Nova Roma

Chapter 253

Taneri greeted Flavio and the girls who were resting "You don"t want to join us for breakfast Taneri, I"m sure you didn"t have breakfast for the trip."

When Flavio said that Taneri realized that she had eaten absolutely nothing, Quirino reminded her to have breakfast but was too happy to worry about having breakfast.

"If I"m not a nuisance to you, I"d love to."

h.e.l.lena put her arm on Taneri"s neck "Don"t say that Taneri, you, Azalea and Admes are family to us, they can always come without any problem."

Taneri felt his chest warm by h.e.l.lena"s comment and decided to enjoy Flavio"s meal, something that surprised Taneri was seeing the new members of the Flavio and h.e.l.lena Family.

Perhaps most surprising was little Aule who was a pretty baby, there was also the death that was surprisingly beautiful but gave her a feeling that being close to her was dangerous.

The only ones who did not seem to fit into the family were Ramiro and Tania who, despite not being G.o.ds but ordinary humans, enjoyed the highest treatment, something that he noticed is that Tania and Flavio seemed to be developing a relations.h.i.+p.

Taneri knew Flavio and knew that it would be a matter of time before Tania will be part of Flavio"s family, the only thing she did not understand how Flavio has the patience for so many children.

She and Quirino have planned to have their first child but it is not something simple since they are advising about the care a baby needs, but Flavio seems not to stop the baby factory, on the contrary, it seems to increase it and its appearance is the same.

Flavio is an example of a father, unfortunately, it is not perfect because it has many mistakes, but perhaps it is what makes it a true example for the men of the empire.

After finis.h.i.+ng the delicious food Flavio appeared the dessert, a yogurt that had pineapple, for Taneri it was somewhat rare the fruit that had the yogurt, but for Flavio"s wives or their children, it was normal.

This is because the world of the G.o.ds has all the fruits but they cannot be brought to the real world because by doing so they would become ashes.

The sweet taste of yogurt with the pineapple warnings surprised Taneri who continued to eat with great enthusiasm, h.e.l.lena saw her friend eat yogurt like a little hamster and let out a small laugh.

When the meal was over Flavio asked Taneri to accompany him to show him all the plants he had, h.e.l.lena carrying the little Bastet decided to accompany Taneri so he could see his surprise with everything Flavio brought him.

In the office, h.e.l.lena took a seat on her husband"s legs "Alright Taneri let"s start with the fruits and vegetables I brought."

Flavio appeared different fruits and vegetables that made Taneri look at them with enough surprise, among all the fruits and vegetables he saw, he was surprised by yellow fruit.

"What kind of fruit is Flavio, it has a very pretty color."

Flavio smiled "It is a banana, a tropical fruit with a rather sweet taste and whose flavor is quite delicious, it is a source of pota.s.sium as are the potatoes.

You can try it I have more banana in case you want to grow them, the seeds are small and they are inside the banana. "

Taneri with the guide of Flavio hair the banana and looked at the yellow color of the banana to take a bite, the sweet and pasty taste of the banana gave his taste buds a new taste sensation.

It did not take long to finish the banana, under the pretext of a.n.a.lyzing it, another one was eaten only with the difference that a.n.a.lyzed the seeds at the center of the banana, she realized that only one-third of the seeds were functional to be harvested.

Fortunately, she was the one who would try to sow it, so she could guarantee to sow one hundred percent of that third of the seeds.

The next fruit he decided to try was one that looked like cider but was more round and green, Flavio told him it was a lemon which had a lot of vitamin C.

Taneri broke it in half and then smelled it and he certainly tried it, the acid taste made her make faces but he could know that this fruit would be very valuable because there are very few fruits that can give vitamin C, it will be perfect for sailors.

Flavio gave her a salt shaker and put salt in Taneri"s lemon so she could taste it that way, the taste had changed completely, it was still acidic but it was a rich acid, she asked if the lemon with the Jicama and chili powder would be A good combination.

After tasting the fruit that looked like lemon but in yellow and larger, Flavio told him it was orange so that she will enjoy its flavor better this time Flavio appeared a small fret of chili powder.

Taneri did not like spicy much, but from h.e.l.lena"s face he knew it was not spicy, so in his split orange, he put some chili powder and took a bite out of the orange.

The acidic but spicy flavor of the orange for the chili took Taneri to another world for the taste, without worrying that they saw her eat the orange with everything and seeds for the delicious flavor.

When she finished she could feel his lips that burned a little but he does not regret, she liked the taste so much that he asked: "Flavio how this chili powder is made, I want to do it at home to try my husband"s useless, I am sure that He will love it."

Flavio let out a little laugh "It"s supposed to be a secret but I can say that has Guajillo pepper, dried lemon, and salt.

Do not worry, the imperial family will sell it so that everyone can appreciate its flavor but for you, it will be completely free "

In front of Taneri appeared a jar with chili powder that she does not hesitate to take, she wanted to try it if with apples it would taste equally delicious.

After trying different fruits and vegetables Flavio appeared some plants, such as the Camellia Sinensis plant that produces green tea and black tea.

Flavio does not like matcha 1 much more and enjoys the taste of black tea, but Miyuki loves green tea, which is why this plant can increase the variety of flavors that exist in the Empire.

The other two plants are important but one of them needs special care before being planted, the first is the camphor tree from which camphor can be obtained that has different uses while the other is eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus needs to be sown carefully because it acidifies the soil and kills any plant around it, but its function as a repellent will be perfect to control the pests of the Yucatan Peninsula where the jungle is quite lush ...

Green te