Nova Roma

Chapter 293

Miyuki wiped the sweat from his forehead and hugged Flavio from behind "Flavio we have to heal your energy channels because are destroyed.

If it is not for Amanda and me you could explode again, we have to work with you in another way. "

Amanda who was holding Flavio"s hand looked at her mother "There is something I can help, I don"t want my father to suffer again."

"There is a way but it will be painful for Flavio but it is the only option available.

We will have to use the elementary stones that we have obtained over the years to use them to rebuild the interior of your father.

It will be a painful task because the energy channels are in the soul so Flavio can suffer but it is the only option. "

Flavio smiled and took Miyuki"s arm and Amanda"s hand "I"ll do what it takes no matter how much it hurts, I don"t think it"s as painful as being in magma or exploding."

Miyuki nodded and the three separated after dividing some tasks to prepare the painful recovery of Flavio"s divine energy channels.

For this, Flavio had to bathe and remain naked while lying on a table, Amanda, on the other hand, lit some incenses and lit some candles while she waiting for her mother to start the ritual.

Flavio relaxed at the table and fell asleep until he could hear how Miyuki entered wearing only a priestess costume.

Miyuki could only blush a little after seeing her husband naked after 20 years that she has been separated from him, but she had work to do and she will have time to recover the time lost with her husband.

Amanda also entered and prepared herself by standing next to Flavio to help her mother while performing the ritual.

Miyuki prepared the elementary stones in his hands, she had stones of the different elements: water, earth, fire, and air.

She placed the stones on Flavio"s body, separated it into 4 points which completely covered the body in the head was the stone of the air, in the heart the stone of water.

In Flavio"s p.e.n.i.s, she put the stone of fire and finally the stone of the earth was on his feet.

Miyuki smiled and looked seriously at Flavio. "From now on I will use my divine energy to begin the process of recovering your energy channels.

You may feel immense pain but you don"t have to worry about anything since we are only treating your energy channels.

Amanda may reduce your pain while using the opposite element to maintain balance but the pain will continue to exist until we are done.

I hope you mentally prepared why we are going to start. "

Flavio closed his eyes and prepared to begin to feel the reconstruction process, the first thing he can feel is that each elemental stone began to generate a sensation in his body.

His head felt like he could float while his chest felt full of water, his p.e.n.i.s felt he was warming up while his feet could feel them as if they were in the mud.

But these harmless sensations gradually began to change, the elements began to be more unstable in his body, it was at that moment that Amanda began her work using opposing elements to maintain balance.

At this point in the ritual, Flavio began to feel that the pain was pa.s.sable but still existed, it was not until he heard that Miyuki told him that he would begin to introduce this elemental energy into his body.

Flavio could feel how the elemental energy began to flow into his body were four kinds of pain completely increased, he could feel a river of magma coming from his p.e.n.i.s to his and then pa.s.sed to his bladder.

In his head, the air was stabbing and it was as if his brain was being punished with thousands of needle, in his chest the water was completely was.h.i.+ng all his organs only stopped when he met the water.

But perhaps the most painful part was the feet since the element of the earth created small stones that traveled vein by vein breaking them with ease.

Amanda did the best she could trying to keep the elements in balance but it was costing her a lot, even with the difficulties you continue giving her everything she could until her mother indicated otherwise.

Miyuki continued with the development of the connections of divine energy in Flavio"s body since she had not yet reached the soul first he had to prepare the body and then transfer all the new connections to the soul.

This whole process lasted for a few hours until finally, Miyuki could finish after that he put his hand on Flavio"s forehead "What follows will only be a pain of a few minutes but it will be at the level of your soul.

Be strong my love. "

The pain Flavio felt in his body suddenly stopped, but it was replaced by even more horrible pain. It was not a body ache, it was a pain that transcended and could be felt deep inside.

Flavio wanted to scream, he wanted to move, but he couldn"t, he didn"t have control of his body, somehow he could remember from his muscular memory all the pain he had felt before when he exploded without control.

Fear was about to take control of Flavio but he could feel among all that feeling of pain a connection with his whole family and with it a feeling of warmth and security.

Due to Miyuki"s effort, Flavio"s divine energy could travel through his body without problems, so he also regained the bond of the union with his whole family.

The pain sensation still lasted a little longer before it disappeared completely, Miyuki and Amanda could finally feel the connection with Flavio and their faces let out some tears.

Their efforts had worked, but they were also quite tired so they lay down next to Flavio to be able to sleep peacefully.

Flavio, on the other hand, fell asleep with a smile on his face ...