Nova Roma

Chapter 296

The whole family gathered in the quartz palace while the Gorgon maids were in charge of preparing some hot chocolate and coffee so that the G.o.ds could speak quietly.

Quetzalcoatl and Mayahuel also joined the meeting as they were interested in knowing what happened.

Flavio sat down and began explaining to all of them his great trip that he had included everything he had to suffer to get ahead.

At first, everything looked at him with doubt but Miyuki showed the memories that death had shown him and that was where they understood what had happened to Flavio.

Yuma could not see what happened to his father, because he considers extremely violent, so he only lay on his father"s chest.

Erendida, Bastet and Aule had no problem seeing everything that happened to their father, only that, like their brother, they recharged their father except for Aule who surcharged her mother.

Felix and Mario hugged each other while his face was annoyed all this because they had hatred for the d.a.m.n people who had made their father suffer so much.

While Flavio kept telling his story and everything he lived, the soldiers who were in the city of Teotihuacán were guarding the city walls while it was snowing.

One of the guards a young man named was sitting on one of the wooden towers while his companion was warming up using a brazier "This weather reminds me of my beloved Dacia, cold as h.e.l.l but beautiful and fresh." let out a laugh "It brings back memories of my beloved Gaul Belgium, I still remember the cold nights in the town where we lived, but when the snow began to fall I knew that my father would be back for the Saturnine celebration.

He always arrived after working all year in the Germanic legion ... "

A loud shout interrupted his talk quickly took their crossbows to prepare for what they could see.

When they looked out, they could see a woman who was being eaten by a bear with a white coat.

The poor woman was trying as hard as she could to get her baby away from the jaws since those who were eating her and had already taken out her intestines.

Even though she knew she was going to die, she did everything she could to defend his little daughter from that imposing bear. and his partner prepared the crossbows to start firing on that white bear because they knew it was a bear they decided to shoot the most sensitive parts that had, in this case, were the eyes.

The two aimed their crossbows while the bear was devouring that woman"s intestines and fired their crossbows, the chips went out at full speed and one of them was buried in the bear"s neck.

But the other could completely penetrate the eye of that white bear a great roar released the bear in pain but before he could escape other winds of chips were buried in his body.

In just seconds what was a great white bear turned into a shooting Diana which was lying on the floor next to the woman he had killed.

A group of soldiers with a doctor came out of the walls and headed towards the woman who was without life worried about the life of the little girl who was next to the woman.

In the empire the importance of children is so high that as long as a family has more children it will receive benefits from the empire, to guarantee a population capable of occupying a large amount of land in the empire.

When they arrived the doctor checked the woman"s body to know if she died or had life, unfortunately, she was already dead so she had to focus on the little girl who seemed to have a fever.

The doctor quickly carried her into the city, so she could be treated correctly.

While this was happening the soldiers were in charge of bringing the body of that great white fur bear into the city to be a.n.a.lyzed by the elf belonging to the Inquisition.

They also took the woman"s body into the city so that she could be identified and cremated so that her remains were buried in her place of origin.

This would also allow them to know who the little girl is and if she has a family member with whom she can stay otherwise, the little girl would be sent an orphanage where she would grow up without any kind of lack so that they became an exemplary citizen of the empire.

The elf responsible for the review of the bear realized that the bone structure of the bear was very similar to that of the black bear only that it was bigger but what triggered the alarms was the fact that it had some bone malformations similar to humanoid-shaped of monkey.

This could only mean that they are dangerous and if they are proven it will be impossible to communicate with them for what they are a danger, this information was given to the general in charge of the city who sent it with nahual messengers.

Two Nahuales messenger left the city of Teotihuacán to take the news of the attack, one left for the capital and another for the quartz palace because the news was important because the white fur bear was a new species that they had never seen and potentially dangerous.

If a species like that had been able to arrive, other species could also have arrived which could pose a threat to the security of imperial, so the emperor must be aware.

The path of the Nahual messenger that went out to the Quartz Palace was quite calm only on the way he could see a few soldiers making their guards.

Only he had to stop the city of Texcoco at the request of the members of the Praetorian guard because the emperor was having an important talk with his family and would not receive anyone until it was over.

The messenger had to carry the news but he also understood that when something important happened in the imperial family it was better not to intrude.

Some rumors that ran through the army and kept the secret of the praetorian guard of the inquisitors were that if one has the bad luck of being close to some member of the angry imperial family could die.

The messenger does not know if what is said in the army is true, but, certainly, he does not want to interrupt an important meeting of the imperial family ...