Nova Roma

Chapter 252

The warriors were surprised when they saw the beautiful structure of the palace full of snow, they had heard from their leader Hanovi about the grand palace of quartz but being able to see it surprised them.

They pa.s.sed the quartz bridge that connected to the city of Texcoco and were surprised to see the snow-free road, not only that but the statues of warrior women were amazing.

When they pa.s.sed through the gates of the wall they could see the beautiful courtyard of the palace which had a small white Maguey in the center.

Once they reached the entrance of the palace, they went down and were met by the Praetorian guard who guided them on their way to the inner courtyard of the palace to meet Flavio.

The warriors walked through the beautiful palace until they reached the inner courtyard which was at a temperature of at least 20 degrees they could see the emperor"s little children training with a white and bearded man.

They also saw the emperor helping his baby Bastet swim in the pool in the courtyard, the empresses were resting while one of them was holding a small baby.

The warriors a.s.sumed that the little girl was the daughter of her G.o.ddess, but they dared not go through why they could feel that two pairs of eyes saw them from the shadows.

Cyrus and Nacim observed the warriors who had arrived, despite not representing a danger to the emperor or his family, as immortals have to prevent the emperor or his family from staining their hands.

Also, something that surprised the warriors was the two gigantic dogs that rested on the ground, the dogs had three heads each but they knew they could die at any time if the dogs attacked them.

Flavio left the pool after being informed of the arrival of the warriors while his little Bastet was holding his father"s head, after walking through the soft gra.s.s of the courtyard he arrived before the warriors.

"Welcome, you are the warriors that Hanovi sent to take care of little Aule accompany me."

The warriors followed Flavio and followed him until he reached where Aule was lying with Miyuki, the 4 warriors swelled when they felt the baby"s divine energy.

They knew she was the daughter of the G.o.ddess Naturae, Miyuki looked at them with curiosity for a moment but then she continued hugging her baby daughter, she had to take advantage of the time with Aule why later it was death"s turn.

Who wanted to learn to take care of the baby so that when his son or daughter was born he could do it without problems.

Flavio smiled "Boys will have to train with the Praetorians to prove that they can be the guardians of little Aule, you can monitor how it grows but they will not be able to interfere with their normal daily life.

Unless there is a danger to his life, you understood. "

The warriors with their heads bowed nodded and retreated to the Praetorian barracks to begin their training, on the way they could see some servants who were quite scary.

The only one that didn"t seem scary was a maid who seemed to be pregnant who was helping a young man put some things in the palace.

Alessio was placing some tubes that were necessary for the proper functioning of the Baths in the palace while his wife was helping him "Acacia you can pa.s.s me the copper pipe.

We have to give thanks that the G.o.d pilcoatl and the axolotls for making a magnificent construction otherwise we would have to suffer to find the error. "

Acacia moved her silver hair and smiled as she pa.s.sed the pipe that Alessio needed "By the way how is our father."

Alessio wiped his sweat with his hand "Very well it seems that he is working with Admés to replicate one of the many artifacts that Emperor Flavio brought, by the way, I heard that Minister Taneri would come today."

"The emperor has called her as she plans to show them some things, I"m not sure but I know she can mark a breakthrough in Rome."

Alessio just placed the pipe and prepared to continue his maintenance work when he could see that the Praetorians entered with Taneri who was quite happy.

Taneri had a smile on his face which was a product that today he could see the seeds and different plants that Flavio brought from the world where he was.

Just a few hours before Praetorian guards handed her the rice and the method of cultivation, for Taneri the rice was surprising since its cultivation was something new.

The closest thing was the cultivation in chinampas, but the difference is that the plant only has the root in the water, which makes a symbiosis where everyone benefits.

But rice cultivation is different and needs water to grow at first, its care was surprising perhaps the only plant that can compare with its beginning is Amaranth, but Amaranth only needs moist soil.

While rice requires water, she feels the life of the rice seeds that the emperor gave him, although some seeds only had a life but not something that allowed them to communicate with them.

She used his magic to grow the two types of seeds while providing them with necessary nutrients, the result was somewhat surprising but quite sad.

The seeds that only lived produced more rice but the seeds that could communicate produced healthier plants that produced less rice.

At that moment he realized some words Flavio had said years ago "It is important that you monitor the sustainable growth of the empire if it is not done that way we will only consume resources in irresponsible ways.

When we cannot consume with the natural we will make modifications to the plants and animals, so that they produce more and with shorter times.

If we can avoid reaching these extremes we can move forward in symbiosis with nature, your duty and that of the following generations of ministers of agriculture and environmental care is to protect us from abusing resources and starting our race to extinction. "

Taneri followed the guards and reached the inner courtyard where he could see the entire imperial family enjoying the heated patio.

Flavio who was preparing some fillets of bear and sausage of wild boar realized that Taneri had arrived and went to receive it ...