Nova Roma

Chapter 176

In the city of Huexotla Ascanio, he was touring the wounded camp while listening to his tribune say the report of what had happened "Legio Ascanio we have more than 60 injured and 10 dead, as cavalry 57 horses are injured and are being treated for Elf vets.

We also had to sacrifice 10 horses to turn them into flesh because their wounds were incurable and 5 horses died in battle, we don"t have any horse that has escaped.

On the other hand the number of dead enemies…"

Ascanio interrupted his tribune with his hand when he saw among the prisoners who were receiving treatment a young man who had quetzal headdresses and some jade necklaces, he knew from the courses and testimonies of the refugees that kings and their families used quetzal feathers.

So the prisoner in front of him was part of the royal family of Teotihuacan and not just a simple Tlatoani, approached him and began to speak in Nahuatl "You are a member of the royal family of Teotihuacan, right"

The young man looked at the Roman in front of him wearing a wolf"s skin over his head and s.h.i.+ny silver armor. "I don"t know what Romans do here but my father will defeat them and sacrifice them as he will do with the religious."

Ascanio smiled "You can think what you want, boy, but we Romans were born to conquer the land in front of us, I will summarize what will happen, we will conquer city by city until we reach Teotihuacan.

After this, we will go south conquering all the cities that stand in our way, as for you and your father they will be sent with the emperor to decide their future.

But I"ll be honest, the emperor doesn"t let loose ends, so be prepared for whatever punishment he wants, Hahaha. "

After this he ordered that he be tied up and taken by two Nahual messengers flying to the capital, so that the emperor decided what to do with him, when he finished giving the orders he asked the tribune to continue with the report.

"The dead that we count add up to more than 13,000 for the interrogations of some priests and Tlatoanis in this battle were fighting the bulk of the two armies so that the conquest should not have problems.

As for the captives, we add more than 5000 who are already on their way to Monte Alban to be dispatched as war slaves. "

Ascanio nodded "They are good numbers but they are insufficient you know that in the conquest of Britannia by Julio the son of Augustus the slaves rose to at least a few hundred thousand.

If the empire wants to grow we need more people, by the way how are the two brothers. "

The tribune began to speak "After the fight, the two locked themselves in the room where they have not even gone out to eat, the soldiers have been listening to groans for what we a.s.sume they are having s.e.x."

Ascanio over his head "Let no one approach the place, there is one thing that G.o.d Ares told me before we left and it was that anyone who interrupts the two little lovers will die for the emperor"s immortals.

Let them enjoy their life, the things of the imperial family do not belong to us, you can rest a.s.sured that they are doing it to de-stress their minds, so Miss Felix murdered more than 30 enemies while her brother killed 50 left with a lot of blood in their bodies.

For us, it is quite simple to kill but for the two young people it is the first time they kill, I have to admit that Mario is lucky to have his sister to relieve stress.

The first time I killed, I had to settle for a 50-year-old Namibian prost.i.tute to release stress, but let"s not talk about sad things reorganizing the troops because we left the city of Coatlinchán in two days.

As far as I know in that city, G.o.d Tláloc is much venerated, so I hope that the priests and priestesses can ask for a good climate while the campaign is in progress. "

In the capital of the empire of Nova Roma Flavio who was reviewing some papers could see two Nahual messengers arriving carrying what appeared to be a lump, Flavio opened the balcony window so they could enter.

The two left the captive who was trembling with fear and seemed to have urinated down the road "Emperor Flavio the Legio Ascanio captured this son of the king of Teotihuacan and ordered him to bring him before you to decide what to do with him."

Flavio smiled "You can retire, I have to talk to the captive."

The messengers nodded and flew away from the imperial palace, Flavio looked at the prince on his feet. "Very good little garbage answers my questions for good or I will have to get answers for bad.

I want you to tell me why your people have been doing atrocities against civilians, don"t you know that the empire needs that population? "

The Teotihuacan prince looked at Flavio with some fear and confusion since he did not know who the person in front of him was but the way he spoke and looked with him made him feel like he was s.h.i.+t.

The prince was armed with courage. "The great G.o.d Quetzalcoatl and mother Tonantzin will never forgive you for attacking my foreign people, I hope you are willing to accept your punishment."

Flavio began to laugh "Hahaha, but where my manners are, let me introduce myself. I am Emperor Flavio Octavia.n.u.s Turino Caesar my mother is the G.o.ddess Rhea and the G.o.d Apollo.

To your misfortune I know mother Tonantzin since she is the G.o.dmother of my twins, as for Quetzalcoatl he lives in the imperial palace, he is teaching my children to control their powers.

Now you want to know if they plan to punish me for what I"m doing because we don"t ask Quetzalcoatl himself for his opinion. "

Flavio and took the prince from the hair and then jump with the one on the balcony, thanks to Flavio"s expertise, nothing happened to him, he walked through the courtyard until he saw Quetzalcoatl showing his twins the control of their animal being.

The small erect could be filled with a gray coat while Yuma got a golden coat, Quetzalcoatl left the little twins while training while watching Flavio take a subject with high-quality clothes and touches of quetzal and jade.

Flavio left him on the ground "I"m glad the little ones are progressing but I have someone who says that you are going to punish me for having attacked his people.

So I said why not present it to you and that you tell your opinions yourself…"