Nova Roma

Chapter 243

After talking with their wives about their pregnancy processes and touching their bellies to see if he could feel the babies, it was time to work and catch up on the affairs of the empire.

One of the most important issues was that for a few weeks the temperature dropped and the first snow began to fall, for the Romans it was quite normal but for the Anahuacas natives it was somewhat surprising.

Miyuki led Flavio to his new office which was located in the upper part of the palace when he entered he was surprised to see the pretty fancy decoration, walls covered in gold with a very well done painting.

Pink Marble floors brought from Insulae Canibalium and some jade and marble figures, perhaps the most surprising is the windows which have a stained gla.s.s window that tells the story of the founding of Nova Roma in small vignettes.

Miyuki turned to see her husband "You like what we did for your office, we wanted to add many more things but we thought it would be too much for what you have the last word."

Flavio was surprised and smiled as he hugged Miyuki in the back "It"s perfect as they did it, I don"t think I need anything else except your presence.

You know how sad it was to see the Miyuki of the place where I went, a girl with a life already made which was treated by her brothers as garbage, reaching the point of punis.h.i.+ng her just because she refused to do things.

I was about to kill Amaterasu but I held back because Miyuki was hurt, by the way how she is on time. "

Miyuki turned around and laid her head on Flavio"s chest "It"s quite weird to have my other self but Amaterasu and Susanoo are quite happy since they didn"t take long to get attached to her.

He was only surprised when he saw our son Mario, something we decided is for her to adopt her middle name Akiko and I will continue using Miyuki so we don"t get confused. "

Flavio smiled and stroked his wife"s back "I have two gifts for you, one is personal and the other is a gift that I know you will like because you don"t close your eyes."

Miyuki closed his eyes and could feel that Flavio placed an ornament on his hair "It cost me a lot of work but after disbursing some gold coins and asking Vel for help they handed it to me."

Miyuki opened her eyes and took the hand mirror that Flavio was offering when she saw the ornament that was in her hair her tears began to come out "You remembered it I thought you didn"t remember it"

Flavio cleaned Miyuki"s tears with his hand "What kind of husband would he be if he didn"t remember what you once asked while we are on our second date in Huasca 1 , but this isn"t the only thing I have to give you."

Flavio appeared three sacks, which Miyuki looked at with doubt but after checking them he realized that they had Rice seeds "I know it is cheating since we did not go to j.a.pan or some Asian nation for the seeds.

But if life gives you opportunities, you have to take advantage of them, since otherwise, it would be a waste, you can ask Taneri to take care of the rice, I also have other plants but let Taneri come and feel like a girl in a candy store.

I also have gifts for Admés, but we can leave that for later since I don"t think the empire in these months has been quiet. "

Miyuki shook his head as he separated from Flavio and looked for a report to give it to him. "We had a problem with a plague of Ixpustequis on the border which destroyed some villages.

But thanks to the timely intervention of Idril with the inquisition the situation could be controlled, there was also an attack by the cursed jungle on the southern border, the attack was repelled without difficulty.

The soldiers found that those who attacked the wall of Troy were giants and slaves in an advanced process to become plants, Taneri said that possibly on a final trail of conscience they decided to escape to die at the hands of our soldiers.

Autopsies revealed that the process of becoming a plant was extremely painful because it causes the bones to be decalcified while being replaced by tree bark.

So with the live bone, the sensation of having a bark growing on the outside caused them inhuman pain throughout their skeleton, there is also the replacement of blood with chlorophyll.

With which the body does not receive the nutrients it needs which causes deficiencies in the body of the person and causes the organs to fail, they are a kind of zombies but they are still alive and have to change.

Poor b.a.s.t.a.r.ds without luck, having a life like that can only be a h.e.l.l where their only salvation is to die at the hands of anything to avoid pain. "

When Miyuki just spoke, he pulled a lot of doc.u.ments from the furniture behind the desk. "That was the most relevant thing that happened but it is not all, our snow preparation seems to work.

We have only received 60 cases of influenza and 4 pneumonia throughout the empire, all from a large number of refugees from the north, the refugee population has already reached 800,000 people.

The representatives of the provinces have made it difficult for me to share the population since everyone wants a population for their benefits, something beneficial is that thanks to the cold, the population spends more time together and we have had an increase in pregnancy cases. "

Flavio was happy with this news since a nation without a population will not be able to expand and if it does not expand its destiny is to be conquered by another "As we are in Miyuki food the plan we devised to avoid famines is working ..."

Magic village in Hidalgo a state of Mexico ;)