Nova Roma

Chapter 110

Hundreds of carriages with weapons and supplies were heading daily to the defense line of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the line of defense is divided into 3 sectors, which have their leader.

Sector A has as its main base the port of Coatzacoalcos and is commanded by Leonel who is in charge of the defense of the Alpha Legion, Sector B is commanded by Amancio and has as its base the city of Suchilapan which is where they join Two rivers.

Finally, sector C of the defense line is based on the city of Ique Sidi Biá (Salina Colorado colored in Zapotec), unlike the other two bases, this began as a town of the Zapotecs who voluntarily joined the empire 1 year ago.

During that course its natural port began to be used and developed, the one in charge of the defense was Aurelia, a woman who began her military career years ago in Emerita Augusta and who showed her worth against the d.a.m.n jungle fighting in the southern part of the wall.

All those in charge of the sector received Flavio"s orders and noticed the increase in resources by the empire, they were surprised because the use of horses had been authorized, which were restricted because they were a strategic resource.

At the beginning of the following week, the explorers spotted a considerable amount of giants with a large group of humans, quickly warning the defense zone.

Amancio began to prepare his troops, one of the advantages that his sector had was that in the way of the defense line the Coatzacoalcos river pa.s.sed through the area, therefore, it was possible to place some riverboats with some guns armed with ammunition of shrapnel, although the scope was limited.

The soldiers began to prepare their crossbows and their weapons, to do more efficient damage and reduce losses the newly created ERPC (Epidemiological Risk Prevention Center) spent the little time they had to obtain venom from the coral snakes.

This poison is a neurotoxin capable of rapidly paralyzing, therefore, it is perfect for use against the giants, to obtain a large number of snakes Coralillos Flavio had to go along Quetzalcoatl to look for mother Tonantzin in her temple located in the village of her futures Praetorian guards the Mixtecs.

In Yankuik Aztlan (New Aztlan) the town founded by the Mixtecs, Flavio and Quetzalcoatl arrived at a large temple that was being built in honor of Mother Tonantzin.

When they entered the temple, time stopped and Mother Tonantzin appeared "It is a pleasure to see you Flavio, I am also surprised to see you Quetzalcoatl, Mayahuel awaits your return, Grandma Toci has been taking care of her because she is pregnant.

Now tell me what my children need, I don"t think they just visited this old G.o.ddess just to say h.e.l.lo. "

Flavio scratched his head by the indirect way in which the mother Tonantzin told him not to be a grateful evil, meanwhile, Quetzalcoatl was with a happy face and bewildered by the news that Mayahuel was pregnant.

After a few seconds and an awkward silence that was in the temple Flavio I speak "Mother Tonantzin I know that I have been an ungrateful one who has not visited him, but I promise that I will go before my fourth child is born, I will take the whole family.

The reason I came was to ask for some coral snakes to extract their poison to face a threat of giants that come to attack us, the snakes will be taken care of by the Elves and later that the conflict is over they will be released in areas where they are integrated with the ambient."

The mother Tonantzin looked at Flavio with doubt and then smiled "When you want to come to remember to come to my temple with the family, as for the snakes I will only take a moment"

From the clothes of the mother Tonantzin came red snakes with yellow and black stripes, hundreds of snakes were released "These little ones are quite calm and will not bite anyone.

Just remember to feed them and when you have finished extracting the poison you can release them anywhere in the jungle they will look for a place where they can live in coexistence with other species. "

Flavio nodded and watched the hundreds of snakes that appear to be happy to be close to mother Tonantzin after this mother Tonantzin said goodbye and time returned to normal.

When the priests and priestesses saw the emperor and a white man with a beard near the snakes, they bowed and thanked Mother Tonantzin for the miracle she had done.

Flavio sighed around the scene and patted Quetzalcoatl on the back that seemed to be in his world, then Quetzalcoatl looked at Flavio. "How am I supposed to see Mayahuel, what do I have to say.

As it is to take care of a baby, give me advice Flavio you have more experience in that. "

Flavio smiled and took Quetzalcoatl by the shoulder as he left the temple "You have to remember something women are G.o.ds or mortals hate being fooled, you have the example of my grandfather/brother Zeus.

His adventures are endless but he does not dare to separate from his wife, Hera. I recommend that you marry Mayahuel. I think you will see him very well as to how to treat babies.

I recommend having a lot of patience and responsibility, our case is almost similar but reversed I am a G.o.d but h.e.l.lena is a demiG.o.d while you are an ascended and Mayahuel is a G.o.d.

But I cannot say that our children are equal, it may be that my next child is born as an adult as Huichilopoztli or that your child is also born with those characteristics.

What I can tell you is that unlike mortal children you will see that they mature much faster and will have quite rare powers so you will have to be more careful with them. "

Quetzalcoatl smiled at the words Flavio said "Thank you Flavio needed those words, but now you have some idea how to get these hundreds of snakes out of the temple and take them to Origin Civitatem"

Flavio only gave a forced smile "I guess it"s time to send for the Gorgons and the elves, we"ll have to be babysitters of snakes for a while ..."