Nova Roma

Chapter 331

After everyone left the interior of the pyramid they met the members of the Alpha legion who were waiting for them at the entrance to the sewers, a young Tribune approached Flavio and greeted him.

"Emperor soldiers have searched house by house in search of lagging beasts, for the moment we have only killed a few that have been captured for review by the biologists of the empire."

Flavio nodded, "Let the troops begin with the cleaning and burial of the dead, the imperial family will bear the damage.

Also that the surviving ministers meet me in the temple of Anubis; by the way, the dead in the imperial palace can bury them in the place; they all fought bravely and deserve the best. "

The tribune greeted and went to give the orders to his soldiers.

After this, the G.o.ds began their way to the temple of Anubis, it was depressing to see the destroyed city and how the legionaries left the houses and buildings carrying bodies of citizens who had died.

Taneri, who was with Quirino and Renzo taking out some bodies were interrupted by a soldier who informed them of the meeting he wanted to hold.

"Soldier, you know how many ministers survived."

The soldier handed Taneri a sheet which was full of crossed-out names; her name, Admes, and Idril were uncrossed.

"There are only three surviving ministers including you, the bodies of the other ministers are trying to recover them to place them in the courtyard of the imperial palace.

It seems that the emperor wants to turn the palace into a mausoleum. "

Taneri clenched his fist but held back his anger and then put his hand on the soldier"s shoulder, "You know something about the dwarfs" workshop."

The soldier who could feel the hate and fear of the minister replied, "The workshop was not damaged and was the safest place in the capital after the temple complex.

Thanks to their efforts many citizens were saved, minister, I would like to give more information, but I have to help in the city cemetery to create graves for our dead. "

Taneri let the soldier go a little quieter. "I"m glad Admes"s wife is saved, we have to move boys.

I"m sure that Idril must already be there, and I don"t want him to think you died Renzo. "

Idril sneezed while he was in the air above one of the Nahuales messengers. "This cold weather is a real ovarian pain, but nothing is comparable to the chaos in the capital.

I hope Taneri and Renzo are okay, things may no longer be as before. "

In the temple of Anubis Flavio, he sat hugging death while h.e.l.lena, Miyuki, was at his side, and on his back was s.h.i.+ni, all resting next to him.

Felix somehow knew that his father and his mothers were emotionally tired; Lucio"s death had mainly affected h.e.l.lena and Flavio.

Apollo was with his hands on his waist as he watched the city come to life "The Romans are strong by nature just like the Greeks."

Mario, who was also watching the soldiers and survivors work, looked at his grandfather "It is surprising because in modern times the reconstruction would have taken time without mentioning that people would be in a panic and the chaos would be theirs.

At least in the first stage. "

"It"s a typical situation even if it doesn"t seem like it, they have all been in some fight indirectly or directly.

With your father in charge, the new generations may be more vulnerable to these scenes, but at the same time, things like this will never happen again.

I will talk to Artemis to allow me to take care of Julia, I don"t want her depressed by Lucio"s death. "

While they were talking, they could see how from heaven a Nahual messenger wanted with Idril, who was on his back.

When Idril undertook off his black scarf and his gloves, his face was somewhat blue due to the cold, but it was not something that would affect his life.

"Glad to see you G.o.d Apollo, you also look great Mario, you know where your father is."

Mario pointed out a place in the temple "He"s taking a little nap with my mothers, but you can warm up with the fire inside until the other ministers arrive."

Idril accepted since she needed to have some heat while trying to keep his calm, as she had seen the damage in the city.

That something like that happened when she was outside, makes her angry because she couldn"t coordinate the defense of the city, the only thing that worried her was that she couldn"t see Lucio anywhere.

While she waited, she could talk to Felix and Quetzalcoatl, who informed him about the state of the city as of Lucio"s death.

This surprised Idril because Lucio"s death made his worst fears come true, she understands why Flavio is sleeping with his wives.

One of the family members died, somehow she has to be thankful that it was Lucio and not Julia or the twins.

Well, if this had happened, it is certain that Flavio would not be sleeping but would have started a blood road until the enemies of the Empire were erased from the map.

Idril knows that she will also look for them to a.s.sure them, but she will do it in a more relaxed and more efficient way.

After talking for some time, they could see how Taneri came to the place which was accompanied by Renzo and Quirino.

Renzo walked and hugged Idril. "I"m glad you are well, my beloved Idril if something had happened to you, my life would be empty."

Idril sighed and stroked her husband"s back "You don"t have to worry about my Renzo, I"m the one who should be grateful to Taneri because she brought you safe and sound.

Knowing you, you would have stayed in your workshop while doing some sculpture that could capture your feelings.

You have to take better care of yourself, Renzo since we have to work hard to be parents, but I don"t want to have to bury your body.

By the way, Taneri, where the other ministers are left behind. "

Idril could not complete his sentence because he could see that Taneri"s face changed completely.

"We"re just you, me, and Admes, everyone else is dead."