Nova Roma

Chapter 241

The road to Teotihuacan was quite calm only on some occasions the car had to deviate because there were areas where the cars stopped at the time were very close.

On the way, Flavio only talks about some things with Lucifer but that talks don"t get too long because the old man shut up Flavio and Lucifer

When they finally arrived Flavio was surprised to see a lot of Angels and Demons working together although they were not very happy.

"To think that I managed to make the two parties eternally fought to be able to get me out of this place with a VIP treatment"

Lucifer took a cigar out of his bag and lit it "More than a union, neither the old man or I want to start a fight where no one will win and we all lose, so that justify the special treatment.

But the truth is that without your presence this would still be boring, now I keep wondering how many nations I will get before this situation stabilizes. "

Flavio admired the great pyramids of the moon and the sun which brought back memories of his life as an archaeologist but at that moment he remembered the statuette where Amatlein was locked.

It is unknown if in this dimension Amatlein was trapped or destroyed, but it is a time bomb that can explode at any time.

"Old man, I need your help there is a time bomb in this place you can ignore me but your version of another world could not defeat that thing which was intentionally released.

The most that your other self could do was curse them so that they could not leave the plane where they were. "

The old man see Flavio "Come on I"ll accompany you, Lucifer joins us, maybe what we find in that place is worse than Flavio."

Lucifer opened his hands and decided to follow them as they walked to the Pyramid of the Sun where the entrance to the underground tunnels where the tombs of different Teotihuacan kings are located among other things.

Flavio doesn"t take time to find the entrance to the tunnels and down the steps to go deep into the city of Teotihuacan.

The tunnels are not very large but they have enough s.p.a.ce for anyone to walk, in a matter of minutes, Flavio knew that they had reached King Mazahua"s grave under the pyramid of the sun.

He knew why the king"s tomb had Jade ornaments with amethysts on the walls, Mazahua was the only king of the Teotihuacan dynasty who used a similar tomb.

They were close to the ceremonial center where Amatlein was locked up, after moving forward for a while Flavio found a dead end but he knew that once he would throw that wall he would be the Amatlein statuette.

Flavio knocked on the wall and it exposed a secret room, where the light of Flavio"s divine energy illuminated it, in the room, there were hundreds of Jade figures and some other pieces of pottery.

After destroying the wall to pa.s.s, Flavio began to look for the small jade statuette, The old man and Lucifer looked at the room and realized that he had a fairly considerable defense, no mortal could enter because the defense of pictograms I would believe that there is nothing just stone.

Flavio searched for a while and found a small figure of Jade that inside had the greatest disaster of mankind, very carefully used his divine energy to keep it sustained.

He gave it to the old man very carefully. "It seems like a normal statuette but what is inside is dangerous, what you decide to do with Amatlein from now on will be your problem.

Just remember that it is not something that can be controlled, it is a being that exists since before the birth of the cosmic G.o.ds. "

The old man looked at the statuette for a moment and could feel the darkness that was inside. "It hurts to say Lucifer but Flavio is right, Amatlein is not something to deal with. I will need your help to seal this thing in limbo. "

Lucifer hugged his arms and trembled for a moment. "If that d.a.m.n statue needs to be sealed in that place, I will help you but you will have to open the way.

The last time I entered Limbo, I did it by the hand of an army that only lasted 3 days before I returning alone and injured.

My back still retains the wounds of that place, not to mention that the things that are found are not normal. "

The old man looked seriously at Lucifer "That happens to you like an idiot, I told you that Limbo is not a place where you should enter, but you launched an invasion against that place.

That is why this statue must be in that place, the limbo is a dangerous area and difficult to access, finding a needle in a haystack will be much simpler than finding this d.a.m.n statuette. "

Flavio listened to them for a while until he decided to interrupt his talk "I understand your concern gentlemen but I want to see my children and my wives, besides I don"t think you want me to have one more day in this place."

The old man shook his head and proceeded to let Flavio lead them on the way to the exit when they finally left Flavio decided to go up to the Pyramid of the Sun to recharge their energies before the trip.

It is a pity that the pyramids of the sun and the moon are not going to be built in their world due to their interference, but it is a sacrifice that Flavio is willing to make because the legacy he will leave will be even greater.

During his climb up the steep stairs he could see little Ramiro from his sister"s hand as they climbed to the top of the pyramid, Flavio smiled and approached them to help them up.

Tania blushed while being carried on Flavio"s back and Ramiro was happy looking at the beautiful landscape while Flavio carried him like a small sack of potatoes in one of his hands.

When they reached the top of the pyramid they enjoyed the beautiful view of the city of Teotihuacan and the small town that was next to it, after seeing the views for a while and letting the sun warm their bodies.

They decided to go down so Flavio decided to carry them while he jumping from the pyramid without notifying them, Ramiro shouted in excitement as Tania almost fainted to feel it fall.

When they touched Ramiro ground he was the first to get off Flavio"s hand but Tania held on for a while trembling with fear, Flavio realized his mistake and used his divine energy so she could calm down.

When Flavio finally hugged her while he apologized to her for having come down in that irresponsible way, Tania did not want to answer Flavio because feeling Flavio"s arms hugging her gave him confidence and he liked it.

Flavio continued to hug her and whispered in her ear "Come with me Tania we have to talk."

Tania nodded and followed Flavio, Ramiro, on the other hand, decided to go play with Miyuki as it seemed he was having fun in a small pyramid while making some strange movements.

The two sat on the edge of the pyramid "Tania when we get to our home, most likely my whole family is waiting for us, including my daughter Felix.

I only ask you if Felix throws himself on you to hug you. Please don"t bother she because she will confuse you with his mother ... "

Tania put her finger in Flavio"s mouth and shook her head "Flavio don"t worry, I owe you a lot since I rescue you from my little brother and it wouldn"t bother me to receive your daughter"s hug."

Flavio was much calmer and decided to continue talking with Tania for a while when a demon interrupted his talk since the portal was ready.

It was time to go home ...