiers was left in place, that also included a million slaves that h.e.l.lena had brought, to apprehend that their mission was released was to take care of the place and prevent those d.a.m.n beings from the d.a.m.n jungle from entering.

When all the speeches and actions to be taken were completely the biggest party was celebrated celebrating the victory, the alcohol began to leave the camps along with food for all the survivors, in this war there were many wounded and mutilated which no longer They can fight and therefore they will be retired with their respective payment for their services.

Flavio did not expect the casualties to be so great but he had no other choice, before moving north he has to end the threat of the Caribs, for this, he has to recover the army which I estimate will take a year to return to rearm a force

Able to go to fight on the island of the Spanish and Jamaica the two main forts of the Caribs, once conquered there will be an island-by-island war in the Antilles until the root threat is eliminated, it will be a long but necessary road.

The next day Flavio and a large group of soldiers headed towards Origin Civitatem, it was time that they will return home and meet their respective families taking advantage of the construction of the Troyan Wall that has been completed and that the jungle will take time to return to counterattack.

When Flavio arrived he was received by his wife who showed a bulging stomach, Flavio realized that his wife was pregnant again and would become a father again, this caused the tears to fall from his eyes while hugging h.e.l.lena and thanking him for returning to be a dad...